Hi everyone,
I know some/many/all Snow Foam Manufacturers recommend that you apply Snow Foam onto a dry car, but to me it seems reasonable to wash off any loose dirt and dust first. A gentle rinse stream shouldn't cause the dirt to scratch the paint as it runs off and any water that is left before you apply the snow foam would hardly dilute the foam.
What are your thoughts?
Do You Rinse Your Car before You Apply Snow Foam?

Poll Options
- 60What is Snow Foam?
- 42Yes, Rinse before Snow Foam
- 20No, I Apply Snow Foam as per Manufacturer Instructions lest I get struck down by the Car Care Gods.
I'm not so sure the instructions are optimal. The reason is marketing.
Consumers prefer not to pre-rinse (with a house) a pre-wash.
Having said that most people who own a foam cannon wouldn't let their car get that dirty where a pre-rinse would make a difference.
I don't think marketing is the main reason. Like some of the comments below have said, the goal is to have as much 'dwell time' or contact between the foam (cleaning compounds) and the dirt.
The theory is that if the foam is applied to an already wet car, is that the foam will run-off the car at a faster rate, resulting in the dirt having less exposure to the cleaning product.
Most/if not all, car detailing youtubers I've watched foam onto a dry car, for the reasons above.
The theory is that if the foam is applied to an already wet car, is that the foam will run-off the car at a faster rate, resulting in the dirt having less exposure to the cleaning product.
Exactly this reason I don't rinse first.
That makes sense.
Anyway no foam cannon.
That reminds me to wash my car which occurs about as frequently has the changing of the seasons.. haha
The whole idea of the snow foam is a pre wash. As it runs off it takes loose and large particles with it. Rinsing first won't hurt but it will take a little extra time and I doubt adds any benefit. I may do it if the car were especially dirty but otherwise no, I don't rinse first.
I don't wash my car often, so yes, I rinse the car first because it's dirty enough that a rinse makes a noticeable difference.
Nothing wrong with a pre-rinse. I don't do it myself because I feel it's a waste of time and water.
Snow foam goes on dry paint, you want the foam to stick to your car and dwell for as long as possible. Rinsing/wetting the car first only makes the foam run off the paintwork faster and doesn't give it enough time to properly dwell and soften dirt, bugs, etc. You won't hurt your paint work by rinsing it first, it just makes your foam step less effective.
I wonder if this is what I've been doing wrong all along. The other thing I've noticed is that snow foam uses a truckload of detergent and still isn't very bubbly. Is that normal?
That is not normal. It should go on fairly thick. Don't expect bubble bath type suds, but it should turn any colour car into a 'white car'. The suds should mostly run-off the car after about 5 minutes.
Less than 5 minutes if you pre-rinse
I found the Bowden snow foam cannon generates excellent foam, while the Karcher and Gerni ones didn't work well.
Yeh that's right, you need a 'proper' snow foam cannon. The ones included with pressure washes are not good.
I would say the issue is either your snow cannon is faulty/crap or pressure washer doesn't produce enough pressure.
How much pressure is enough?
This is what I doing incorrect. No water on foam then
No use as you need to power hose the foam off anyways.
Why not rinse it the day before to remove any large bits of dirt before white foaming dry?
Here is a great (very short) demonstration video on the different between wet/dry snow foam, in terms of its effects on 'dwell time' (how well the foam sticks to the surface)
Rinse my car before washing (foaming).
Rinse my dishes before going into the dishwasher (yes, Finish says otherwise and sorry for those farmers etc where there is a lack of water but I don't use the dishwasher until its full, which is maybe once every 5 days).
Rinse my bike before washing (foam).
and of course - rinse myself before washing! lol… :)That makes too much sense. The dishwasher advice to not rinse is to save on water, but if you're after the surest clean, rinsing makes sense. You may get the same result if you scrape down the dishes of any solids.
I remember my Chemistry teacher saying that you get better dilution from multiple rinses compared to one rinse with the same amount of water that you would've used in total from the multiple rinses.
No need to. Never have and never will. The more dwell time the better.
My routine is:
Pressure wash debris off. I have bad brake dust so I'll remove as much shit as possible early. I don't need crap going back onto paint later.
Wash off.
2 bucket.
Top with Si02 coating.Works better with no pre rinse, and with no wind, out of sun and fairly cool.
Snow foam is designed to remove dirt without damaging the paint.
A gentle rinse stream shouldn't cause the dirt to scratch the paint as it runs off
You would need a lot of water for this. Snow foam with pressere wash will use less water.
I'll ask the car detailers who do my car what their thoughts are…….
Skip sno foam completely -
My car is only ever lightly dirty.Spray rinse before 3 bucket wash over Bowdens Wet Dreams.
55 minutes for maintenance wash and dry with Big Green Sucker.Foam canon then rise…..But must Wax on / Wax off…..Thank you….
Snow Foam - the biggest con job created by car care companies to date. Blowing foam onto your car is supposed to perform miracles by mysteriously loosening the dirt that spraying with water will not……..hahahahahaha if you believe that then you must believe in the tooth fairy.
So you wash your clothes, dishes and yourself with just water?
Basic chemistry, when you mix soap with road grime, grease, and oil the soap molecules dislodge the dirt, grease, and oil and encapsulate it.
Water alone will not completely remove dirt, grease and oil, even high pressure water.
you must believe in the tooth fairy.
And I believe in Santa.
Are you OK…. do you need medical assistance…..
Of course they mean a DRY CLEAN car.Why would you apply to a dirty vehicle…. are you sure you can do the job?
4th option required:
No, I apply Snow Foam as per Manufacturer Instructions because they of all people know how their product works best :)