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This is simply a public service announcement for pensioners (various types eligible)
Just announced today 06-01-2022, this afternoon, so details a bit sketchy………(and I know kits are virtually impossible to get over the counter at the moment - says government thinks they can solve that over a 2 week timeframe). Appears you need to visit a pharmacy with your pension card (various pension style schemes are eligible, you'll need to check), pharmacy takes those details and gives you a kit. Details go off to government who reimburse pharmacy.
Total number appears to be limited to 2 tranches of 5 tests (max 5 tests per month).
This would be a godsend for me as I can use it PLUS still-at-home kids could use them
National Cabinet agreed that up to 10 Rapid Antigen Tests over three months (a maximum of 5 in a month) will be made available free through pharmacies to people holding the following cards:
Pension Concession Card
Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card
Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold, White or Orange Card
Health Care Card
Low Income Health Card
Mod: Deal Posted Moved to Forums [Insufficient Details for Upcoming Deal] - As the start date is undefined ("available in the next 2 weeks"), the deal is unpublished due to our Insufficient Details for Upcoming Deals. It can be posted again in the future once details and the start date is finalised. We have moved this post to the forums to retain discussion, rather than unpublishing it as we usually would.