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Fireball 5.25L Keg $279.20 ($272.22 with eBay Plus) Delivered @ BoozeBud eBay


You never asked for it but they created it.

Is it cheaper than buying individual bottles? Probably not.

Will this assert your dominance at any party? Absolutely.

THE EXTREMELY LIMITED FIREBALL 5.2L KEGS ARE LIVE & ON FIRE - N.B Available for delivery from Monday 17th January*

Original Coupon Deal

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Referee gets 15% off their first order (Min Spend $150). Referrer gets 200 points worth $10 store credit.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    If only it shipped to my location. Seriously good stuff.

  • I don’t think they are refillable unfortunately and considering they retailed for $75 USD last year I’m a bit reluctant on this deal (though I don’t dispute it is, considering the AUD RRP is $350). With extra excise + exchange rates it would be around $150-$170 AUD, Australia tax is $100+ even with the deal.

    • +55

      Alcohol is cheaper in America? Please tell us more.

      • +16

        Everything is cheaper in America. Especially people - I mean labour.

        • +32

          Except medical… Got you there 😁

          • +4

            @quikstix: Why fix things when you can just replace them for cheaper….

            • +2

              @Baghern: I just got that you are referring to replacing people as manual labour units to the upper class in the same way that average people replace broken items with new, in a disposable economy. Brilliant.

          • @quikstix: Only if you are poor. If you are a rich worker with great insurance provided by your workplace it is basically free.

            • +1

              @serpserpserp: While I’m sure there are edge cases, not usually the case I’m afraid, and not just poor people. There is little incentive for corporations to take on the extra expense of providing comprehensive health coverage - particularly when a major illness (e.g cancer) could run up a tab well over a million dollars.

              Although if you’re rich I suppose most things seem quite inexpensive.

            • @serpserpserp: Not quite true, had a mate who has a great job and great insurance. Got cancer still ended up over 10k out of pocket

            • @serpserpserp:

              If you are a rich worker with great insurance provided by your workplace it is basically free.

              That's not true.

              I know people who have been worse off after they moved to workplace provided insurance.

              Copays costing more than the prescription was with no insurance.

              Treatment costs at hospital being higher through insurance, the deductable was still higher than the treatment without insurance.

          • @quikstix: But comes with free Covid

        • +3

          Not in tech. Tech people get paid peanuts here.

      • +2

        My Great Uncle Al can get it pretty cheap. He has 4 bath tubs and heaps of copper pipe in his garage, he's a potato farmer.

    • +24

      Excise on this alone is $154 (5.250L * 33% alcohol * $88.91 per litre of pure alcohol). Add about $105 AUD for $75 USD then factor in US sales tax (varies by state) and the shipping costs and this is cheaper than a $75USD deal.

      edit: Hell, this is 7.5 bottles of fireball, works out at about $36 a bottle. Cheaper than a lot of deals on here have been in the past. All you need to do is like Fireball and probably be named Chad or something.

      • -2

        Is this stuff pure alcohol? I thought most booze here is 40%?

        • Pure alcohol like ethanol? 🤔

          • -1

            @ChadHominem: the calculation for excise on this appears to be for pure alcohol so I was asking if this deal is pure? If not, does the excise calculation change? Or maybe I'm just misreading the comment and the amount is the equivalent if it were pure…yep, just read it more closely…solved!

            • +4

              @Ben Kenobi: It's 33%, that's why they're multiplying the tax per litre of pure alcohol by 33%

    • +1

      I don’t think they are refillable

      If you can get liquid out then you can get it back in

      • +8

        Toothpaste? Ejaculate?

        • +24

          I'd rather refill it with fireball, but you do you.

        • +2

          Two perfect examples of why 'can' doesn't mean 'should'.

        • Just use a needleless syringe, fill it with substance and then push it back into container

          But for the love of god wash it first…

  • +2


  • +3

    Lightweight baby ain’t nothing but a peanut

  • +4

    Equates to $36 per 700ml.

    • +4

      Yeah.. But the 1L bottles equate to $35.19 per 700ml

      • where would you find that? Dan Murphys is showing $70 per Litre?

        • We're talking price per 700ml.

          Boozebud ebay, 1L bottle $64-discount=$50 per L
          x0.7 = $36 per 0.7L

      • Thanks! Bought the 1L to try.

  • Bought 3. Thanks!

  • +1 because of the description. I tried Fireball in the local pu, taste good though but holy fork it’s 1 keg!

  • -2

    The oxygen that slowly enters the keg when you decant will degrade the taste over time. Just like cask wine, first glass is the best, last glass the worse. It all depends on how fast you drink it, and if you drink it straight

    • +5

      I don't get what you are saying.
      No air enters the bladder with cask wine (unless you are doing it wrong).
      Similarly, my half open whiskey in bottles taste fine, even though they now have half air in them.

      • -1

        No air enters the bladder with cask wine

        Small amounts of air will enter.

        my half open whiskey in bottles taste fine, even though they now have half air in them.

        Fine to you, but the quality of the liquor will degrade. Go research about it if you’re interested.

        • +1

          This is almost correct. If anyone wants to look it up then the two things to Google are oxidation & the angels share. The only error is that some alcohol needs oxidation to develop its flavour and lose the harshness.

          I had one particular bottle of whisky drastically change flavour several times. It was drunk very slowly since it was a $400 turd. Almost tipped it out one day when it turned to a Turkish delight flavour. Thankfully that didn't last. Although that's the only whisky I've had that changed so drastically, generally they just develop flavour and lose the alcoholic harshness.

    • +5

      ain't nobody drinking fireball for taste

      • +4

        I do, Cinnamon is the shit!

      • Most people that I know (including myself) do, it's easy to drink straight and great for keeping warm on cold nights!

    • ‘over time’ haha, yeah, this thing is gone a few hours after it’s opened. You don’t buy this like a fine bottle of scotch and have a glass every now and then.

      • +3


        In a few hours?

        • You haven’t met my friends.

    • +2

      It all depends on how fast you drink it,

      If you take a keg to a party and it isn't finished, I believe a curse is placed on you and all your current and future families.

      • If you drink enough there will be likely some additions to future families

  • Why don't bundy release kegs?

    • +5

      Because Bundy is shit & makes very angry drunks

      • +3

        That has to be a myth doesn't it? I mean, maybe bundy drinkers are just more likely to be angry low quality people?

        • -1

          There's no doubt an element of that. And obviously it's only a minority. But i genuinely believe it to be real based on a few people i know. Thankfully only one of them hasn't sworn off Bundy forever.

          Tbh i didn't even know it was a common myth. My comment was purely based on my own observations.

        • +1

          No, no. Bundy is liquid hate.

          I'm just looking for some sort of thing that violates international convention.

      • Alcohol is alcohol. Russians know this

      • +2

        Christmas spice ginger beer hardly seems aggressive

  • Well that's my weekend sorted

    • Smash this on Friday night, wake up Monday morning and wonder what happened to the weekend?

  • +1

    Do like fireballs….if only it wasn't as syrupy sweet…but then I'm just drinking it straight up. Are people adding mixers?

    • +3

      I like it with cloudy apple juice over ice. Or you can try this cocktail. Tastes like apple pie!

  • Is anyone else anaphylactic level alergic to this stuff?

    • I was gifted the 3.5 L box and I probably am now. Still have a lifetime supply.

  • This would be wild for a bucks show I got this year 😂

    Unfortunately, still cheaper to buy 1L bottles with different Cashbacks.

  • +2

    I'd be interested in this if it was American Honey Sting. Ghost Pepper > Cinnamon.

    • -2

      my exact thoughts!

      /me checks diabeetus coverage in PHI

      • seems I rustled some redneck jimmies

  • 5.25L is 7.5 x 700ml bottles. At $44.90 each at Dan Murphy's (used as a baseline), you'd be paying $336.75

    So this is cheaper.. but I just bought 2 x 1L bottles from duty free… what to do now?

    • I was searching for 1L and it was showing as 1L with $47, but then click on the link and it's 700ML bottles.

  • Is this premix?

  • It's actually cheaper per litre in a 3.5L firebox. Same code

    • how? they are not much less than this but 2/3rds the litres

      • Pretty simple.. they are$ 180 for 3.5L = $51.40 per litre vs $272 for 5.25L which is $51.80 per litre. Keg might look good but isn't reusable. Just depends if you really need 5.25L

  • +1

    never had fireball before. bought just to try it.

    • couldn't just buy a 50 ml bottle to try it?

      • +3

        go hard then go home

  • Is this a whiskey

    • Yeah
      But people drink it as shots

    • It's Canadian whiskey based

  • So sad I missed this

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