This was posted 3 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

OnSite COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit Twin Pack (TGA Approved) $29.70 + $12 Delivery ($0 with $199 Metro Order) @ InkMasters


Not the cheap ones but are in stock and can be purchased online at this stage.

Pack of 2 Nasal test Kits
Listed for Self-Testing In Australia - Very High Sensitivity Classification
Pre-filled buffer tubes simplify test
Easy-to-use test that screens for COVID-19 in 15 to 20 minutes in the comfort of your home.
Can easily be carried out by people who are 12 & up.
Uses nasal swab for ease of use and minimizing discomfort.
Fast results in 15-20 minutes
Compatible with CTK’s ALTA® Rapid Test Reader (RTR-1)

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +3

    Wonder if you can claim these as a tax deduction to use it for clearance to go to work or not?

    • +1

      Not really. But if you buy it for your staff at work, that might work as an expenditure.

      • +1

        I thought scomo said it was tax deductible.

        Are they at least tax deductible?
        Yes. It is the tiniest, most flimsy silver lining ever. So keep your receipts for those overpriced tests, okay

        • But it doesn't say for an end user or business though?

          Amazing if they are for the user. But then means you have to lower the work from home share because you are going in.

        • +6

          Since when do we believe all the shits coming from his marketing mouth.

    • Wonder if you can claim these as a tax deduction to use it for clearance to go to work or not?


    • +1

      I think all work places should provid these things to all there employees for free. Because its redicuous right now.

      Other thing is people that have ordered a few in stock haven't been shipped yet!! which is concerning.

      • +3

        Still hasn't been shipped yet?

        That's redicuous !

  • +28

    Price gouging. Should be about $10 a test.

    • +3

      You know it is the cost of inefficiency when you ask Inkmasters to do medical supplies. They have no idea what they are doing.

    • It reminds me what happened a year ago when the face masks were in short supply …

    • +6

      that's correct, this is no where near a bargain. cheapest would I've seen is with Chemist Warehouse selling around $10each test. This is ozBARGAIN. doesn't matter if it's in stock or not, use FIND RAT website for stock.

      • +5

        Find rat is useless. In times of need ozbargain helps source stuff for people that are in demand from essentials like PS5's to stuff like toilet paper and fancy hand sanitiser.

        Look at how many votes and hits they are getting on these and how quickly they sell out. It's helping people who often have no choice. Hate the gouging, and by all means please report it but I know so many people who can't get these tests and have tried so hard and would rather pay a higher price in the short term than not have access at all.

        It sucks but still serves a purpose.

        • Findrat being user reliant will always be too slow

    • Agree, 10$ is fair
      Shame those 5 for 50$ aren't avail at CW, guess could swing past but have heard they got big signs up and no doubt get asked 1000 times a day.

  • +9

    When are we gonna see these massive fines for price gouging.

    • -6

      Can you point to the law you claim they are breaking?

      • +3

        The 'price gouging' law.

      • -1

        A quick google would have sufficed.
        Effectively it limits sellers to pricing 120% above what they bought it for. So if they bought it for $10 a test, they can only sell it for $12 a test.

        • +2

          120% of $10 is $22 unfortunately…

          • +2

            @mynamewahhhwahh: Apologies, I meant 120% total price.

            • @Rail Rider95: Maybe they bought themselves doe 12-13, so 120 of that keeps them in limit.

              You never know what they paid for it.

              Not supporting the price but that's the reality.

              • @abs898: $10 was an example price. However we do know that elsewhere, these same tests are being sold for less than $10 each without any government subsidy.

                It's also important to note we're paying GST on these RATs.

  • +7

    Lol ink sellers with covid tests, what's next

    • +8

      Emergency department triage nurses selling ink refills for your printer. Get to jump the queue depending on quantity purchased.

    • +3

      what’s next

      At this point, it’s impossible to guess what Scomo will (profanity) up next.

    • -1

      They are basically an office supplies store and plenty of office supply places (including Officeworks) have been selling covid tests, masks, basic first aid kits etc. to businesses who need these for their staff. I see nothing wrong with this - to me it is the same as supermarkets, officeworks, etc selling masks, sanitiser, etc. They are not restricted medical devices and as long as the brand is on the TGA list I really don't care who I buy this from as long as the price is right and I get my shipment.

      • +1

        Difference is OW, Woolworths / Coles have always been selling some cleaning, first aid products as part of their product line.

        • +1

          Ummm, so have most office supply stores… including the one listed in this post! They sell a whole bunch of cleaning, OHS and PPE gear and have done for quite some time so they are no different to Officeworks, Office National, etc. Their customers (mainly businesses) are an important and legitimate market for these products. Why would they not stock them? Retail consumers might not think of buying their personal supplies from these types of suppliers but I was able to get my stock of RATs from a local office supplies store when they were already out of stock at pharmacies and supermarkets. My workplace relies on places like this a lot so it made perfect sense to me that they would be stocking these. Not saying there are not price gougers out there, but this is a well established business that has been selling similar products online for ages.

          • -2

            @pierrejb: Inkmasters not officemasters.

            Been collecting a few bees on your bonnet

            • +1

              @netjock: Nope, that's just a business name… don't judge a book by it's cover. From your dopey comments I am starting think you haven't even bothered to look at their website? They stock pretty much the same catalogue as Officeworks, Office National, etc. It is very obviously an office supply company. My workplace has ordered loads of office supplies from them for several years because they have fast express delivery times and good customer support in most capital cities. I'm really not interested in arguing about this any further - just don't like seeing good honest family businesses getting dragged through the mud on forums like this. Criticise their prices by all means, but criticising their choice of stock when their competitors sell exactly the same product lines is nonsense.

              • @pierrejb: I think if you read below people have the same opinion as I do.

  • +6

    Great to see… a printer ink / toner supplier… selling these at an inflated price, rather than being provided for free by the government. Can do capitalism!

    • selling these at an inflated price

      JobKeeper by another name. I'm not on JobKeeper, we're on the Medical Supply Business.

  • Are these guys legit? Any feedback?

    • +6

      Plenty of people have got their ink and toner. If you order test kits and get ink / toner cartridges, don't stick it up your nostrils.

  • +4

    Looks like the site has been Ozbargained and crashed

    • +7

      Just OZed. Don't call it a bargain.

  • Too many RATs in Ozbargain these days.

  • Managed to get an order through. They also sent this code for a discount: WELCOME20

    • I don't think it works for these.
      "Sorry, This coupon code is not valid or expired."

  • $12.00 delivery to metro Melb

    • +4

      Reported for invalid upvote…

      • -1

        I'm running out of room for these avatars.

      • Fair call jv. lol

  • +4

    I can't fathom how some random business could think selling rat tests could ever be a good idea for their long term brand image, maybe if it were actually at cost price/doing their best for their customers.. but any of them that are doing it for profit can bugger right off.

    That being said these aren't crazy overpriced I guess (for the Australian market that is) but it's still a bloody printer ink business.

    • +2

      I'd guess most of their business is B2B

      • +1

        I buy a lot of IT stuff for our company. Takes me two seconds to put one of these profiteer businesses on our supplier blacklist.

  • +7

    Will these work with Epson ?

    • Yes if you remove the chip from your old cartridge and stick it to this one. If you get a positive result instant free upgrade to 5G reception.

  • +4

    $12 delivery, which takes them to almost $21 a test. Ridiculous

    • +1

      $1021 in NSW if you don't report your positive result!

      • +1

        How would they know lol. Does the rat have a hidden camera?

        • +5

          Yeah dumbest idea. Anyone with half a brain can see how ridiculous that plan is. Onya Domicron!

      • -1

        Can get a positive result if you can't do a test.

  • +5

    I'll remember never to buy ink from this mob from now on. Ink Hub doesn't sell rip off price RAT tests, will stick with them.

  • site has crashed i think

  • Apparently the FEDS are doing a recall from pharamacies / private business.

    So your order might be cancelled.

  • +3

    I thought this was was OzBARGAIN not OzPRICEGOUGE?
    I hope your company is making enough money out of this to make up for the reputational damage you are inflicting on yourself.

  • +4

    (profanity) off with these price gouging cockroaches.

  • +1

    Look at this clowns ABN details. Hope hes not paying for all that traffic ruining his little website.

  • +4

    You guys should write reviews on Google review

  • +5

    A standard pharmacy price for these is $10-12 per test. $15 each with delivery additional is not a bargain.

  • +2


    How did we get here?

  • +1

    Where did they pull those reviews from? Looks like a jpeg

  • +4

    Someone should check in with Macksville Pharmacy and see if they have any RATs.

  • +4

    This is the OPPOSITE of a bargain.

  • +2

    Big no no for over $10 per kit

  • +1

    Love how the governments have washed their hands (no pun intended) of this - PCR tests free, RAT tests user pays

  • +2

    In the cart, they display the crossed price of —$26.40— and the new price of $29.70

  • +1

    $43 Inc postage… Metro

  • +5

    Nice to know that politicans can get some free tests and the plebs are left to fend for themselves amongs scam business such as this one…

  • WELCOME10 to get a $10 discount for someone in desperate need for the test. almost enough to cover shipping.

  • +6

    Wow, reading google reviews of this company, it's all good when it's good, but when it's bad, expect to be abused, blamed and treated badly.

    Cynic in me says toner companies selling scarce medical supplies at marked up prices (they've increased their own prices by the looks due to demand) are being opportunistic, with scant regard for the community and issues those who keep their business viable in normal times.

    Hope they go broke with this attitude (along with all the other scalping businesses out there atm).

    • +1

      Don't think that's the cynic in you, that's the rational ordinary-minded person during a public health crisis.

  • +3

    made an order from them 3 weeks ago. not even shipped yet. just saying

  • 😴

  • Definitely reportable to ACCC

  • Just bit the bullet and put an order through…. Got an email with order confirmation and also a WELCOME20 code. I used WELCOME10 as previous comment which worked. If anyone else keen on trying this mob, register and account first, then log in, then use code and checkout (with paypal to be safe). Site kept crashing when trying to checkout as a guest for me.

    • Welcome20 unfortunately doesn't work on this product. I kinda hate myself for giving money to this company haha desperate time call for desperate measure i guess.

  • Not a bargain.

  • +1

    We should have another sister website called “”

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