We all know the Government and the RBA are in cahoots to keep interest rates as low as possible.
This is because any increase in interest rates would have serious, far reaching consequences such as:
a) significantly increasing the government's loan interest bill due to our enormous govt debt. This in turn significantly reduces the govt's ability to fund services and social security payments
b) significantly increasing many people's home and investment loan interest payments so sending many borrowers to the wall or at least forcing significant cuts to consumer expenditure
c) sending the economy into a deep recession or long lasting depression for which our government and the RBA are not equipped to handle
d) a resulting property crash so damaging everyone's wealth and possibly making our banks insolvent
Yes my friends the RBA via these ridiculously low interest rates have placed themselves into a corner with no way out.
Hence they also "manipulate" the inflation rate to justify these ongoing low interest rates because if inflation was "reported" as going significantly higher, then the RBA would have to take action by increasing interest rates.
The price of fuel alone has gone up 100%. (which affects the price of everything)
Cheese up 18% in 12 months and 30% since just before COVID-19. Milk the same and more!.
Meat and seafood is skyrocketing every week right before our eyes…packets of home brand meat pies have increased by 33% this last year alone and they contain less than 30% meat.
Then there are all the packet size shrinkages not even taken into account in the inflation figure (deliberately)
If you eat out regularly you know that restaurant prices have increased 33% this year alone.
And any construction manager will tell you building material prices are going through the roof - if you can even get supplies.
Shipping container costs are up 700%. Yes that's correct!
And don't even get me started on skyrocketing property prices.
Now we have lots of people going on strike every week because they can see their pay packets buying less and less every week. And plenty of businesses are finding it difficult to attract workers so having to offer higher wages to get employees back.
How much more will all this add to inflation in 2022?
Yet our Reserve bank tries to tell us that inflation is still under 3%.
They must think people are stupid.
So my fellow and highly informed OBs how much do you think is the REAL rate of inflation?
Please indicate in the poll.
Also feel free to add your own observations of rapidly increasing prices in the comments
NEVER renew your insurance. Even if you recontract with the same company, it will be cheaper.
Also you don't have to wait until renewal, you can cancel your car insurance and get a pro rata refund