Post X-Mas special. Check your local Coles.
Bundaberg Rum Egg Nog is 0.5% alcohol.
Post X-Mas special. Check your local Coles.
Bundaberg Rum Egg Nog is 0.5% alcohol.
none i can see atmine
Is egg nog good? If I like custard would I like egg nog? Always see it, and curious if it’s good?
No It’s not like custard at all. Think of it as scrambled egg and nutmeg flavoured milk. Quite gross. We bought one and it eventually got poured down the sink after about a week when it went ‘chunky’, mmmm.
You must of gotten one out of your cupboard from last year, because the one i bought before Christmas didn't expire until February lol.
If sealed, yes, its long life milk. But expires 3 days after opening it though. Wont make that mistake again 😕
must have gotten*
@nikoris: The number of people that think "must of" if the correct way of saying it too damn high! I won't be surprised if one of the dictionaries adds it as acceptable.
So wrong though
It's full of Noggy goodness
It's pretty tasty. Texture is somewhere between milk and custard.
That’s a disgusting texture you’ve described there. I remember when this website had genuine bargains back in the day not soon to be expired chunder.
Its good depends on the personal tastes. Not really like custard, these ones aren't really like the real thing though.
If you want to ruin all other eggnog for the rest of your life try this recipe….
It won over a friend who hates the stuff.
+1 for home made egg nog.
Girlfriend made Jamie Oliver's recipe this Christmas and the supermarket ones have nothing on it. The spices and everything were quite the christmas experience, but it is quite a bit of effort to make.
Something fresh and home made is better than the store bought but takes a lot more effort? Who would have thunk it?
I do an annual homemade and the store bought has got nothing on it. It's always a hit.
Ate with this, store or Paul's eggnog is tasty, but super sugary, has the recipe changed? Or I've got a lot older this year. Hasn't stopped me from downing them when I buy them haha
The Paul's taste great, I had an aversion to egg nog after trying it ages ago, but now I love it.
It’s kind of like milky/runny custard.
Very good! But buy the proper stuff. It's called "Advokaat", and it's 17% alcohol for a 500ml bottle, costs $22 and available from Dan the Man etc…. Makes good milkshakes. 🤣
It's probably UHT milk too, so it'll last in a cupboard somewhere.
Make sure you actually check the packaging though and don't just take my word for it.
Nah this stuff goes chunky if left out….
Yeah it is. Fresh milk lasts 7-10 days. These had January expiry dates printed on them even back in November.
UHT dressed up to look fresh. There are more than a few examples. Usually have artificially short expiry dates (6-8 weeks) and sold from the fridge to complete the illusion.
I think I'm having chest pains
Had Oak egg nog this year, was quite tasty. Added a small amount of brandy and was delicious.
You need to buy a moose mug for the authentic Christmas vacation feels.
Do they have them in the gift shop at wally world?
Yeah but they are currently closed for renovations!
help me look for those clear beer mugs that look like a pineapple pattern please?
"Tis the season, Marge! We only get 30 sweet, noggy days. Then the Government takes it away again."
When Homer first said this I couldn't agree more, damn government, limiting my nog days.
Before Xmas they were selling these for $4 a bottle… its just flavoured milk.
what flava/
I think you got lucky. I've been watching the nog sector for a few weeks and demand has been climbing. I expect the small dip in the last 4 days to recover, and for this stuff to be selling at around $10 a bottle in a few weeks.
Keep an eye out on FB marketplace and gumtree :p
The green ones were 50 cents at my Redfern Woolworths. Same brand.
Found them for $0.15 previous years, looking to see if they can set a new all time low this season.
50c at my local. Also the little Christmas glass jars of Nutella were 50c and the Coles gingerbread men cookie things 10c among all the marked down Christmas clearance items. Well worth checking out your neighbourhood store.
Wonder what the dates are on the Nutella?
I'll let you know (if there are any left and I remember).
Probably palm dates
Damn was hoping for next Xmas 😕 🤣
@Benoffie: They're actually not too bad just as little glasses regardless of the Nutella inside. 250ml, so for kids mainly if used as a drinking glass, but at 50c and they are pretty sturdy and come with a plastic lid so are rather handy otherwise for puddings, storage, etc.
Bundaberg Rum Egg Nog is hard to drink. I suppose I should throw the bottle out now, meant to be consumed within three days
Lol cmon did someone really need to report the joke in the description
I know right, kombucha has the same alcohol content and can be made at home much easier.
Whoa careful. Don't let the negger know that. I bet it's a Karen who probably drinks the stuff because it's healthy and "sugar free".
It wasn’t a joke.
Reduced to Clear
A deal just for me? How nice 🤗
I picked up a 6 pack of Coles Finest Brandy Infused Fruit Mince Tarts for 38 cents at my local store today.
I grabbed a bundaberg and baileys version of these when they were $4, sadly no run to add.
I'm on to the baileys one now, and i can recommend adding an espresso shot with ice for a pick-me-up :) None left at my local :(
Pro-tip for this and the custards.. churn them in your ice cream maker.
dont ave cream churner
Btw, stupid question, does eggnog contain higher lactose level than normal? Remembered it giving me the runs last I tried it many years ago.
Mind you, I have no issue with Pura Full Cream as a comparison. So been scared of trying eggnog since. But tempted to give this a try!
Lol they got sold out here one day before Xmas 😆