This was posted 2 years 8 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Hough SARS-Cov-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit Nasal Swab 5pk $49.95 + Delivery @ Healthy Life


Looks like these guys just came back into stock a moment ago. I just bought two of these 5 packs. At $10 each it seems to be a good deal as well. Apologies if this sells out quickly but wanted to share with you lot.

Also make sure you read their notice: "Due to increased demand, all orders will ship within 4-5 business days from order placement with free express post for orders over $70 - thanks for your patience."

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closed Comments

    • +7

      There is a company in Queensland manufacturing covid rapid antigen tests. They have approval to sell them in Europe but the TGA has not yet approved them to sell here.

    • -7

      What's wrong with buying Chinese products?

      • +2

        Because covid was from China

      • +2

        China (or any foreign country) can choose to cut off supply at any point and prioritise local demand(like they did in the past with masks), or could reach a point where they are unable to fulfil orders as demand increases.

    • +10

      What's with the negs? Woke/braindead people getting upset because he mentioned the word "China"? He's right, relying on foreign suppliers for testing kits isn't really sustainable and puts us in a vulnerable position.

  • +4

    This is like what masks and hand sanitizers were like 18 month ago.

      • For what to occur? The lack of stock?

        • -2

          The pawns to fall into line/ spend money

      • +4

        Sure, you do you, keep living in your racist delusion, just be sure to keep your word, that is, don't buy/use anything made in china, throw away or sell everything you own that is made in china. if you do that, we will truly respect you, otherwise, you are just a shameless hypocrite who deserves no respect.

      • why would China propagate a highly infectious virus that has made them lock down cities of 10 million and more for the past year and hurt their economy just to make some money off covid tests lol

        • +2

          just to make some money off covid tests lol

          We clearly just can't see the long game the conspiracy theory supporters can ;)

        • Dude has been playing too much biohazard

  • OOS

  • +1

    Sold Out, Thanks for sharing though OP!

    • +1

      Still in stock for me

      • +2

        will show sold out upon checkout.

        • Ah I see!

  • +2

    even the US can send these kits to resident for free. wonder how the hell we need end up here look for bargain on these test kits

    • +4

      UK had these in street corners for people to pick up and self check and that was like six months ago. I don't know why our life has to be like this. :(

      • +5

        Contact the premier of NSW, maybe he could answer

  • Sold out while updating the postal address..

    • +39

      Don't give Harvey Norman a cent of your money. They lobbied the government to ensure the tests wouldn't be free.

      Even the US, with its shameful healthcare system, provides them for free.

        • +14

          Enjoy bankrupting yourself over a hospital visit mate.

            • +6


              what is insurance…

              Is it something that every single citizen has by default, including low-income earners?

              • -7


                Is it something that every single citizen has by default, including low-income earners?

                Do you have insurance?

        • +7

          Affordable healthcare system has nothing to do with medical research. American healthcare system is famously bad.

          Sounds like you have been self isolating long before Covid.

          • -7


            healthcare system has nothing to do with medical research

            Oh dear, where do you think new life saving treatments come from? Magical unicorn farts?

            • +5

              @1st-Amendment: Oof, I see what's going on here. We are all wasting our time replying to you.

              Pack up everyone, nothing left to do here.

              Old mate here doesn't actually know what the term "healthcare system" means….

              • -2


                We are all wasting our time replying to you.

                Yet here you are. Good demonstration of logic…

      • +6

        Yeah Gerry is a crook. He took all the job keeper payments never paid back and now convinced the government not to hand out free kits else HN will lose business. Wtf?

    • +9

      LOL F Gerry Harvey

  • +1

    Damn! Waited to hear if family wanted me to get them a pack as well, and those couple mins were enough for it to go OOS.

    Here's hoping they were limiting stock per order so hoarders aren't screwing the rest of us over.

  • +2

    OOS. Apparently they can't post them to WA…

    • +3

      WA is COVID free, Apparently…

    • +1

      Not sure why I got down voted… I tried to buy one while still in stock at it said 'they're unable to post to my location'. Just informing other potential buyers.

      • Because people are strange and trigger happy. They may or may not know how to type actual words to facilitate actually discussion. You will always annoy someone, you just be you. :)

    • May be because WA doesn't accept them yet.

  • -6

    RRP is a deal?

    • +3

      We’ve been waiting for you

      • +1

        Mate you having a bad day? Ahah

        • Quite the opposite actually :)

    • +4

      stop spreading it and that way a lot more people will be able to say that they lived to 60…

      • +1

        but the vaccines are safe & effective!

        • both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can take a rapid test… positive rapid test will indicate that someone is infectious… so if you take the test and you got a positive result then take some measures to not spread the virus… as an example wear a well fitting face mask around other people…

    • +4

      your mindset is outright disrespectful to any immunocompromised folks who can't just 'get on with their lives' if they get covid. people dont just get vaxxed and tested for themselves, it's for other people. i don't suppose you'd sympathise with that given your selfishness, though.

        • +6

          that all comes down to the governments complete mishandling of the virus and not at all to do with having some basic responsibility and getting tested

          • +1

            @lachlantula: It’s basically the same everywhere in the world.

            You know doctors and nurses don’t have to isolate even if they have covid ?

            The worlds gone mad, and it’s not cube governments that’s the issue. It’s social media and the news outlets. It’s all about the clicks, and the best way to get clicks if it’s not sex. Is fear.

        • +1

          What does any of that have to do with individuals electing to have a rapid test to check if they have a virus?

          • -2

            @g1: What’s right with it?

            People rushing out to buy a test for a virus that most likely wont harm them. People think covid is filling up hospitals ? They’re right. It’s full of idiots who are clogging up beds/doctors cos they have a runny nose or they’ve been feared into submission so much so, they go to hospital to get tested for covid cos the lines are full at testing centres.

            • +1

              @Danstar: You have proof that people who are hospitalised with covid are unnecessarily hospitalised?

              • +2

                @g1: Funnily enough it was even in the news today, which I was unaware of. That people who are in Hospital for other conditions who may have contracted covid in hospital or just happen to have covid are listed in the hospitalisation numbers you read about daily.

                Eg. someone in hospital after having a heart attack. Gets covid in hospital, but is in hospital cos their heart attack. Get puts down as a covid case in hospital.

                Everyone who goes to emergency needs to be triaged and seen by a doctor before being released.


                • +1


                  That people who are in Hospital for other conditions who may have contracted covid in hospital or just happen to have covid are listed in the hospitalisation numbers you read about daily.

                  Is this not partly because they are then moved to the covid isolation area within the hospital and not left where they are?
                  You don't expect them to leave the person with the infectious disease just sitting in the general area with other patients do you?

                  Hence, their covid status in hospital is a covid case in hospital as it's taking a spot on the area which has been setup for isolation/quarantine.

                  • @SBOB: Dependant on the hospital.

                    Most are just kept in the ward they’re in, but are put in a single room. As most public hospitals have shared rooms/spaces

                    • @Danstar: shrug still a patient requiring additional measures due to their infectious disease.

                      Not sure how they would exclude these/report them separately in their basic break down of general patients with covid and those in ICU.

                      Could always be more detail in the info, but it also needs to be delivered in a way where those on the left hand side of the bell curve can also comprehend it.

                      • +1

                        @SBOB: Agreed. Should be at least reported as such. I was totally unaware of this until today.

                • @Danstar: That's not what I asked.

                  As far as people keeping beds occupied, is anyone being kept in hospital longer than needed? If you have evidence that there is a systemic issue of keeping patients unnecessarily hospitalised then it would be interesting to see that evidence.

                  In relation to your extra comment… Some hospitals have separate wards dedicated to COVID patients and to suspected COVID patients: doesn't matter what was their primary presentation for hospital admission. I would be very surprised if hospital staff stopped taking extra precautions around COVID patients. There are a lot of people in hospitals that are struggling with their primary health issues and would be badly impacted by an extra infection with a virus such as COVID. So as I understand the hospital staff are trying to minimise the spread of COVID through the hospital. I think the hospitals are trying to manage their patients in non-covid, suspected covid, covid positive categories. Some people are in hospitals primarily because of COVID and some are not but they also have COVID.

                  • @g1:

                    As far as people keeping beds occupied, is anyone being kept in hospital longer than needed?

                    I wouldn’t be able To provide you with a website source. But to answer this question directly from what I know. Yes!

                    It’s up to you to believe me or not

                    I’m not sure what point you’re trying to get across.

                    Do you believe covid is sensationalised by the media? Or you take what they present day in day out as gospel ?

                    • @Danstar: "Do you believe covid is sensationalised by the media? Or you take what they present day in day out as gospel ?"

                      It's not a this or that situation. It's not 0 or 100%. It's not black or white, etc.

                      My point is that this bargain post was for a test. I think some comments have became an unhinged rant with no evidence, unrelated to buying and using a test. People have their reasons for wanting a test. Trying to shame people with comments like @BBF 's is poor. In addition to being poor form, that comment is irrelevant to people who may genuinely need a test.

                      • +1

                        @g1: Like I said. My comments aren’t directed to those who have to show a negative test.

    • -1

      If you want to say you lived covid then go get covid

  • +1

    Oos 2 pack still available. Glad we cancelled our holiday to the Gold Coast on the 6th.Scummo to the rescue yet again.

  • +1

    Went OOS in the time it took me to create an account. this whole situation is ridiculous.

  • +6

    For ppl needing to locate one

    • they go out of stock pretty quick once it's posted

    • +2

      I'm surprised this domain name hasn't been reserved by the Comancheros….

      • Don't need to unless you want mice.

    • Find a rat ??

      It keeps taking me to Google images of Scott Morrison

  • +1

    Back in stock but won't be sent for a week

  • Seems like out of stock unfortunately

  • +3

    This get sold out as fast as a PS5 / XBSX console!

  • Got these last week arrived express to sa day after sent. Was sent way before when they said they would be too.

    • That's good to know, thanks for the info

  • +7

    What a shambles, QLD has gone from a paradise to a shit show in the space of 2 weeks and now the whole country is waking at 3am to sit in a line of cars or scrambling for nose swabs.

    • +2

      Fortress WA is the last man standing

      • +5

        WAs time is coming, and boy is it gonna be rough.

        • +7

          Yep we had a good run up here in the QLD bubble…ironic seeing Gold Coast businesses begging for the borders to open, 2 weeks later, they are closing left right and centre due to Covid and no staff.

          • @dahax77: It was a decent plan, just happened right before an Omicron wave which was unfortunate. WA doesnt want to go backwards with restrictions thats why their not keen to open the floodgates

      • +1

        Kicking the can down the road only works until the road ends.

        • +2

          Too true….was a damn good road while it lasted though

  • +1

    Price goes up $10 from a few weeks ago and this is a bargain?

    The 15th Dec 2021 this was on sale for $39.96

    • +6

      Supply and demand. Fact is, $10 a test is a relative bargain if you are in need of them.

      If various state governments didn't bungle up their PCR test demands, then tell everyone to get RATs without gaining a supply of RATs…then yeah you might have a point.

    • The 15th Dec 2021 this was on sale for $39.96

      Was that a sale price and this the regular price?

  • +8

    Now here is something interesting: the page says they're sold out but when I go to the overview page, I can hit the 'ADD' button for both the 2pk and 5pk and proceed to checkout!

    • Interesting… tried this and gave it a go lol.

  • +1


  • COVID-19 tests approved by the TGA
    The following COVID-19 self-tests have been approved by the TGA for supply in Australia.

    The following kits have been given a “very high sensitivity” label:

    All Test SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Nasal Swab) (ICOV-502H) Self-Test - Nasal swab
    LYHER Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Antigen Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) Self-Test - Nasal swab
    OnSite COVID-19 Ag Self Test - Nasal swab
    Panbio COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test - Nasal swab
    Rapid SARS-COV-2 Antigen Test Card Self-test - Nasal swab
    V-Chek COVID-19 Antigen Saliva Test - Saliva
    The following have been given the “high sensitivity” label:

    All Test COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid) Self-Test (ICOV-802H) - Oral fluid
    Hough COVID-19 Home Test - Nasal swab
    JusChek SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Nasal Swab) INCP-502H Self Test - Nasal swab
    JusChek COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid) ICOV-802H Self Test - Oral fluid
    My Covid Test Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid) (ICOV-802H) Self-Test - Oral fluid
    Orawell COVID-19 Ag Rapid saliva test device (Self-test) - Saliva
    RightSign COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Cassette (Nasal Swab) - Nasal swab
    TESTSEALABS COVID-19 Antigen Test Cassette - Nasal swab
    And these “acceptable sensitivity”:

    CareStart COVID-19 Antigen Home Test - Nasal swab
    Ecotest COVID-19 Antigen Saliva Test kit (COV-S35Pen) - Saliva
    InnoScreen COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Device (Self Test) - Nasal swab
    SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Self Test Nasal - Nasal swab

  • These came up again 5 mins ago

    I managed to grab a packet

    • They've always been OOS after I click on the email. Maybe I'm at the end of the notification queue!
      OK there might be something wrong. In the past few minutes I refreshed maybe once a minute. I received a "the wait is over" email in between refreshes, but it was never back in stock. I suppose it might have gotten sold out within that minute.

      • They definitely came back up

        People in the comments below also purchased

        • Yeah I noticed.. strange. I received the stock notification email again, but it's still always showing as OOS.

          • @eug: They are up right now

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