Neat to stack onto any Boxing Day deals this afternoon.
If you run into the cap there's also 16% cashback at Cashrewards with further $30 cap until 28/12.
Neat to stack onto any Boxing Day deals this afternoon.
If you run into the cap there's also 16% cashback at Cashrewards with further $30 cap until 28/12.
$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.
Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.
Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms
Only for the first delivery :)
Is the cap per transaction or per member? Specifically sephora
Unless we specifically call out "Per Customer" or "Per Account" it is always safe to assume it'll be per transaction.
@gotyourback: Wait so, I can make as many transactions as I want between now and the end of the promo, and each transaction will earn me 30% cashback, as long as each transaction doesn't go over the $30 cap? So the $30 cap isn't per account?
Sorry, just seeking clarification
gotyourback, Just to clarify, if you sign up repeat/subscription delivery, you'll get 30% cashback but only for the first delivery?
My first repeat delivery didn't even track. So I would say no
Mine didn’t either but there will be hell to pay if it doesn’t get sorted
Got some worming tablets for my dog. Thanks OP!
Read up on dontral side effects before you give. Messed my Kelpie up.
Anyone else getting "There has been an error processing your request" when using the PetBarn site?
yes. timing out.
very very slow website ATM.
finally, orders are placed.
Does Paying using afterpay qualify for the cashback?
did you guys cashback track immediately? placed an order about 30 minutes ago and nothing tracked.
It did not track mine so far. Only ordered a few minutes ago.
Mine tracked after about 6-7hrs too.
Mine tracked after about 5 hours
Does this stack with the $15 bonus cashback with at least $15 spend Perk offer?
Does cashback work on repeat deliveries?