Stock arrival date: 12/1/2022. Dispatch is 1-5 business days after this date
12/1: New batch arrival date 20/1/2022. To be dispatched 3-10 business days after.
Stock arrival date: 12/1/2022. Dispatch is 1-5 business days after this date
12/1: New batch arrival date 20/1/2022. To be dispatched 3-10 business days after.
This isn’t a bargain
Please post very high sensitivity bargain one ! Thanks
5 for $49 at our local Chemist Warehouse yesterday.
that's correct, this is no where near a bargain. cheapest would I've seen is with Chemist Warehouse selling around $10each test. This is ozBARGAIN. doesn't matter if it's in stock or not, use FIND RAT website for stock.
Not a bargain, although if someone is looking for some and has no other options they can turn to these. I will post other ones if they are available and cheaper.
Not a bargain
Did you read the name of the site you posted on?
Should post on
Mods should make that site. Send all the shite to there
Lol.. poster starts the sentence with "not a bargain" on a site called OzBargain.
Expensive !! Avoid
Member Since
That's right, just trying to contribute to the community
in stock ≠ bargain
Bloody price is going up for the RAT, everyone wants to just leech the dollars from normal people. Prices started at 10$ and now mostly reaching to 15.
I've found ones that are going at $20 each :/…
I've found ones that are going at $20 each :/
Are you going to post those as bargains too?
Probably not going to with comments like these. I'd like to see you find cheaper.
Rip off!
Any bulk discounts ? @EarlyAdopter
They have pens too?!?!
another gouger
Wouldn't want to be an EarlyAdopter at this price…..
isn't there like 100m testing kits due in the next week or so ??
If our marketing scomo has not forgot to order it
Isn't the government going to give them out for free in a few days?
Going to be a shed load dumped on the market for actual bargains pretty soon if that happens.
Only free for low income pensioner and concessions card.
At that price,I hope I can use the packaging to wipe my bum with it.
No bargain
Considering how rare these are to find atm, and the current discrepancy in supply and demand, this is probably the best price we can do for a little while. I personally haven't found cheaper on any that are in-stock or preorder. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be a bargain to me, but considering the climate we're in atm, it definitely is. If it's not worth it to you, then don't buy it! It's that simple! If you find cheaper please let us all know. There's no need to be mean or make fun of anyone.
Member Since 5 hours 41 min ago
…. Lol
Not anymore…
Another ghost account gone….
Can all new users deals posts be verified / approved by a couple of admins before being published?
Not a good price at all. Avoid this pharmacy at all cost!
Availability doesn't make it a bargain. These RAT "Deals" should be negged to oblivion.
Avoid this webshop.
I placed an order listed as in stock on 30 December.
Still no dispatch and no reply to email sent 12/01
I’ve ordered from them before and they were good.
Placed an order on 12/1 (vitamins, pain relief etc - no RATs) and still no advice that it’s shipped, no reply to my follow up email and no response to my Instagram enquiry. Such a shame as I’d had good experiences previously.
Almost time for a credit card chargeback if I dont hear this week.
Finally got a refund by messaging them on Instagram.
This is after they deleted all comments and closed commenting on their posts.
100% would not trust or order from again.
Yes!! After reviewing on Google, they decided to call.
I bought All test RAT on 11/01. They still not sent out the product. Their phone number is not reachable. I sent an email 6 days ago, and not reply yet. I decide to go to Paypal to refund. Really bad.
Ordered mid jan regular product. Yet to be shipped! Wont use Vital Pharmacy ever.
Bad service , no shipping yet
Acceptable sensitivity, pre-order and expensive. If you can avoid this, do.