[Price Error] Seagate Ironwolf Pro 4TB HDD $36 + Shipping @ i-Tech

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Looks like a pricing error. Order away and hope it doesn't get cancelled.

Note: This store does not typically honour pricing errors and the store is currently away (holidays) until Monday, 10th January. See their Contact-Us page for information:

  • Office will resume operation on Monday 10/01/2022
  • Enquiries will resume normal operation on Wednesday 12/01/2022

Moved to the forums as we have received multiple reports the order was cancelled by i-Tech, citing a database error.

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    • +1

      Name checks out

    • +1

      Be sure to update us on the outcome!

  • Didn't need it but ordered.

  • +1

    In my view, there’s a 2 missing in front of the price, so if they honour this deal, they will be technically bankrupt.

  • +5

    Don't waste your time, these guys has been known for heaps of price errors and cancelling your orders.

  • +1

    Any discount codes we can stack?

  • this company must be good at refunding, but suks at maintenance their website

  • I wonder if it's a way to boost their email list

    • +2

      same, they get free accounts and information whom they can advertise their deals to

  • +11

    If I was the OP, I'd have just ordered a couple and kept it quiet. Perhaps they might have honoured it (unlikely but who knows). All that this deal has done is created a headache for them having to deal with refunds etc. Feel sorry for their accounts, not to mention the person who made the mistake.

  • Even cheaper at EYO. Supplier stock information is interesting. Possibly a pricing error at "Supplier two". https://www.eyo.com.au/597974_seagate-ironwolf-pro-nas-hdd-3…

    • +2

      They are on holiday's until next week. They even state on their Website that any price errors or even price changes during their 10 days holiday period will be cancelled. Not worth it.

  • Interestingly they have 5 different listings for the same drive all at different prices: https://www.i-tech.com.au/catalogsearch/result/?q=ST4000NE00…

  • is this legit?

    • +7

      Yep. Legit price error.

      • +2

        then why was this even posted as a deal……

        • +2

          It is up to the individual to decide if they want to take the (very small) risk on trying to get it. It most likely won't get honoured, but why not try? Look at the Bunnings drone saga.

          • +3

            @brendanm: The Bunning drone saga proves that if the price error is from a massive, huge-arse national company, then you better jump on it quick.

            But for tiny hitters like i-tech? Their long history of price errors in previous posts and guaranteed refunds are all the proof you need, they NEVER honoured a single one.

            • @dbmitch: What do you have to lose? Takes probably an entire minute to add to cart, pay with PayPal, and done. I'll admit the odds of it working out are quite low, but the opportunity cost is also low, or zero if you do it while at work.

              • +2

                @brendanm: Refunds from this company can be a pain in the ass, and I can't keep filing Paypal chargebacks very time it happens and get my account flagged.

                The time loss is not from buying, it's the chasing up when they take ages to refund you. AND the email spam they're known for.

                • @dbmitch: Fair enough, though my point still stands, each to their own. I do think that if this company has lots of prior form for this, it should probably be added to the op automatically if someone posts a deal, I wasn't aware it was a common thing with them.

                  • @brendanm: The cancellations are coming in now, so no surprises here.

                    • @dbmitch: Not at all, and I assumed it would be cancelled, but you never know.

                      • @brendanm: If you see a bunnings Price error however, get on that s hit QUICK

  • +8

    Lol there is zero chance this will be honoured. Nobody genuinely believes a 4TB Ironwolf drive is $36, do they?

    • +5

      If it means they'll send them out, yes, yes I do.

      • Haha, fair enuf. I would too if I ordered 4 of them!

  • -2

    I am on the phone to them now….

    • Are they prepared to honour the price?

      • Lol It's clearly an error.

      • +1

        I spoke to the manager on his mobile while they were on their vacation. I pleaded for them to honour this deal and in return they can go bankrupt (but not a biggie). He indicated that he didn't like that idea though…

    • any updates?

    • +1

      "Hi sir, no amount of your shouting is going to get you the drive at that price, too bad so sad"

      • -1


  • -1

    Ordered 5, order shows in my account and have an email confirmation. See what happens.

    • +8

      See what happens.

      Yes, a refund obviously.

  • -7

    Who still uses 4tb drives these days?

    • People that want to successfully resilver

  • +4

    just got refunded

  • +10

    Just got cancelled:

    New Message on Your Order

    Hello xxxx,

    AusPCMarket has sent you a message about your order.

    Message image
    Hi, Unfortunately due to a technical issue, there has been a pricing discrepancy for this product. Due to this issue, we're unable to fulfill your order and have issued you with a full refund back to your original payment method. This typically takes between 2-24hours to process. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Kind Regards, AusPCMarket.

    • +3

      I can't believe this happened.

      • I hope this is sarcasm.

      • Let's start a #Ozbargain and#MeToo tag on twitter.
        People complain that retailer has not honoured the pricing error, and other people can chime in with #MeToo, while others tag with #Karen.
        It would be fun.

  • something about how itech is known to cancel orders

  • so? over already? oh am i too late to join the band ?

    • +8

      Depends, do you feel like giving your money a holiday?

  • +4

    So the orders are being cancelled now despite their website still showing price of $36. What's that? A click-bait?

    • i dont think anyone got a cancellation from i-tech. from auspcmarket - yes, but they updated the price long ago.

      probably the guys behind i-tech are lagging behind

  • Perhaps it's a money grab to bet on Crypto, and only slowly and annoyingly refund everyone?

    Remember those Chinese bike share programs?

  • +5

    Neg - pricing error not a bargain

    • +3

      Correct, an item that is garantueed you don't receive is never a bargain, it's just a waste of your time.

      This is what is called a B A I T

  • +1

    "I want my free Bunnings voucher"

    • +2

      Yeah - I managed to get one of those on the Bunnings drone princing error. I'm suprised they did that.

      • +1

        Not surprising tbh, Bunnings have amazing customer service

  • I have ordered Surface pro 8 16gb ram version on last Christmas Day for $420. That’s right, only $420, clearly a price error. The order hasn’t shipped yet but I have contacted MS customer service who told me that my order should be fine. Currently Covid-19 situation and the holiday season will delay the shipment.

    • from microsoft website? wooww thats lucky

      • Yes. I suppose to post here. But then sold out and the price was corrected. Maybe not much stock there actually.

  • +2

    just got cancellation email

    • Is this from AusPCmarket or from iTech?

      • +2

        Ah yes, sorry

        from AusPCmarket

        refund already come through as well

  • +12

    those kind of posts a bit too much - let's go for genuine bargains guys, not try to screw over someone over a price error..

    • +3

      And we're not even the ones doing the screwing, they get more emails to their mailing list to sell to shady advertisers, and not a single person here gets their HDD.

      We're the suckers.

  • +3

    The fact that its still available seems like they either needed a quick cash injection or wanted to increase their mailout.

    Hope I'm wrong, but sadly the world we live in….

  • +1

    Just got charged a $7 cancellation fee for administration charges.
    Need to speak to the Manager, urgent!!!

    • Did you pay via PayPal?

      • Credit card

        • +3

          Well that’s the fuss coming from, always pay via PayPal for such highly suspected price error, and no point paying via credit card since they charge the same rate (2%)?

    • +2

      Read the fine print lol. It's less if you did through PayPal. Plus if they cancel you get the fee back and also dispute to PayPal….

  • Did anyone notice that there are more than 1.2 million hard drives in stock?????? Such a scam lmao.

    • +1

      They're probably about to fold. They sell all 1.2 mill plus shipping, then roll over supplying none. Claim insolvency, theft, loss etc. and deregister the company after pulling out 61 million plus in cash plus whatever else they could hock off.

      Suppliers, Paypal, the buyers and the tax man wear it all and they start again next Monday. They eventually sockpuppet OzB again with a similar rort and again we click buy.

  • +11

    Ozbargain logic - order something on price error, gets angry when it doesnt get honored.

    • +4


  • +4

    Is there a way we can vote to ban i-tech links to be posted to Ozbargain. They are just getting free publicity and a bigger email list.

    P.S. my i-tech order got cancelled

  • +1

    Just got cancelled and refunded.

    • +10

      It's absolutely ridiculous that they would be in the process of cancelling and refunding orders, BEFORE changing the price to be the correct price on their website. I spent 5 years in eCommerce at a company that most people here would be familiar with, and if something like this happened on our website, the absolute FIRST PRIORITY is to remove the item or fix the price - THEN you can go back and start refunding people.

      I ordered two about 10 minutes ago, knowing full well it would likely be a refund situation - but figured it would be worth the opportunity juuuuuuust in case.

      • Koshinto must be talking about Auspcmarket order. Mine got canceled as well. They fixed their price before processing refunds.

        • Ah gotcha, yeah I placed my order from i-Tech.

      • +1

        company not fixing known price error should be rated rubbish.

        • 100% agree, unless they honour the price.

          At least AusPcMarke have fixed the price and started cancelling/refunding.

          No reason for i-Tech to delay processing the order (would hate it if two days later, they send an update that there was a price error and orders canceled). If its price error, then cancel and refund immediately.

  • +4

    i-tech has had way too many price errors, with orders cancelled. The massive price differences makes me doubt they are honest mistakes.

  • +1

    Pricing error and orders have already been cancelled

  • 9000 clicks, still going strong.

  • +3

    Ordered a few just now, I enjoy parking my money in the hope of possibly recovering it after a few days chasing it and then still incurring credit card cancellation fees…. so much fun… yipee

  • +6

    Seems like a scam - incorrect pricing remaining even though orders are reported as being cancelled.

  • +1

    This is 100% scan, get those email details for marketing

  • +4

    Gotta love the ones here who are excited to increase capacity for their needs.

    Keep a lid on dudes, they're not gonna ship.

  • I ordered 10. Used paypal to pay. No confirmation email yet. :) haha

  • Just purchased 6. Got an order confirmation from my bank but the website said "error no customer email" (I did enter my email at checkout). No confirmation has arrived to my email so not sure whether it has gone through properly. Hopefully it has.

    • I got that the first time too, using Paypal. First order didn't go through, I tried again and the second was successful and didn't produce that error.

      • I have placed two orders and got the error both times. Look like there is a refund in my bank account. Or atleast, the pending order got cancelled.
        Update: Third time seemed to work perfectly.

        • Not sure why you even tried that many times, when it is clear it's a pricing error and people's orders above your comment are being cancelled.

  • +6


    "Office will resume operation on Monday 10/01/2022
    Enquiries will resume normal operation on Wednesday 12/01/2022"

    That Monday back to work is going to be painful.

  • +1

    Price error, not a deal

  • +3

    Not sure why this has been voted up so highly - this is very clearly not going to be honoured by the retailer. They have a long and documented past history of pricing errors and cancelling orders as a result, to the point where one wonders if they're doing this deliberately for PR.

    • +3

      Or to get your emails for marketing or shadier purposes.

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