½ Price Ice Cream taken from upcoming catalogue starting this Wednesday the 5th of January.
½ Price Hershey's Ripple Tubs $4.25, Streets Magnum Tubs 440ml $4.75, Streets Golden Gaytime 400ml Pk 4 $4.50 @ Woolworths

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Gaytime is not on sale very often.
used to feel like it
i scored an awesome box of 16pk for like $20 iirc at iga last year :( shouldve loaded up another box
Bubbleme Bubble Tea Kit 280g $7 - Save $4.00
Cha Time Bubble Tea Pk 4 $9 - Save $1.00Which one is better?
I only like the Chatime one in Mango. But isn't stocked in my local woolies, I'm curious about that bubbleme one thou.
What is this, a deal for negs?
I've already had enough gay time from coles for the week, but if i stop by whoolies i might sneak a few more in - thanks!
meet me behind the store m8
I love Gaytime (no homo)
mums fave
Don't tell Vu or SamWise but this is 50% off every 5 sec's .