This was posted 3 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, Pre Order] Horizon Forbidden West $98 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Been watching prices everywhere for the last 6 weeks or so and this is the cheapest I've seen. Hopefully there'll be some cheaper deals in the next month.

This is for the standard PS5 edition. RRP is $124.95. Horizon Forbidden West will be released on February 18, 2022.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Man, it only feels like yesterday when PS4 day one sales were $69…

    • +1

      I feel like it's always like this at the start of a generation, I remember PS4 games being $100+ at launch when it came out, then slowly became $69.

      • -1

        Lol you remember games being $125 lmao. This is only Sony doing this. I couldn't imagine spending over $80 for a game especially with gamepass.

        • You may be too young for n64….but this has been going on for a long time, on and off

          • -1

            @p1owz0r: Nope I purchased n64 games myself. But that was the going price of n64 $99ish but no competition and it's nintendo. Breath of the wild launch game is still same price many years later.
            Ps4 games was not $99 unless you bought from eb games.
            Sony has big competition with xbox especially with gamepass.

            I'll wait a few years when this game is $20.

            • @Jklaro:

              n64 $99ish but no competition and it's nintendo

              PSX was a competitor. It was more the fact it was expensive to manufacture the cartridges.

              I do recall buying FFVII, FFVIII AND FFIX for $99 on launch for my collection. FF anthology was like $70

              • -1

                @Lucille Bluth: Yes but nintendo is unique. The only true competition I belive was Sega. Nintendo has its user base and no matter what they will always want their mario donkey kong.

                Now your talking $99 for games this is $125 for games.

                Also nintendo only charge $89 full price right now not $125.

                So why is it others lower the price but Sony increases the price. I know because they have market share and know that ps5 owners have nothing to play and will fork out the premium to play the new exclusives.

      • Plus ps5 is a year old.

      • +1

        I remember some PS3 games being more than a $100, too.

    • +2

      It still happens. I got Far Cry and Deathloop delivered for like $70 on release day.

    • Just pre ordered dying light 2 ps5 for $59 off amazon.

  • Have they announced PC version yet?

  • +1

    Feels like alot. I'll wait it out.

  • +1

    $99! Madness.

  • +32

    PS5 upgrade is free so get the PS4 for $79…

    • +3

      100% this.

    • Thanks. Why is there a $15 difference in RRP when there is a free upgrade? Seems non-sensical.

      • +6

        It wasn't originally free until fans complained. All future first party PS4/PS5 games will be paid upgrades.

        • +2

          MS are going to keep all first-party upgrades free? I.e. you buy the one copy and Smart Delivery downloads the correct version for your system?

          I understand it takes time and money to upgrade an older game, which many are upgrading for free anyway, but for a new game developed for / with next-gen consoles in mind, I cannot see any reasonable argument why next-gen owners should pay more to access the higher-fidelity assets that the developer has already created?

          This Sony policy is like buying a 4K movie online, but having to pay $20 more than the dude who buys the same movie but doesn't own a 4K TV.

          • @jirskyr: Not the best analogy, blu rays tend to cost more than DVDs - both shot with the same camera!

          • +2


            I cannot see any reasonable argument why next-gen owners should pay more to access the higher-fidelity assets that the developer has already created?

            PS5 upgrades are more than just resolution/fps upgrades such as on Xbox. There are added features like adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, 3D audio, activity cards, gameplay hints, restructured games to take advantage of SSD etc. All this is additional development effort that does not exist on any other version.

            That's the logic of why they are charging extra for extra features. Whether or not it's value for you is subjective and up to you.

            • +2

              @Hybroid: I'm not talking about upgrades for previous gen games. I am talking about games built already for PS5.

              A game released in 2018… for sure, if they go to the effort of modifying the content to provide FPS or resolution / asset boosts, I could understand they might want to charge for that effort (and not just unchecking the locked framerate), because the game wasn't built for a PS5.

              But for a game produced for PS5, they've already developed the next-gen features as part of the standard game development. PS4 owners just get a scaled-down version, and in fact it really should be the PS4 owners who pay more for the cost of down-grading the primary asset - the PS5 version.

              Case-in-point - Horizon FW on the PS store is $125 for PS5 and $110 for PS4. That is simply a policy of hiding full features behind a paywall. If I go to buy Halo Infinite at Microsoft, there's just one price for any console version. You can't try and tell me that HI doesn't have next-gen features.

              I own both consoles but I find Sony's pricing strategy to be underhanded.

              • @jirskyr:

                You can't try and tell me that HI doesn't have next-gen features.

                It objectively does not have features that previous gen doesn't. Unlike PS4 -> PS5 generational differences.

                Your other points are certainly valid.

                • @Hybroid: Of course HI has features that previous gen doesn't. It's ridiculous to suggest otherwise. The generational performance differences between last and next gen for both systems is basically equivalent, except PS4 Pro was a lower performance baseline than XB1X.

                  For HI on XBSX it runs at 4K 60 FPS, with optional 120 FPS mode, which the previous gen cannot do. It uses SSD loading and Quick Resume, which the previous gen cannot do.

                  As far as I can tell, the sole angle of your argument is because Sony significantly modified the controller for PS5, and MS did not, that the programmers may have to program some different controller functions. Chicken feed overall and still doesn't justify "new features". In fact, if Sony are charging more money because they had to program new features in a new controller they invented, even more unjustified. MS didn't change their controllers but at least that means I can import my old controllers, with full performance capability, and not have to pay for an entirely new set.

      • +1

        PS5 logo = better resell.

        Also is the upgrade automatic? Like it just patches the game?

        • +1

          There'll be an upgrade in the store that you have to add to library. That's how the free upgrades normally work

        • +2

          Paying $20 more to maybe resell for $5 more in the future is plain dumb.

        • +2

          You won't get $20 more.

          You insert the disc in the PS5 and then redeem and download the PS5 version. Disc acts like a key to play the digital PS5 version.

    • -1

      Agreed, this should be the Ozbargin way.

    • Good to know. Hoping Amazon pricematch along with their Pre-order Price Guarantee.

      • My pre-order dropped in price overnight.

    • -1

      Wait for the PS5 version to drop in price. I'm still struggling with my PS5 installing the PS4 version of Valhalla every time I insert the PS4 disc of Valhalla despite upgrading. downloading and installing the PS5 version of Valhalla.

  • +4

    PS4 version has a free upgrade if anyone wants to save some Metal Shards.

    ^ beat me to it

  • +3

    I wanted to like the original but for whatever reason it just didn't work for me and I gave up 10-20 hours in. I'm a bit surprised how highly it's rated. I seem to be in the minority opinion.

    • +1

      I just started it on PC, I feel like it's a very good game, but I just don't think I can be bothered haha.

    • +2

      Same mate. I got about 10 hours into zero dawn before putting it down. I'll give forbidden West a go though. Not much else to choose from lol

    • +1

      I finished the game, but I do feel like there’s been a lot of quest grinding. The fact that you can only select and do one quest at a time makes most of the side quests repetitive and boring.

    • +2

      I'm actually on the same boat. It looks amazing but once that wore off it was just good lol.

    • +1

      What didn’t you like? It’s easily my top 2 all time favourite game, replaying it on pc 1440p ultra wide 120+ fps made is a whole lot better as well.
      Forbidden west is literally the reason I own a ps5 right now.

      • I didn't play it when it first came out so perhaps it suffered from me comparing it to GOW, TLOU etc.

        I can't really pinpoint exactly what I didn't like, it's just that it never gripped me the way those games, or any Zelda game did.

        • Maybe you aren't that into the science fiction story, That's what i loved about it plus when it first released the graphics on ps4 console looked amazing and made me want to explore the entire map.

    • I'm currently playing it now, was fun for first 20 hours now I just want to kick A$$. So decided to use a trainer. Unlimited bow, unlimited health ftw.. didn't enable one shot kill as still feel satisfied killing.

    • I feel like this in every open world game. It’s awesome the first 10-20 hrs and then it gets boring fast. I played this game 2 years ago and then shelved it. I’m currently trying again but from the beginning as I’ve forgotten all the mechanic for the game.

    • I was in your boat then decided to try again months later - switched to easy mode.
      Easy mode gave me time to understand how to play the game properly. You need to aim at the right parts with the right arrow e.g., impact arrow at areas where impact is a weakness

      After I got that (took maybe 5hrs?), I played the rest of the game in normal and it’s in now in my top 10 games of all time

      • I could not figure how to shoot the arrows with maximum impact at first, thought the game is buggy or it sucks but once I figured out how everything works that is when I fell in love.

    • I was burnt out on open world's until HZD came out. That game made me like them again.

  • i said to myself i would have a PS5 before this game drops and it doesn't look like happening. Keep missing out on the restocks:(

    • +4

      You're either not trying hard enough or looking in the wrong places. Are you using discord or twitter for alerts? Do you have accounts at all the retailers with billing details saved ready to buy?

      • +3

        truly, it is not that hard. i have no bots or anything and i have bought like 6 total for friends and family. half the time i'm in the middle of a work meeting and see the notification, click-click-click, done.

      • -1

        Actually it is that hard. Look at every single twitter poll post drop and it's usually <10% got one. Then countless comments about people who "logged on immediately when the tweet was received but got locked out of the checkout" or some such.

        The very fact you need to follow several twitter feeds, pre-load your billing information on multiple retailer websites and react immediately to a new tweet at the moment it comes in… and/or ring around every JB or EB in town every few days to pick up excess stock… well it tells you it is that hard.

        If it wasn't hard we'd all have a PS5 by now.

        • Those that are actively trying have had one for a while. I just called every EB and JB around me until one offered to put my name on a list. Got 4 for family and friends that way. Super easy and no stress. If you actually want it, then it's easy to get with a few phone calls and a tiny bit of effort.

          • +2

            @onlinepred: I'll put it to you again, that having to call "every EB and JB around me until one offered to put my name on a list" is not tiny effort, nor is it no stress. Once you are on a list you have to wait for the physical drop. You guys have very weird definitions of what is "easy to get".

            "Easy to get" is walking into Target and they have 5 on the shelf. Anything more than that is difficult, and plenty of people don't have the time or ability to be ringing around or the stores or stalking twitter feeds.

            The correct comment is "if you are willing to try hard enough and wait long enough, you will jag one".

            • +2

              @jirskyr: The time that you complained about it, you could have put your name on a list. This is OZB, we go to lengths to save a few dollars, yet you couldn't be bothered to make a few calls?

              I will correct my comment to "If you call a few stores, you will get one sooner rather than later." It's barely trying honestly.

              • -1

                @onlinepred: I'm not talking from personal experience, I'm talking for Joe Public.

                Getting a PS5 is difficult for your average consumer. Anyone who says otherwise has a warped sense of what constitutes "easy" in retail. You can stop arguing about it.

                In fact OZB is barely any help for getting a PS5, because it's too slow to alert. That shows you how hard it is to get a PS5, that ozbargainers have to refer you to another platform. Not to mention all the "RRP is not a bargain" stuff that accompanied the first year or two of PS5 chasing on OZB.

                • +1

                  @jirskyr: Dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. If you don’t put any effort in, no you probably won’t be able to get an item that is constantly sold out and highly sought after.

                  Ozb is a bargain website, not a stock level website.

                  My family couldn’t be bothered to try, so I called a store and put my name down. I pre ordered through Amazon for my own ps5, on launch day I was ready as I knew they would sell out. I was prepared and put in effort. If you do t want to put in effort, you will not be able to get one.

      • I agree. I got orders in at three different retailers for the launch day console (silly me cancelled two as soon as I got my first order update). Later I was able to buy another one for my brother.

        • Launch day was fine no one expected that we would be struggling to find one a year later

      • I follow For whatever reason i seem to get the notifications late and by the time i'm online ready to buy they're sold out. If you have any discords or twitter accounts to follow let me know thanks.

    • +1

      Do you use twitter?

      ^The twitter acc above is how I got my PS5 in time for christmas.

      • +3

        I think saying it's easy is not an accurate statement. But neither is it impossible, and yet kirskyr is right in that not everyone who wants a PS5 has one. The trick is definitely to follow twitter accounts and discord(?). I joined twitter for this very reason and got a PS5 3 days later. A couple months later I asked a friend if he wanted help and got him one in a couple weeks. Both of these were at Big W. I mostly work at a computer so this makes it extremely easy for me, where people don't it adds a layer of complexity.

    • Rip, I got my second ps5 just before Christmas ( sold first to my mate months ago to save him the trouble of finding one)
      Keep looking you might get lucky.

    • Just get it on FB, the price is just $100 more if you can negotiate.

  • +1

    Fairly certain Target/JB Hi-Fi/Big W will have this for the same price or lower on day one. They do for most other releases.

  • Can potentially get it at EB for much less with the trade two pay $49 deal if you have some games laying around. I know I did this with Returnal, Rift Apart, GOTG I think too?

  • +2

    Just checked my amazon account, looks like I preordered it from amazon PS5 for $78 in Sept 2021. Maybe they'll drop the price further?

    • Similar for me.

      I went online to buy and Amazon alerted me to the fact that I already did in September ;)

    • +1

      Mines sitting at $88 so I'll hang on to that.

  • +1

    I saw it was $88 last year that I should have preordered on time. Possible it'll get cheaper than $99 before release date.

  • -2

    Had my YouTube ready, ready to watch others to play. Saved $99.

  • +2

    Should drop to something cheaper, pre-ordered ps5 version from Amazon for $88 in September

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