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Personal Finance Tracker Spread Sheet $6 (Was $8) @ CompiledSanity Personal Finance


Started 2022 looking at my new worth with my investment properties leveraged to the tits - Pilbara has never let me down.

According to the spreadsheet, my net worth went down after I bought my 3rd investment property in Mount Druitt? Otherwise, been a great way for me to track my finances.

Last deal was pretty popular was the wünderchild of /r/AusFinance: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/641741

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CompiledSanity Personal Finance Templates
CompiledSanity Personal Finance Templates

closed Comments

  • What does this do that the commbsnk app portfolio doesn't do? I quite like the portfolio feature and don't really have to update it myself, unless I hold shares elsewhere, adding properties or adding money from different banks.

    • +3

      I think you answered it yourself, everything if you don't buy/hold your shares through CommBank lol

      Other than that you've got way more in-depth tracking, house saving targets, FIRE calculators, the whole kit kaboodle

    • +5

      What does it do-Make OP richer of course.

  • +95

    Weird flex post by OP but OK.

    • +14

      Nah all the stuff is a joke, tough crowd

  • +9

    According to the spreadsheet, my net worth went down after I bought my 3rd investment property in Mount Druitt?

    Lovely stuff.

  • +1

    Good tools to get it at this price of a bag of avocado 🥑.

  • +2

    No Avo on Toast for OP this year ….

    • +4

      Gave it up for NFTs

  • -7

    Just use pocketbook. It's free and really good

    • +3

      Different tools - Pocketbook only tracks spending

    • Completely different things you're comparing with. Pocketbook is great for tracking spending. Spending is an important but can be a small subset of your personal finance as a whole

  • +4

    The only person getting rich is the person who is selling the spreadsheet.

    • +1

      It's true, my fortunes rest upon the decisions of my liege King McGowan

    • +1

      Dont think this spreadsheet is supposed to make you rich tho. Tracking your investments is going to increase your returns but might help with financial planning.

      • One feature that actually does help my returns is algorythmic rebalancing - tells me what to buy, when to buy it to keep my portfolio splits at the level that I want through my next planned purchase

  • +30

    i just purchased an accountant firm to manage all my overseas accounts, shell companies, high yield amg, Toyota Camry, enloop stash and 100 things about stuff books

    • +20

      You're missing someone to track your Cashrewards

      • reckon no one wanted that job

        • +5

          hired someone to listen to all the scam calls for the shopback hack

      • Is this a joke?

      • Even Cashrewards can't track cash rewards, oh wait that is Shop back ;)

  • +8

    Plenty of free ones around and also heaps of YouTube tutorials showing how to create your own, which will then give you the skills to make it more tailored to your needs or preferences.

    • can you please share some.

      • +1

        I’d recommend googling them because it comes down to personal preference on what your visually prefer. You can also get older versions of the spreadsheet the Op is selling for free. I think v2.3 is the last free one on offer.

        I stopped using them a long time ago as they didn’t serve any purpose beyond being able to say “I’m worth $xxx”

        • +1

          Totally agree. I looked at using such a spreadsheet about 12 months ago and then I realised it was far more effort than necessary seeing as I can quite easily see my cash and stock holdings on my phone as well as other things, I'm on top of my finances and know roughly how much equity I have in my house.

          So what was I really doing other than creating a fancy spreadsheet to point to?

          Each to their own but I'm not sure there is really much value in tracking your net worth unless you are persuing a FIRE goal.

  • +33

    Just keep in mind when you purchase this: Your net worth goes down $6!

    • +1

      But the time saved over learning to DIY could easily beat that

    • +2

      It is easily recovered by investing in a BMW 3 series

    • You can claim on tax if it helps with your preparations so maybe $4?

    • mark the newly purchased spreadsheet into your assets column

  • +18

    I have $0.00 in my bank account, $45 in cash notes, $29.45 in coins, zero investments, and I have 1 AfterPay payment due on Friday.

    Apart from not being able to purchase this spreadsheet online because of zero monies in my bank account until banks reopen, what benefits will this $6 spreadsheet offer a baller like me?

    • +18

      The decision making skills to not live like a degenerate.

      • +14

        The goon bag I’ve been using as a pillow / underwhelming ninja star / trusted confidant just told me that this idea can’t work because I would have to possess the decision making skills to not live like a degenerate BEFORE I was able to make the decision to purchase this spreadsheet and dream of a more decorous life.

        Oh well back to the public toilet to try and find my pants I guess!

    • -2

      Points for an honest (perhaps) post but I have to say "there's your problem right there" - 'AfterPay' - and no spreadsheet in the world is going to cure using things of that ilk, sorry

      • +4

        I believe there's nothing wrong with afterpay if you can already afford what you are purchasing. The issue arrises when you use afterpay and similar services when you are spending money you don't have.

      • +18

        I’ve got LatitudePay, Klana, OpenPay, Zip, and a Cash Converters debts too so don’t stress I don’t have all my eggs in the AfterPay basket!

        • no worries at all, if AfterPay starts squeezing yo balls Credit24 will help you out 👍

    • +4

      Congratulations on taking your first step into an exciting new world of wealth inequality. Check your ethics at the door, because they’ll just get in the way as you construct your first empire. If you were to put that $6 in a low-cost, index-tracking fund today, it will be worth $41,592.04 (approximately) at your projected retirement age… so ask yourself — can I afford to spend $41,592.04 on a spreadsheet?

    • +8

      Hey Magnastar I highly recommend seeing a local free financial counsellor. They can help you with negotiating lower payment plans or look at other options with your Afterpay account. They can also check your entitlements and help you get on top of your budget. They are independent and provide a holistic service as they understand a lot of factors play into financial difficulty. The national debt helpline can refer you to one 1800 007 007.

      • +13

        I don’t need financial help I’ve mastered the art of zero sum budgeting. I get paid, I buy a bunch of shit I don’t need, and then I have a zero sum.

        • +7

          Ok no worries then, just putting it out there for others who might be reading this thread

        • +1

          Trickle down economics working like a charm

        • Just realised I have residue funds in my cash account going to waste. Even earned a little interest, omg! Need to set up some scripts on my cash account.

  • +2

    you talking about PLS?

  • +2

    I've been using this for 12 months for tracking my share portfolio, investments, savings etc, I find it great.
    For shares, I find it more user friendly than Self Wealth.

  • Does this do simple tax reports? e.g. FY bank interest, dividends, CGT

    • Yep calculates CGT on a FIFO basis too

      • FIFO is not always the best way so it’s useless for this

        • Has other calculation methods too - FIFO was the new method added recently iirc

  • +5

    Does all data go to the developer ? I don't want someone to know that I have savings of millions of cents.

    • +2

      Excellent question, and one many people should be asking 10 steps before even considering purchasing something like this….

      In FAQ:

      A very valid question! The Sheet has been designed to be completely self-contained. When you download the Sheet and make a copy, it's now it's own independent copy hosted by you. The external services permission is triggered because the Sheet uses live Crypto, Stock and Managed Fund prices which requires the sheet to fetch external prices from Google Finance, Yahoo Finance & Bloomberg.

      You can review all the formulas to see how that works, but it's strictly a one way fetch process and if you go Tools -> Script Editor in the Document you can review all the code yourself to make sure it checks out. Furthermore, no personally identifying information or sensitive information such as passwords/usernames are needed nor requested. The only inputs into this Sheet are holdings and amounts, the minimum information needed to determine your Net Worth & associated performance.

      • +1

        Not only that but how safe is it being on the internet in general? I guess that being a Google sheet, it's as safe as your personal google security settings?

        • Pretty much, you can even buy it using a totally new email / account if you're paranoid.

          • @frowny: Tonnes of ways accounts are linked even using alias domains / emails.

            Cookies, Advertising Identifiers, Home network permissions from apps, IP address, recovery email, sign-up phone number, the list goes on.

            • @BraggingRights: Oh for sure, but I don't reckon it's any riskier than doing things like internet banking if we're being very paranoid. At the end of the day, what could a would-be-information thief do with your numbers?

              • @frowny: Know whether or not you're worth targetting, maybe go as far as carefully use information in confidence scam either with the target or in identity scams with their institutions.

    • No data to the dev which is super good

  • So a manual import is needed? Why not money brilliant app

  • +4

    People on here value saving $1 more than their time saved by spending that $1..

  • +1

    Welcome to 2022’s first bragpost

    • -2


      • Schmwoosh

  • +5

    1) Buy $6 Spreadsheet to track wealth
    2) Sell infinite copies of Spreadsheet for $5 each
    3) PROFIT!!!

  • +6

    Or, you can just download it for free and save your money.

    Free = an actual bargain.

      • Cool story. Needs more 🦄 and 🐉 though.

  • +3

    Dude with 4 houses finds a way to save $2

    • -4

      Don't get to 3 sets of government housing by wasting money boy

  • The graphic at the start of this web page is encouraging. 63% gain on ETF. Where do I sign up for that?

    • +1
    • Pretty sure VGAD from Mar20 to Mar21 had a 30% gain. I'm sure you could've found something riskier than AusFinances' baby ETF

  • How does this tool handle residential property values? (and other unlisted/illiquid assets).

    I'm assuming you manually update those based on…..some real estate agent's valuation?

    • Yeah it doesn't have the ability to fetch what your property value is, but still lets you track the performance and growth of your property(ies) over time.

      Real estate agents can't be trusted as far as you could throw them, I'd stick with the bank or the council's valuations

  • +1

    I think that I’ll stick to paying 10x that every year for ynab.

    • +2

      I hate SaaS with a passion, so having a one-off purchase in a world of monthly subscriptions has been a nice experience

  • +1

    Ok so I risked my $6.

    The Google permissions requested are pretty full on…

    • See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
    • See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using Google Calendar
    • Connect to an external service
    • Send email as you
    • Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
    • -1

      It was answered pretty aight for me in the FAQ about what the permissions are for https://cspersonalfinance.io/faqs

      • +1

        Surely permissions can be set to:
        Only See, edit, create, and delete this Google spreadsheets, not all of mine?
        Only See, edit, share, and permanently delete calendars created by this sheet, not all of mine
        only read from external services, and not a network connection to any external service (e.g., to read or write data)

        • -2

          Fair point, I don't use Google Calendars (Outlook fam) so it isn't a huge issue for me

        • +1

          I'm not willing to allow all the required permissions as I have a lot invested in the Google empire.

          I have asked for a refund a couple of days ago, but still no reply or refund.

          The exact permissions required should be listed prominently to allow someone to make an informed choice.

          • -1

            @petestrash: yeah yesterday I had a date and there was this ominious dude in the corner watching me… pretty sure he saw it on my calendar and pretended to be there on business.

            nice try buddy but I am watching you… watching me

            • +1

              @AussieMark: I'm in the google eco system due to my employer.

              I have a lot of commercial in confidence information on google sheets for collaboration.

              If you are willing to allow this developer or anyone who may hack them to see, edit, create, and delete any Google spreadsheets, or calendars, send email as you from your google account, and connect to any external source using your google credentials, good luck to you.

              It's not paranoia, it simple cybersecurity.

              The developer could have requested less permissions just to allow this sheet to run, but for some reason they want global rights to your Google account.

  • -3

    Cannot just one ozbargainer buy and share it?

    Isn't it just like an excel spreadsheet… Or am I missing something

    • it's google sheets which is online, not an excel file.

      It can be downloaded, but the features would be broken

    • Yeah not sure how that works - but I get updates to the sheets regularly via an email with new features / bug fixed

    • Are you that stingy?

      • Can't become a millionaire if you don't do the work to remain a six-dollaire.

  • +3

    Just use Frollo for free. Pretty sure OP is associated in some ways, second time they've posted this.

    • -7

      Lmao last time you posted I roasted your ass back to the Penalty Box, you have thick skin to keep rocking up:


    • -1

      Also aren't you a competitor didn't you learn your lesson re: posting on deals wtf 😂

      • +2

        Only someone with your intelligence would consider us competitors. Given I don't sell anything or have any personal finance trackers I think you're in over your head.

        Not sure what kind of roasting you gave me, but I don't need to roast you here, my fellow ozbarginers are already doing that. I provide free tips that my community is finding useful unlike this tracker which anyone could make!

        • -3

          I mean the mods reckoned otherwise last time so 😂

          And the roasting I gave you was for your shit tax advice in your articles - CGT exemptions for expats lmao

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