Back in stock. Cheapest tests atm with high sensitivity.
Mod: TGA - High Sensitivity - Clinical sensitivity greater than 90% PPA.
Back in stock. Cheapest tests atm with high sensitivity.
Mod: TGA - High Sensitivity - Clinical sensitivity greater than 90% PPA.
Looks like it just sold out. Managed to get one 10mins ago.
lol can't believe you got negged
looks sold out too
Sold out in under 4min
And it'ss goooone
This can't just be a live, ongoing thread topic?
12 of these a day for the next 3 months?
feels like so
I thought the rule changes, only certian people can do PCR test now, lib are saving money for their 2000 seats spaceship
accoridng to service NSW
You only need to confirm your positive rapid antigen test with a PCR test if you’re:
• more than 20 weeks pregnant
• an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
• unvaccinated – 16 years and over
• immunosuppressed
• a worker, resident, patient, or client in a high-risk setting where there is not a current outbreak
• asked to by a registered medical practitioner.
That's for confirming a RAT result. According to…
Who should have a PCR test?
You should do a PCR test if:
- you have COVID-19 symptoms, but have tested negative on a rapid antigen test AND are at higher risk of severe disease including those who are pregnant, immunosuppressed, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Pacific Islander, or unvaccinated
- you have symptoms and can’t get a rapid antigen test
- you have been asked to have a PCR test from a health care provider.
"Out of stock everywhere" sounds like "can't get a rapid antigen test" to me.
Sorry, there is insufficient stock for your cart.
Why would you pay money for tests?
If it saves me queuing for 3-4 hours, then yes.
@Thrifty Dan: Source?
Pakenham have been turning people away due to being at capacity BEFORE THEY EVEN OPEN IN THE MORNING.
What would you do?
@Thrifty Dan: So you want to wait in line 3 hours while being sick with a big group of people so we can have a festival of spreading COVID?
I would rather get a test at home and isolate myself.
I would rather get a test at home and isolate myself.
That would be the smart thing to do.
You know some people would rather wait for hours in a queue, and possibly spread their disease just for a free test. SMH!
@Letrico: In Qld, the hospitals are handing out or conducting RATs. Are other states not doing the same?
It's really cut down the PCR testing lines.
@Thrifty Dan: A fair chunk of people can make this amount back with fairly minimal effort. 3 hours worth of lost time is more valuable to some, not to mention the risk of testing positive after queuing in a line of sick people.
If the above doesn't apply to you, then by all means wait in line, no need to badger everyone else without knowing their circumstances. Quite the weird pedestal to stand on.
We get it, you don't need to post it 13 times in one thread.
Not everyone is poor or have time to waste lining up for a pcr test. Rich people value time. Downvotes, bring it on. Troothiness hurts.
Don't forget the third class of people who just won't get tested.
People who are time-poor vs people who are money-poor..
available again now !
it is available from my end….I just placed the order, and I can still add it to my cart
you must be Special then
No stock cannot add to cart
strange, it is available both on my PC and mobile, if you don't mind, you can get a temporsary password and I will place the order for you
Both PC and mobile "Sorry, there's insufficient stock for your cart"
would be risky to do that, you'll then get partial access to his payment and membership and personal details.
That was quick.
Anyone notice no limits .
That is why biz buy the whole jolly lot .
I know its hard for the Govt to regulate limits .
In the listing:
Note: Unfortunately there is a limit of one per member and can't be shipped to WA.
Yeah the listing said 1 per member card, I reckon they will check it as it's high demand
Hmm why not WA they are now legal here.
That's what she said
Oral Fluid
Well that explains why they're taking the piss.
Available 1 hour ago, tips, set alert for it. Costco will send you the message
I had an alert set and got no message from Costco…doh
hmm, there are two testing kit at costco. Did u have online account with them ?
Yep. Have an online account and had setup alerts for both…oh well. Next time….maybe
@vandelay: It keeps coming up as available to cart at the moment. Assuming people bought more than 1 and Costco are cancelling orders
Set alerts for both, didn't get message for either. It probably sold out as soon as it started sending messages out
I didn't get any, it goes the same for all my costco watched items.
The market price is $17.6 per repid test kit. This is super cheap.
No, the market price is $7 each. The SCALPER price is $17.60 each.
Probably good to create a new section under Deals -> RATs
It's approved by the TGA.
Worked perfectly fine for us for confirmation of covid for a mildly symptomatic person ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If people buy this to resell, I'm going to boycott those companies.
1 pack per member so i dont think they can resell lol
Huh? There’s 20 in each box so people could resell individual tests
You'd boycott Costco because of the action of it's consumers..???
Why even bother testing, unless you need it for work or something else. if not well stay home, limit your outdoor exposure, should get better in few days.
"Why bother testing unless you need to bother testing?"
In Victoria people just want to know if the runny nose is hay fever or COVID.
Then there are those who do have it and daily testing so they can get back into the COVID fray. Nothing like catching it more than once in a season. It is competitive out there!
I purchased these early December, and posted a couple to my daughter in Victoria.
She was a close contact and 6 people that she closely worked with had positive PCR tests.
She had covid symptoms too and had a negative result using this test kit.
I don't have faith in this test kit's accuracy.
Either that , or somewhere in the 2 weeks Australia Post had it they left it in the sun.
AusPost unfortunately do leave/transport packages in an uncooled truck so that’s highly likely
That's something that the regulators will need to look closely at since there is more reliance on RAT test to report positive cases.
Any chance someone would let me use their Costco membership to buy one 20pack.
It's not in stock though…
Had a false negative on one of these - had all the symptoms 3 days in and tested negative. Went same day to get PCR and got positive. But overall good price for a 20 pack.
Eventually, we are all gonna get the Covid. Keep calm and wait for your turn. What's the point of spending money on the Antigen test? Even you have money to buy, no stocks are available around you anyway. If you have symptoms, then you are most likely got a covid. Take days off and self isolate.
Gov't just got in 80 million for the price of $72m, so about $0.90 a unit.
How on earth are these retailing for $15 a pop minimum?
It's definitely not '$15 a pop minimum'.. I mean even the one here at Costco is $7 a pop.
They are selling at $30 for two retail, normal price, though I've seen them @ $30 each on
By the time when its hits Aussie retailers, it's around $3 so it make sense when you ordering bulk directly from the manufacturer.
When you paying $15, government already making money out of GST 🤣
So the government can use your GST money to cover their order!
“5G death towers activated”
Oh now I trust that website. Very useful information thanks. Wish only world scientists knew about this website. They probably didn’t have to go to university, after reading all the useful information from your linked websites.
If you think 5G is harmless, you may want to look into the wifi regulations in some more forward-thinking countries. But you don't. And you won't. You think both technologies are harmless.
Meanwhile an industry continues to rake it in. If that is your strongest argument against the death jabs, you have no argument. Thanks for playing.
Can’t argue with uneducated. Their only response will be conspiracy theories out of their asses. No one can beat made up bullshit in arguments because they will come up with more fairytales. If they choose to ignore science then let earth be flat for them.
@Pricebeat: Thanks for your opinion. You are wrong, but thanks for your opinion. History is littered with examples of the industry pushing unsafe technologies onto the masses. Smoking and asbestos just two of many. Decades of debate. Industry-funded studies versus truth.
I can link to many truths but that would be wasted on you. Again, thanks for your opinion. Take your booster.
Sophisticated world madness. When are they going to stop slaughtering animals, so that there are not such viruses? It will be a bargain then.
You mean when are they going to stop engineering chemical weapons? lol.
There has been quite a few medical papers and scientists who analyzed COVID19 strains and have said there is a near impossible chance that COVID19 was a naturally occurring mutation. They have noted that some of the proteins within the virus have natural properties to repel each other, therefore unless it was forcefully put together it would be highly unlikely it occurred in nature.
Although everything is highly circumstantial around where the origin of the virus came from, it does indeed point to a leak from a lab (which coincidentally is well known for studying Coronaviruses).
Citation neded
Plenty of scientists have spoken out, just do a google.
However the problem comes down to science is a game of guessing and testing, nobody will be able to get to the bottom of it.
The powers at be, has decided to wipe away all evidence and probably killed off / disappeared the people who knew about it. There is a reason why they stalled the investigation and made it so bloody hard for WHO to even go and investigate and in the end had to pressure and control the WHO's narrative to make them look innocent.
@lplau: We just need to build a required consciousness. There are many such evidences out there that tells that human and animals should be left alone.…
You might be right that covid may have originated in the lab, but also no one dare to close such labs running in the name of so called scientist, who proud more than the nature, yet they cannot even produce a blood of their own. Thus, some things should be left as it is.
Back to the deal :-) Hope we don't need such deals in the future.
Best wishes.
Does Costco deliver other stuff? I thought they only did business delivery. I see the COVID tests have a delivery icon but a quick look at other products like TVs shows no delivery icon.
it depends on where you live i think.
Like they do deliver big things like Fridges.
The TVs I looked at had delivery icons. I though they delivered everything on the online store. I don’t think they do the in store.
Did anyone see how long these were expected to take to ship, or know from previously?
Bit worried it could be a while as my order's status is currently 'Submitted to WMS/Dropship'.
Mine has been shipped, have auspost tracking
Yeah I just got an auspost shipping notice as well, due by Tuesday.
People are still playing Pandemic?
Why would you even bother getting tested if there's no such thing as asymptomatic spread of the virus
It shows in stock online on my computer, but not on my phone - seems to be a bit erratic, worth trying a few devices and refreshing IMO