This was posted 3 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Epic] Free - Tomb Raider Trilogy (Rise of Tomb Raider: 20 Year, Shadow of Tomb Raider: DE, Tomb Raider: GOTY) @ Epic Games


The Fooah freebie finale, possibly saving the best to last…. The Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy! Cannot wait to play these, I believe I have one or two of them across different platforms, but having all 3 on one is very enticing!

Xbox Bio:
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy is the complete edition of the award-winning Tomb Raider origin games. This collection contains all the definitive edition content from each critically acclaimed prequel title—Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Follow Lara on her formative journey across the world, starting in Tomb Raider trapped on the shrouded island of Yamatai off the coast of Japan, to the harsh Siberian tundra hiding an immortal secret in Rise of the Tomb Raider, and finally to the mountainous landscape of Peru to uncover a cataclysmic power in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. With all the definitive edition content from each game, this Trilogy promises dozens of hours of breathtaking exploration, challenging puzzle-solving, and survival combat with Lara as she becomes the Tomb Raider she was destined to become.


Mod Update 31/12 3:20am: Direct Links:

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closed Comments

  • +26

    sweet deal,
    thanks epic.
    my epic library cost more than my steam library.
    All free too :D

    • +2

      I think mine is too, I've only been PC gaming the past year.

      • I bought satisfactory with the $15 off before it was on Steam…. I couldn't wait…..

        • Yeah, same. Honestly amazing game. Equally fun in multiplayer too.

  • +10

    Brilliant games! Has to be one of my all-time favourite series.

  • +13

    Lol GTA V level ddos again?

  • +7

    Recently replayed these. Rise of the Tomb Raider was my favourite.
    If its your first time playing, make sure you play it on hard. As this game is way too easy,

    • +4

      The original Tomb Raider 2013 is still my favourite, it was the only one where you could go from nothing in a gritty environment and grow into the Tomb Raider which you can't redo in the sequels.

      • +2

        Love Tomb Raider 2013. Especially the horror elements in it. I generally prefer Rise as I think the gameplay, story and setting is overall better. Then you have the bonus of the nice graphics and more difficulty options. And I personally think Lara looks better in Rise compared to Shadow.

        • I thought the RotTR graphics where actually better than Shadow, big upgrade over TR2013.

          • +1

            @Jimbuscus: Yep I agree Jim. Rise specifically looks better then Shadow when it comes to facial animations. They used MOVA Technology before the lawsuits hit.

    • Just started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider a few weeks back. I enjoyed the start when you're just adventuring but since hitting the winter campsite and having to do the survival stuff / build weapons, not so much. Really not sure if I'll keep on with it, prefer the simpler adventuring than crafting.

      • I'd suggest playing a bit more. The first winter camp is basically a tutorial for those systems. The become less prevalent as you get further, you can play it mostly like the first one, only visiting camp to upgrade weapons.

        • Try to keep playing. The initial crafting section isn't very long. Its crucial to learn to craft on the fly if your playing on higher difficulties. And once you unlock the silence pistol. You can then play the game like Splinter Cell.

          • @Commander Shepard: Ok I might do. I really don't want to have to make weapons all the time, just want guns to shoot. I swear the 2013 TR wasn't that complicated and more enjoyable.

        • Ok if you can ignore all the crafting stuff that would be good. I don't get the costume stuff either, what's the point of that? Not really interested in playing dress-ups haha.

  • +1


  • -2

    Not sure why it shows 404 or "No results found Unfortunately I could not find any results matching your search." to my browser.

    • +4

      It won't work until 3am!

  • Awesome. Glad I didn't buy shadow recently. Bought rise 20 year edition last year. Love these games.

  • +7

    Forgive my ignorance but is this the one people run PC benchmarks on? People like LTT feature some Tomb Raider game specifically for it's HDR content, I just don't know which

    • +7

      It is one of these three (Shadow of the Tomb Raider)

  • +2

    fxXXXXking legend!!!!!!!!

  • +2

    This is the motherload of all Vbucks donations.

  • +3

    Out of interest, is there any background as to why Epic gives away so much awesome foshizzle manizzle?

    • +16

      It's part of their attempt to break the stranglehold that steam has on the PC digital marketplace.

      • +9

        Yep by giving people a massive library of games, they hope people become invested in the platform like they do with steam.

        People forget years ago all the mega cheap steam sales, similar tactic.

        • +12

          The recurring $15 coupon for their sale events has got me to buy a few things too, historical low pricing all over the place.

          Been a long time since Steam had the lowest price on anything.

      • Stranglehold on the PC digital market? Are you kidding? Epic never needed to do ANY of this to "break the stranglehold." All they needed was to say "Hey publishers, here's the new cut. 10% for us, 90% for you. Have fun." These "free games" are them playing dirty. They aren't fighting Steam. They fighting and killing all natural alternatives. GOG is struggling more than ever now. In many countries doing this would be considered ILLEGAL if it was conventional goods. Destroying the local economy because you're so rich you can run at MASSIVE (profanity) losses is (profanity) evil…

        But hey free's free right?

        • I don't think giving stuff away is playing dirty, all platforms do that. Playing dirty is year long exclusivity.

        • the games they release for free are always games that have been out for years, more than anything it promotes the games and helps epic, people that miss out on the deal but their friends and peers play will be more likely to buy it down the track if someone they know tells them its fun. they can also buy it on the platform they like.
          if they were giving away newly released titles it would be a different situation.

    • +2

      Would be to take market share from steam and become the 'default' for PC.

    • +4

      All part of a plan for you to install their platform. Without it installed many people are likely to try and avoid buying anything on epic in order to keep everything consolidated. Once they've encouraged you to get it installed (exclusives, free stuff), it's much more likely you'll buy something from them.

      The other thing is - i suspect games don't earn that much after the first few months anyway. For example, I'm pretty sure nobody was planning on buying control at anywhere near full price, so the ability to sell it without a large discount is minimal. It probably doesn't actually cost Epic that much to do these. Many people will just put the games in their library and not even bother to install them, not even using up bandwidth.

      I do appreciate that many of these freebies come with dlcs though.

      That said, I'm a bit over all these distribution platforms. Steam (which is irritating), epic, battlenet, origin, uplay… I'm really liking gog in that you just directly start the game and nothing wants to update first.

      • You don't need it installed to claim the games to an account.

        They run a business so ofcourse giving away free games us a method to try and get people buying games through them. Steam has always had a monopoly and many companies are over giving 30% of the sales to them when they could just run their own platform. You don't have to like or support it you can just claim the freebies and ignore the store.

      • +7

        I just install every platform and take all free games. And pay next to nothing for all pc games

    • +1

      Also dont forget Epic also try to outbest Steam by using game release exclusives, meaning some game only available in Epic store for x period of amount of time when its first launch

    • +1

      "Epic gives away so much awesome foshizzle manizzle"

      What the hell even is that?

      • +1

        Must be some foreign language.

  • +1

    I have completed these games on PS4. I think I will go through the whole thing again on PC

  • +4

    Played the first 2 in the series. Personally prefer the first one over the second but they were both great games. Looking forward to playing the third one.

  • +12

    been holding out for a massive discount on the final game….think this qualifies

  • +1

    Nice. I don't really like these type of games, but they make great second hand pc benchmarks haha.

  • +4

    Epic killing it with these free games. Thanks fortnite kids.

  • Weird…The Epic page takes me to Rise of Tombraider only and I already have that.

    • I know same! :(

      • +2

        Do it over browser. The Epic client store is broken.

    • +1

      I had the same issue with Firefox. Switching to Chrome works (showing the 3 game separately for purchase).

  • +16
    • +2

      I got mine.

      • +2

        I managed to check out all 3 and confirmation popups came up but when I refresh the page it still says "Get" instead of "In Library" as it normally should. So check it later on if it's actually added to your account.

        Edit: Just tried checking out one of them again (for science) and it comes up with a message "Sorry, you already own this item, or it's still being processed". Website still getting slammed an hour after the freebie started 😮

    • Was looking for this cheers!

  • Check out is completely broken

  • Using the website: We are experiencing high transaction volume, please try again later. gg'd :D

    • Got the same x3. 4th attempt finally successful!!!!

      • Kept trying, they putting Capcha now but still no avail. Gonna try in the morning, Epic server getting smashed.

        • +1

          STILL getting smashed. :(

  • +3

    Great series. To any newbies, don't back to back them all, you will almost certainly get burnout.

    • +5

      Appreciate the advice, is it wise just to play them in order of release?

      • +5

        Yes. They games each stand on their own, but if you plan to play all three then there will be some plot and character progression that Is carried between titles and I believe there is in game talks referring to characters that die in previous games that would be minor spoilers.

        The first two titles are often regarded the stronger ones too so probably no reason to jump to the latest to then revisit the others.

        • Thank you, ill follow this advice

    • Yep. I went straight to 2 after 1 recently and got a few hours in before burning out lol

  • Great series. Thanks OP

    • No problem, cheers!

  • +2

    Do they need to be played in order?

    • +6

      they all share the same common background story, so it would be best to play them in order

    • +3

      I would play them in order.

  • +1

    Good way to stress test their servers….

    • It's going badly. SURPRISE!!!

      • +1

        Same. All kinds of problems trying to use, add and claim the games through the Epic launcher. At least this time its a week to claim games. Hopefully we will be able to get them by then.

        • It's running fine now through Chrome…I had NO issues downloading them.

  • +1

    This epic games server is the biggest pile of garbage. You would think after the gta v balls up they would be able to sort it. I just get redirected to spanish epic games lol

    • +2

      Given that, after all the years Steam has been available - which usually suffers poorly during high volume special events, Epic, having had one poor showing with GTA V, is unlikely to have learnt anything.
      I don't disagree though. I'm sure the Epic would be aware that this game is likely to cause a high volume of visitors, spool up a server or two to help with the load. I'm just not sure how feasible that is. Would they manage their own infrastructure or would it be outsourced? Would it be possible to just "add a server" for a few hours / days ? And honestly, would it be worth it?

      In the meantime, I'll just wait a bit. Half the store doesn't load.

  • +1

    im getting "uh oh,something went wrong"

  • +3

    Store still failing, multiple tries getting error 404 & 500 plus got sent to Epic Russian site once!

    • +2

      I've had simplified Chinese and Russian so far. It's like Pokemon, collect all the languages :)

      • +1

        I got France, Germany and Mexico so far. Am I winning? ;-)

        EDIT: Just got China as well.

  • +3

    Looks like lots of people trying to claim it at the moment.

    Add to cart being very useful addition to Epic store.

  • +1


  • Normally I get a confirmation email for the receipt. I haven’t got it this time. Anyone is experiencing the same issue?

    • Mine took a while but I eventually got the email

    • I got 2 out of 3 emails only

  • yeah store still getting hammered have to wait a little bit more

  • +4

    i keep getting

    An unexpected error has occurred.

  • +2

    Site issues?

  • +1

    Don't know why this giveaway in particular is overwhelming the servers. All three games have been given away previously on other services are are just 'good' games. I say that having completed Rise & Shadow.

    • It seemed to gain mainstream tech media coverage - e.g.…

    • Probably because you have to visit the main landing page and then 3 separate store page / checkout process rather than just being a direct link to the game page and then click to activate once makes the traffic 4x as busy as usual.

  • This is epic

  • server's struggling

  • +3

    My client is struggling had to re log into it and it changed all the language and came up with a 404 in Spanish might try it later.

    • I redeemed all 3 no problems using Chrome on my phone.

    • Same on my phone

  • +2

    When I clicked 'Get' it didn't work. But adding to cart and then checking out worked.

    • +1

      Thanks bud, this worked for me on my phone browser! I had to refresh the game pages a couple of times before it gave me the option to add to cart (I refreshed before the 404 or something went wrong error came up). I was able to add all 3 to the cart and then checkout.

  • +4

    "Uh oh, something went wrong."

    Forgot to pay your server bill, Epic.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Been waiting for this for ages I'm so excited to play! The server has been struggling, took me about 10 attempts this morning, it was coming up with 'error page not found' and then loading in Spanish etc but it finally worked for me and I was able to claim them.

  • +3

    Pretty sure server is having issues. This is epic.

  • +2

    I had success claiming the games through the epic games launcher rather than through the website.

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