How much do you pay for your Netflix subscription?

I didn't realise there where alternatives for Netflix subscriptions.
I lost the standard aud $19.99 (non 4k) per month purchased from their website. Technically it is meant to give access to 4 TV's. But I find I use it on more than 4 devices (probably not simultaneously).

I came across this recently:…

Above is just around $5 per month for top tier 4k. I'm not sure if above would work or scam. Just curious if people pay the standard rates from Netflix website or go to alternative source to get it cheaper?

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  • £13.99.

    That link is selling shared accounts. Wouldn't pay that much upfront in case it's dodgy.

  • Argentina vpn posts incoming in 3..2..

    • +1


    • +1

      Beware the Argentina tax

      • I've been paying around $15/month lately for the $22 local equivelant. Decent deal.

  • That link would be based on either compromised accounts or stolen credit cards - don't support them.

  • +2

    Mines free

  • $1.05 a month Paramount plus dodgy seller Taobao

    • o_O?

  • The only options I'm aware of (and comfortable with) is via Netflix direct. So the price u'd pay would be based on number of devices(eg 1 vs 4), type of plan (eg SD vs 4k) and Netflix location (eg Australia vs Argentina vs turkey)

    My Netflix sub has just gone up to $22.99. And I share it amongst 3 others. (and try to source giftcards when on sale… Eg coles this week )

  • +2

    Above is just around $5 per month for top tier 4k

    It's about $6 for a direct Netflix 4k account via turkey. Why go via a third party scamy site for the same price?

    • +1

      So simply do vpn to Turkey and create account. That's it?
      Don't need hassle of putting entire internet on vpn to Turkey as we had to do few years back when getting USA content?

      • +3

        Nope, none of that required.
        Do a quick search of 'Netflix Turkey' on this site and all will be explained. If it sounds dodgy, it is not.
        The best way to think of it is, there are effectively 2 Netflix processes that run parallel; one for content and one for billing/accounts. The VPN is only needed for the second part.

      • Make sure you use a new Netflix account and if it doesn't work, don't try all your credit cards. I did all the "successful steps listed", didn't work and all the cards I tried got banned on their whole system. I've had to go back to Aussie and got to pay by gift cards now lol

  • Wtf is up with all these dodgy link posts coming through last 12 months especially lmao

  • I use Seren add on for Kodi

  • +1

    Free using the visa card

  • +1

    $0.. brother in law in the US gets it for free, and we’ve been using his account for a few years

    • How do they get it for free?

      • No idea

        • +1

          It's probably part of a package of some sort, not truly free. Unless they work for Netflix.

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