• expired

AmEx Qantas Business Rewards Card: 150,000 Qantas Points ($3,000 Spend in 2 Months, $0 Fee 1st Year, New ABN Customer Only)


Amex has increased their offer from 120,000 to 150,000 and also reduced the first year annual fee from $450 to $0. This is a business card with $75,000 annual revenue & ABN requirements.

Annual Fee: $0 p.a. first year, $450 after that
Bonus: 150,000 points
Spend Requirements: Spend $3,000 in 2 months
Lounge Passes: Two complimentary domestic Qantas Club lounge passes annually
Earning Rate: 1.25 Qantas Points on card purchases and 2 Qantas Points per $1 on eligible Qantas flights and services
Annual Business Revenue Requirement: $75,000, New American Express Card Members only (which means at least 18 months since last amex card)
Offer Expires: 6 April 2022

Value of the points for flights
SYD to MEL (Economy): 9 return trips + 1 one way trip.
SYD to MEL (Business): 4 return trips with 6,550 points remaining.

Round the World
116% of an economy round the world trip
48% of a business round the world trip.

Value of the points for Gift Cards
$725 of supermarket gift cards
$250 x 2, $100 x 2, $25 x 1 in Woolworths gift cards, $725 total, with 3,570 points remaining.

I track the point values of credit cards at my site: rwrds.com.au so you can find more info about this card, and other cards

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Lounge Passes: Two complimentary domestic Qantas Club lounge passes annually

    Gotta say 2021 was a great year for flying. These lounges were so empty :)

    • yep, only crappy part was lines for drinks or food. The no self serve combined with the usual of them only barely having enough staff to cope with numbers.

      • Qantas Club lounges in more regional airports is so much better for that. Everything is self serve. Obviously less selection.

        • cool. only really been in Syd/Melb/Can/Bris domestic clubs since covid and none of them let you self serve anymore.

  • its only first year annual fee and not for life…. title is misleading

  • +2

    1E. 150,000 bonus Qantas Points: Offer only available to new American Express Card Members who apply by 6 April 2022, are approved and spend $3,000 on their new Card in the first two (2) months from the Card approval date. Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any other Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited in the preceding 18 month period are ineligible for this offer. 150,000 Bonus Qantas Points will be awarded to the eligible Card Member's Account 8-10 weeks after the spend criteria has been met. This advertised offer is not applicable or valid in conjunction with any other advertised or promotional offer. Subject to the American Express Qantas Business Rewards Card Points Terms and Conditions of the Membership Rewards Program available at American Express® Qantas Business Rewards Card Points Terms and Conditions.


    • +1

      Damn, I was hoping the exclusion criteria would only apply to previous or current holders of the business card, but this looks like personal are included as well.

      • But wouldn’t the applicant/member be in the form of the “pty ltd” even though your the sole director who has personal - as long as your pty ltd hasn’t had a card before you should be in theory ok?

        • +2

          Exactly what I want the answer to. I personally hold a Qantas Amex but this would be in the name of my P/L corporate entity. Can anyone confirm?

          • @GRP: I tried and the personal said it includes both. In other words, they link your personal and business to one account and you only get sign up bonus for 1 within the period.

            Might get lucky with another person, but is a no when I tried.

        • That is what I thought as well

    • +1

      So I read this as - if you got an American Express card with an issued date prior to July 15th 2020 you are sweet, even if you only cancelled it last week.

    • This is what I got from chat:
      Business and Personal Cards fall under same category for welcome bonus offers. You must not have an active card from the same category in the past 18 months to be eligible for a welcome bonus offer.

  • anyone know if and how they check for the annual business revenue?

    • +1

      You have to enter your ABN and they will check whether you're registered for GST. If your turnover is more than 75k you need to be registered for GST, so business income is indirectly checked here. Presumably (I haven't gone through this process) they will also ask you for proof of income later on, like a notice of assessment or financials.

      • +1

        $75k in income produced in Australia*

        If you earn income predominantly overseas such as having an ecommerce business selling mainly in the US, you don't need to register for GST as long as your revenue in Australia is under $75k.

        • +1

          Yeah sure. One of the requirements of this deal is to be GST registered though, so foreign income over 75k won't allow you to be eligible for this deal.

    • BTW, Amex had an offshore agent call the number to check that your business/phone details are legit, all they asked was this is 'the business' and this is 'the phone number'. Say yes to both. ;)

  • How does this card go for some of the other Amex offers? Do they appear on this business card or only on personal accounts?

    • They appear on this card too

  • Does having add-on card count as an existing member?

  • +1

    As expected: Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any other Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited in the preceding 18 month period are ineligible for this offer.

    • damn. i recently picked up their other one with 240k amex points but has an AF. I feel like this is a better deal.

      • I remember a few years ago some people reported still getting the bonus points despite not meeting the 18month exclusion period, but not sure if that is still happening? Perhaps Amex has tightened their system in recent years?

    • +1

      Is the exclusion separate for business cards vs. personal?

      I remember a few years ago you could get the sign up bonus for business cards even if you held a personal one… or maybe that was one of the banks. >.>

      Anyone know for sure?

  • +8

    Hey Op https://www.rwrds.com.au is awesome.Good job there.
    Are you able to add krisflyer points section on your website as well? I think Singapore airline is much better than Qantas and Virgin.

    • Agreed. That's a great site - clear and to the point.

    • +2

      Thanks! Yep good idea, I'll start adding other airlines, I guess Singapore and Virgin are the main other two.

      • First time I've heard of this website, it's pretty great.

        The order of the cards for Qantas points seems to be a bit wrong, or maybe I just can't work out exactly how it's being ordered.

        HSBC Platinum Qantas Credit Card for example is ranked above Westpac Altitude Qantas Platinum despite having a more expensive annual fee ($99 vs $49) and giving fewer points (20k vs 75k).

        • Oh thank you, I'll fix that!

          • @shppngtrlly com au: Also the Citi Premier Qantas Card is ranked 6th for Top Qantas Points cards, yet it has a lower annual fee, and the same number of points or better, than the cards listed 2nd, 4th and 5th.

            (and yes, I know well that citibank's applications process can be woeful to deal with, but if that's the reason why it's 6th rather than something mathematical, then I'd like to explicitly be told that, and furthermore certain other institutions cough ANZ cough also need to be penalised for their woeful and outsourced card application processes)

            • @nickj: It should be sorted by value you get after meet the spend requirement and pay the annual fee, so that card should be higher up, just a bug in my code. I'll fix the sorting now.

              • @shppngtrlly com au: 👍
                Also, personally, I'd also rate the 11th higher than the 10th. Basically paying $49 for 5000 extra points is not ideal. Because 5000 points is only worth around $50, but cash is MUCH better than points (never expires, cannot be unilaterally devalued by a single company, can be spent anywhere, no restrictions or limitations on use, etc etc). It's better to get fewer points but not pay any cash in fees. I had a formula somewhere (from trial and error) that essentially penalised annual fee more harshly than their cash equivalent (roughly around 1.5 to 2 times the penalty), for precisely this reason, which is why IMHO 70k points with $0 AF > 75k points with $49 AF.

                • @nickj: I had a look, the reason 4 and 5 were higher is because they do have that second year bonus. I'll look at weighting the annual fee as more of a negative.

      • Great work with the website. One of the considerations I also take into account is whether the card offer lounge passes as they can be ~$100 in value. Not sure if that info can easily be recorded as this sometimes make a particular card more attractive than others, at least from my perspective.

        • that's a good idea! I should be able to do it

      • the new mobile layout has too much scrolling required. Can you change it back, or put some sort of ‘compact view’?

  • As to any spending on the card, could they stay off the company's financial reporting as I'd like to use the card for personal purposes only.

    • I'm thinking you could treat it like 'director loan' account. So spend and pay off, personally, with no probs?

  • is supplementrary card holder also excluded or only Primary card holder?

  • +1

    Has anyone done this with a new company (registered this financial year?) With what proof of income they require?

    Interested in applying, but nervous as have been sidelined with Amex for >18months and this seems like a good deal for 150k Qantas for $0.

    Have last 2x BAS records proving income requirement met and cashflow to match, but no tax return or financials yet.

    • +1

      Unfortunately not this deal, but I signed up in October 2021. There is a question about has your company been in business for a minimum of 1 year. They told me to: select one year, and calculate your annual income based on 12*1 months. I end up getting approved by giving proof of income that the 1 month was calculated based on.

      Edit: an I did not have a tax return before I got it either.

      • Oh wow! Thanks. Might be worth a go as I met the income requirement no matter which way they like to calc it. Worth a shot

  • Is there any way to find the date which you closed your card other than searching for old statements? The portal does not seem to show it clearly anywhere.

    • Credit report (at least credit savvy does) shows which month the card is closed.

      • Thank you, great way to track all churned cards.

  • This is card come with Phone Screen damage insurance ?

  • +1

    Please tell me what is the point of getting an Amex when it's rejected by the majority of businesses. I've got one and I can't use bloody use it anywhere, and I'm going to close it soon.

    • +1

      Shhh… just for the points.

    • Wherever Paypal is accepted I would use Paypal with Amex to overcome the extra cost associated with using Amex

      • I've noticed this, so I've used this option to pay.

    • Which majority of businesses are you referring to ? I can use it at
      David Jones
      Red Rooster

      There is a minority of businesses that charge extra for Amex.

      And a miniscule number of businesses do not accept them.

      • I cannot pay the majority of my bills with Amex, such as rego, insurance, I shop at Costco/Aldi, can't use there, can't use it with beemit. Can't use it in at least 50% of the business I use.

  • Hey in the application i find that it's offering Qantas Points to a Qantas Business Rewards program.

    Is this completely different to 'average joe' QFF program? can I use my consumer QFF membership?

    If the points stay in a QBR program, can those points be transferred out to a consumer QFF account? what do you use the 'Buesiness rewards' for?

    After a bit of googling i found https://www.pointhacks.com.au/qantas-business-rewards-guide/

    So you can just transfer the points from the QBR account to a personal QFF account. apparently

    • Yes we just transfer every 6 months or so to our personal account

  • So the 75k has to have been ABN income?
    Can you submit your personal income tax return showing 75k income and your ABN #?

    • Amex only ask for your annual ABN Revenue and not the profit / income

      Your ABN has to be GST registered and then any income over $75K is fine,

      • I think you can register for GST ahead of getting that pay though. I had it in the past but have been mostly working through PAYG the last few years. I had them drop the GST component. It was a bit of a hassle from memory. Anyways, sounds like this promotion will not work for me.

  • +1

    Is there a way to sign up your business for the Qantas rewards for free?

    • via this cards application process I believe it one will be created for you for free

  • Does anyone know if the David Jones store card disqualifies you from the bonus?

    • You still get the bonus.

  • +1

    What does the % round world mean?

    • +2

      It's a special type of multi-city booking that has a fixed cost e.g. 318k for business class. With it you get up to:

      5 cities (stopovers, anywhere longer than 24hrs is counted)
      1 stopover in each city and 2 transit through each city.
      16 flights
      35,000 miles (including surface sectors and transits)
      12 months to complete the whole trip.

      You must fly on 2 other non-Qantas oneworld airlines.

      So 150k points is almost half way to a business class round the world ticket. To put in perspective, Sydney to London return is 289,200 points, so for 28,800 more points you could basically go to 4 more cities all in business class.

      • Oh wow, so its 'more value' for round the world than a single business trip to London.. never know this! Thanks

  • got my points 2 weeks after hitting spending limit. Any issue cancelling the card now?

  • How do the points get credited to you? Do they sit in the business rewards account and you then manually transfer them to your personal Qantas frequent flyer account?
    Also are there any implications using this card for personal use with the card being labelled as a ‘business card’?

    • +1

      Regarding your 1st question, pts were credited to my qantas business account. And yes to the 2nd part

      As far as personal/business implication goes, nothing jumps out for me. If you run your own business, you should have the final say in what is and what is not a business spend with respect to your dealing with Amex.

  • +1

    For those who are planning to apply for this card, there is a random referral link generator (just below the deal description) that would help a fellow friend/ referrer to receive points. The referee will get exactly the same benefits (150k Qantas points, no AF first year) as per the deal (ends 6th April 2022).

  • Recently approved for this card - first business card. Amazed at the lack of validation of income figures - application questionnaire and then more interested in ultimate beneficiaries.

    Looking at continuing my churning - is this a liability of me personally when applying for other cards, or is it a business (Pty ltd) liability?

    Just want to make sure disclosed correctly on future apps.

  • seems Amex has upped the sign up bonus for this card now, up to 180K bonus points:

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