I live in Wyndham Vale VIC 3024. I signed up for a NBN provider (FTTC) 50MBPS line for 6 months contract and after I received their modem, the biggest issue I found was that their modem wasn't strong enough to emit signals to the back of my property. So I bought a mesh system and it is all good for now. I also faced few drop-outs in last 6 months and am not happy with the service at all. I will be out of 6 months contract soon and I am looking to move to any other NBN provider with better service.
Who do you think is the better (or best) provider of NBN FTTC service? My main requirements are:
1. Their modem should be strong so that no mesh system is required.
2. Their connection quality should be good. May be less drop-outs or connection errors.
3. I don't mind paying more but I need quality. 50 MBPS speed is good enough for me.
4. I prefer "no contract" and I do understand that I might have to buy my own modem for that.
Thank you.
When you say "service" do you mean customer service or how well the NBN service itself works? I ask this because the RSP only provides customer service and the modem, if you've chosen to get the one they provide. The NBN connection is provided by NBN, and its the same irrespective of what RSP you choose to purchase it through. They are just the retailer, swapping to another RSP won't improve that. Its like switching to another electricity retailer. Its the same electricity through the same wires from the same generator. Only the price and the customer service changes.