This was posted 3 years 1 month 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

700c Road Bike $99 (Save $50) in-Store Only @ Kmart


Product Details
Suitable for ages: 14+ years
Material: Steel
Box dimensions: 133cm (L) x 72.5cm (H) x 19.5cm (W)
Wheel size: 70cm (28-inch)
Maximum weight capacity: 100kg / 220.5lb
Assembly: Required
Adult assembly required
Product weight: 14.8kg
Colour: Black

Also check out for $159 in Blue color (Save $20)

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closed Comments

  • +75

    Anyone else read it as 700cc initially?

    • +1


    • +5

      Yup, was ready to buy one lol

    • +1

      I was expecting to see see an engine on it!

    • +2

      Fk yes…I was thinking $99 for 700cc…Best deal ever

    • +1

      As opposed to 700dorito?

    • +1

      Breast implants?

    • +1

      Same lol

  • Seems to be no stock anywhere.
    Please state where available. Minimum quantity for OzB is usually 10, but for this …

    • +1

      Low stock in Brunswick

  • Seems to be low stock in Rockingham WA.

    • shows low stock at first, but not available at checkout

  • interesting deal. wonder how long it lasts on the road

    • +2

      The deal, or the bike?

      • the deal on the road?!!

    • +7

      I will seriously consider how long the rider can survive riding this quality level bike.

      • you are fine with casual riding. probably not the best if you are trying to win the Santos Tour Down Under.

        • +1

          My neighbour has 2 brand new Kmart/BigW bikes, one with dual suspensions (kids) and the other like a hard trail type Adult. Every time when we go riding, there are always issues with either their bikes or in one instance, both bikes. Pedals fell off while you trying to ride up a bridge, chain constantly fall out at both front and rear cogs, brakes make extreme noise everytime they brake and wheel one of the wheels on the adult bike aren't even true….Bare in mind those bikes they store inside garage and have less than 10 rides… In most cases people who bought those type of bikes, 90% of them will not have any tools/knowledge to fix the issues. In addition, a saddle bag, a multi-tool hex, a spare tube, tyre levers etc would probably costs half the price of those bikes.
          I am not saying everyone should spent $500 + for a bike just for occasional rides, I can understand people have different interference and financial position or need to purchase a few bikes at the same time and can't afford $500 x 3 or 4. It is just that they have to be aware of the potential hazard. At the end, I convince him to purchase a second hand kids bike (Giant 8/10 condition) for $150


      • Rider will probably last longer than the bike

        • +3

          Depends at what speed the bike falls apart

    • +16

      big w/kmart bikes won't snap in half due to being made of heavy steel, but the pedal connections always seem to disintegrate and the pedals literally fall off during rides, and due to the direction, the screw tightens, just by pedalling, slowly unscrews the screw holding it in place.

      that was within the first 3 months. But me being stupid gave it another go later and then…the bit that enables the handle to turn the front wheel failed, imagine my shock riding along when I turn the handbars to the left and discover I have no control and very nearly crashed into a parked car., this is effectively like driving a car and when it time to turn, your steering wheel pops off and you are just clutching it in your hands in true terror.

      This isn't a case of just saving your money folks, there is just a huge lack of safety at this pricepoint that they couldn't even secure the basic driving forces to be reliable. Get a basic model Reid (And DEFINITELY opt for in-store assembly cuz they will get that done real proper.) or something, at least the worst thing that can happen is gear slip.

      I just went ahead and got a base model Trek, cuz in the grand scheme of things, $99 and dead vs $500 bike and alive.

  • +35

    That is a death trap on wheels.
    Forks on backwards as well.

    If you want to die this is a sure fire way of going about it.

    Don't forget a bike shop will charge $50-$100 to assemble it as well if you're not game.
    Or they'll save you the hassle and chuck it in the bin :)

    • +6

      if you can find one, Kmart charges $10 to assemble bike in-store and you can pickup next day.

      • +8

        But who would be assembling it? The kmart bike repair expert that sits in the back waiting for someone to book an assembly?

        • +6

          Johnno from the back.

      • You get what you pay for
        Backwards forks and brakes that dont work n all

        • They are not backwards, You mean SWB?
          well spotted

          • @Nugs: Bahaha good point
            Its the new trend in cycling
            Ultra aero

    • As someone who doesn't know bikes, what exactly is unsafe about it? What do backwards forks do and can they be turned around?

      • +6

        Yes it's just been assembled by an idiot. I'm surprised they got the seat the right way around.

      • Yes, you can turn them back the right way during assembly.

        As to how it rides reversed… Imagine riding a bicycle, but as soon as you turn the handlebars, the steering pulls you to turn further and faster towards whatever direction you chose.

        i.e. It would be the opposite of the 'self centering steering' like you have in a car. Instead of letting go of the wheel, and it centering. Letting go of the steering would make it turn faster into a spin.

        • +1

          Right right.

          But then what else about it is unsafe given the forks can be rectified and it was just built by an idiot

          • +1

            @cooni: As long as it's correctly built, it should work fine.

            • @metalslaw: Debatable
              Saw enough of these come through the shop after a few rides with brakes literally falling apart at the bolts
              Rusting after a month
              Wheels that were untrue after a month and that needed replacing

              Endless problems

      • +1

        Alfoil rims

      • +1

        Kmart bikes are genuinely terrible.

        A friend of mine got one, any adjustments caused problems. The quality of the bolts tends to be terrible. Things like the seat pole are not strong enough.

        The gears on the bike just gave way.

        If you want a cheap bike new get Reid Cycles or something.

      • Obviously a very different bike, but gives some idea of the problems

    • Death trap? A little melodramatic. Those steel frames are heavy, but not especially prone to failure.

      Forks on backwards as well.

      Yeah, maybe don't get K-mart to assemble it :-)

      The blue one looks a lot better. 60% more, but worth it, even if only used for short rides to the train station.

      • +4

        Friend used one of the discount bikes and it worked for a while until all of the sudden he had the handlebars in his hand coming off the frame and crashed.

        On another occasion one of the cheap mountainbike's frame broke (silly him it wasn't made for mountainbiking).

        This bike will just go to shit and you'll had riding it.

        • Handlebars coming off the frame is probably whoever 'assembled' it didnt tighten the headset.

          • @mycosys: could be, or the components were shit. At this level of bike the majority of components will be to spec rather than to component e.g. it will say 100mm stem it won't say 100mm stem from john's stems, so a factory will just shop for the cheapest 100mm stems they can find and do some very basic (if any) quality control.

            Hex bolts that are sort of 6mm ish, collars that are very soft and will bend, spoke nipples that will round when you try and tighten them. It is possible to assemble a bike at this level so that it is safe and runs ok but it isn't particularly quick and with all the cheap bolts and keys you will find stuff rounds out if you keep working on it over and over.

            I think reid are doing an ok job of bikes at a price point, not perfect by any stretch but you have to make compromises for sub $1k bikes and they seem to make them in reasonably intelligent ways.

    • Lol I looked again and the fork is on backwards!! Genius reverse engineering to avoid copyright of its closest competitor garden ornament

    • A death trap it is, my reasons above.

      • You think it is good for a tour down under?

        • +4

          Tour 6feet down under the ground maybe

    • and then it'll resurface on Facebook Marketplace, priced at $250 and titled generically 'road bike' or 'racer'

    • -7

      fake news, forks are not on backwards. i would agree with you if the brakes are on backwards, but the forks are fine.

      • My experience with assembling crappy department store bikes is that the brakes themselves are usually mounted to the fork out of the box. They are usually crappy cantilever brakes and all you have to do is hook the cable through.

        Plus if there is a decal on a fork, almost always the print is oriented so that the tops of the letters are facing forward.

      • +1

        The forks are definitely not fine
        Brakes are right (but still terrible)
        Look at the offset it sits too close to the frame

        • -3

          forks are the right way. look at where the skewers go. it is tilted forward the way it should be. if it was backwards it would face the other way and your tyre would install fall off if that skewer was loose. if it was facing forward, it wouldn't fall off immediately.

          also the forks are curved, so if you flip it, it would still be exactly the same, lol.

          • +1

            @Hugh G Rection: I cant see any skewer, it looks like the front wheel is fastened with lug nuts (better carry that spanner in case you have a flat tyre I suppose). Also, if you were to flip the brakes around, judging from the angle, I dont think that the brake shoes will sit level with the rims, I think they would be too high.

            In any event I think we have all been looking at the front end of this terrible bike for far too long.

          • +1

            @Hugh G Rection: Ah sorry no
            Forks are asymmetric and staggered

          • +3

            @Hugh G Rection: Don’t think you know what you are talking about. The forks are clearly on backwards. This has caused the head angle to be wrong to the point the tyre is almost rubbing on the down tube.

      • The forks might not be backwards but the front brake definitely is. I’d like to see the turning circle with those cables in the way lol.

        • +1

          Forks are definitely backwards
          Brakes are correct

  • +1

    15kg, ouch

    • +2

      My hardtail MTB with Rockshox is 2kgs lighter than this!

    • makes for a great workout, lol.

  • +13

    Dont waste your money on landfill, unless you're specifically wanting a rust-bucket with a blown out bottom bracket as a garden ornament.

    • +1

      Also suitable as a Jesus sign bike.

    • What would you recommend at this price point or is this okay?…

      • For casual riding Reid bikes are just fine. For regular commuting I'd definitely look elsewhere, like Giant

      • I would consider that bike at the same price point as the OP

    • +6

      If you are not obese, and just want to replace the 2km walk to the train, what's the issue?

      • Totally agree, the heavy frame will make your muscle stronger too.

      • only issue i can see is if you commute to work during the usual hours and its always a full-blown full train, then it really sucks to have a bike like this.

        Folding bike will make it a lot less hassle.

        • +2

          You don't take bikes on the train at peak hours!

        • +1

          This bike will be far less likely to get stolen so you don't need to take it on train

          • @Tleyx: Dunno where your shady peps live, but mine are not educated Enough to know the difference between cheap and expensive bikes, they will steal anything not bolted down

            • @dbmitch: We have bike lockers at my station. Perth.

              • @bargaino: If only SA could be as good, most bike lockers are at the end of the line.

    • whats a decent beginner bike for say under $300? the aldi one?

      • +8

        Get this one especially if you are only riding to the train station. No one will steal it so a peace of mind.

      • +5

        The ALDI one is really good. Polygon in general makes pretty good bikes which are good value for money.

        That said there's like a 3x price difference between the two. If you actually don't care and just want something to ride on this will be fine. We all rode far worse bikes than this as kids and we survived

        • haha, oh yeah. I remember having a heavy as hell, Mongoose (when they were not brought up by Big W) BMX with a solid one piece handle/front fork piece, single gear, welded pedals and the only brake you had was to stop the pedals.

          Customisable? Le nope!

          Safe? Hell no, going down a hill the welded pedals RPM went out of control.

          Crash into the metal dumpsters at the end of the cul-de-sac multiple times and leave with only minor brain damage and an intact bike? You bet.

    • no kidding, I had a Big W mountain bike, didnt ride it much and had it in the garage out of the elements, thought I'd try it again last year and it had rusted through, no idea how. Just bought a cheap Reid and while it cost more than a big box store bike, very, very noticable difference in build quality overall, and this is just an entry level bike.
      I'd never go back to these rustbuckets

  • +9

    Better off looking at used bikes on Facebook tbh. You'll be able to find lighter frames with a better groupset for a bit more

    • +1

      I definitely would have recommended this a few years ago, though these days used bike prices are fairly inflated. Also it's easy for beginners to get ripped off with worn parts that are expensive to replace.

  • +2

    Wow, a full scale model of a bicycle! If only it worked like one for that price…

    • +6

      Lol $2,000 bikes are also made in China. So what's your point

      • Add an extra zero to that and it is still quite accurate (assembly notwithstanding).

        This bike sucks though.

      • +1

        The guy probs has a house with more than half their stuff made in china and just is ignorant as heck about it.

      • +1

        To be fair, branded $2K bikes are more likely to be made in Taiwan. But $2K from China will get you a pretty decent value for money carbon frame or wheelset that punches above its weight.

    • -1

      Troll lol

  • Pair this thing with a Tarocash slack / jacket sale set, you're good for both your court appearance and resulting license disqualification sub-$200.

  • +6
    • +1

      Please read this ^ its relevant

    • +1

      Yes!! Invest in a bike that will last more than a month, and don't contributing to landfill which is inevitably where all of these bikes will end up within the year…

  • I think this would be considered decent in some parts of the world. Just don't trust the kid who assembled it for $14/hr.

    • +2

      To be fair, this bike would not last long on third world rough roads, frequently carrying heavy loads or more than one person.

      • +1

        Single gear, simple as heck bikes are favoured.

        • Even then, they're pretty poor. The myths about farmers carrying pigs to market on Flying Pigeon bikes are mostly that - peasants don't buy them because they're reliable, they buy them because they are cheap and in a communist state you may not have an alternative.

          People in Africa make their own cargo bikes out of tropical hardwood. They're not cheap (about $100 USD), and they're not exactly reliable, but they won't crap themselves and die in the first three months under heavy loads, unlike cheap roadsters from India and China.

  • +7

    Please don't buy these. The components are horrible and the bikes are very heavy

  • +6

    Pure garbage. Wall-E will be sifting through these pieces of crap in the centuries to come.

    • Agreed. It's just landfill.

  • +1

    Forks are on backwards in the photos lol! Rider beware buying a bike assembled by Kmart staff. That's just an accident waiting to happen.

  • +2

    The forks on this being assembled backwards in the photos has been a joke in cycling circles for a while.

    Still not worth it with the 33% off. Unless you know a thing or two (hundred) about bike assembly and general bike mechanics, in which case you wouldn't be in the market for this bike anyway.

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