This was posted 3 years 2 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panamax 500mg 100 Tablets $0.69 @ Chemist Warehouse


$0.69 for Boxing Day. Previous deals.

General Information

For the temporary relief of pain and discomfort in
arthritis, headache, muscular and neuralgic
conditions. Reduces fever.


For the relief of minor and temporary ailments and should be used strictly as directed. Prolonged use without medical supervision could be harmful.
Always read the label. Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

In Store / Free C&C or + Delivery (Free with $50 Spend). Maximum 1 per order, if buying online.

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2021

Related Stores

Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

  • -4

    Still haven't finished mine from the last deal. I usually find these less effective than Panadol, takes longer to feel the effects and any pain/discomfort not completely blocked.

    • +21

      Placebos work even when you know it's a placebo. And the more expensive a placebo is the more effective it is. The human mind is very interesting.

      • -8

        Thats what laymen (google experts) who think they know everything always say when they see the same ingredient and gross weight in tablets for different brands.

        Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry, there are multiple factors that determines the efficacy of a tablet:
        -quality of source materials
        -particle size for absorption rate

        Try taking panadol rapid and compare it to this one, its like night and day. Faster and more pain numbing.

        • +11

          When you say 'worked in the pharmaceutical industry' do you mean that you were a pharmacist/pharmaceutical chemist - or are you saying you emptied the trash at the offices of Blackmores?

        • +3

          Yes. That’s because sodium bicarbonate speeds up the absorption. But that’s not what you said in the first post…

        • +1

          "Most of the hype about 'faster-acting' paracetamol or ibuprofen is just that – hype," says Dr Louis Roller, associate professor in pharmacy practice at Monash University.


          Also, see:

          When it comes to OTC generic vs branded, like painkillers, actually differences are largely psychological, not physiological. Also, I would highly doubt a personnel's professional background if he/she states something vague like "quality of source materials".

          • +1

            @DevilsInDetails: On your last comment why is “quality of source materials” not a reasonable consideration?

            No chemistry process is perfect so every synthesis method will have slightly different trace elements, even if both products meet requirements to be labelled and sold as paracetamol.

            Particle size and coatings are also legitimate considerations, here’s a quick read;


            NB: I always buy the home brand medicine

    • likely placebo. panamax and panadol are the same aside from the coating.

      • +11

        The coating is my favourite part… as soon as I’ve sucked that off I start feeling better almost instantly

        • +1

          wut XD

        • That's why I dip them in OJ for breakfast!

      • -2

        Thats what laymen (google experts) who think they know everything always say when they see the same ingredient and gross weight in tablets for different brands.

        Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry, there are multiple factors that determines the efficacy of a tablet:
        -quality of source materials
        -particle size for absorption rate

        Try taking panadol rapid and compare it to this one, its like night and day. Faster and more pain numbing.

        • -1

          for someone who has worked in the pharmaceutical industry you clearly havent considered that panadol rapid isnt the same as panamax, let alone standard panadol lol

    • +1

      Still haven't finished mine from the last deal

      You must be a lot of fun at parties…

  • +7



  • +2

    Nice price

    • -2

      Upvoted to cancel the irresponsible neg

  • Thanks, OP!

  • +2

    This is basically 80% off the everyday supermarket price… however Aldi have them in the capsule shape if that matters to you

    Easy to split these tablets up and it will not make a difference

    • I find it hard to swallow the massive paracetamol tablets, I much prefer the capsules. But this price is pretty good, and I can always cut 'em in half.

      • I find it hard to swallow the massive paracetamol tablets

        They kinda dissolve (disperses) in water so size does not matter.

        Better taken with food.

    • Yes the Aldi caplets are very decent price and easier to swallow.

      Panamax are great when they're 69 cents.

  • Only 1 per customer?

    • +2

      seems like it

  • +1

    Anyone feeling Panamax is even weaker than Panadol?

    • +5

      Just snort or shelve it mate

    • +2

      Maybe you’ve been using Panadol variants that have extra ingredients in them?

      • Yeah you’re right. Been using variants like panadol rapid etc.

    • -5

      Not weaker, just inefficient (ie: takes longer, doesnt last as long and doesnt dull the pain as much). Due to cheaper source materials, coating, particle size, etc.

      • +2

        Ok thanks.

      • How does having cheaper source materials affect the efficacy of a drug? If they use the same process and end up with paracetamol as the end product, the particle size shouldn't have anything to do with it, should it?

        • -1

          Purity of compounds and quality of manufacture of products. Have you ever worked at any factory before? I have worked at several and I can tell you there are sometimes vast differences in quality control and manufacturing processes.

          • +1

            @mrvaluepack: No, I haven't worked at any factory before. Are you saying that my doctors are lying to me when they say generic brands are the same as brand names because the active ingredient is the same? How could the effect be different if it's the same chemical compound? I'm not trying to argue but I just don't understand.

            • @ozchappy: They are not lying, they just probably dont know or dont understand.

              If it were toothpaste, would you buy colgate or coles/woolies homebrand? Same with other stuff, even though they state the same ingredients, it tastes/feels different.

              See Lukas comment above.

              • +1

                @mrvaluepack: Thanks for your input, that makes more sense. I just assumed all labs would have access to that type of equipment and quality control. Thanks for the link to Lukas' comment.

  • nice

  • +4

    69c? Not tonight I have a headache.

    • ?? Are you saying you are going to induce yourself a headache intentionally for sake of making use of 69cent paracetamol ?

      • +3


  • +1

    Damn, forgot the cash back. /s

  • +1

    Dam people, I've been a victim of buying too many of these paracetamols.

    I strongly suggest people not buying any more than 1, these do have an expiry date. I still have the ones i bought from last year or something. Hardly use these. To be honest Ibuprofen is a lot better to buy than this, because of anti-inflammatory reasons.

    • +2

      Most tablets are extremely stable and will last years after their "expiry date". They may lose a little of their efficacy, but they aren't going to make you sick or simply stop working on the date of expiry.

  • I usually send these to help overseas.

    The stash at home already have generic Panadol Osteo, but also should add Ibruprofen so I can drink alcho!

    • I give you permission to drink alcohol mate, it's ok.

      I know that paracetamol and alcohol are both metabolized by your liver, but unless you're overdoing both there shouldn't be a huge issue. That said, using paracetamol for a hangover isn't a good idea.

      • yeah ive had para down with alc before just peace of mind i spose

  • +1

    Why do generic bulk packs of paracetamol come up quite often, but asprin or ibuprofen much more rarely?

    • +2

      Ibuprofen in a 96x tab pack (generic) is >300% the price of a 100 pack of paracetamol wholesale. Panamax costs allot more than 69c wholesale as well - this is a loss leader to get folks in the door.

  • as always with this product, it's 1 packet per person per transaction.

  • +2

    Boxing day present sorted

    • yeah - comes in a box !

  • Damn. I bought it at full price just last week

  • I was gonna ask why these were worth 69c each when Coles had label-identical paracetamol 500mg for 10c each

    until I saw 69c is for 100 tablets - making them 0.69c each …

    duh - ima get some then …

  • +1

    is it just me but I find Panadol works better for me though the active ingredient is the same?

    • 500mg of Paracetamol - looks the same to me

    • Me too, i find it faster and lasts longer.

  • Only one per person in the store when I tried to get four lol

    Guess I need to go back tomorrow.

    • thanks, seemed to be reduced from 2 per person recently.

      doesn't seem worth the drive for just 1

  • Thanks, been waiting months for this.

    Ask the pharmacist for permission, they sometimes let you buy more than the "1 per person", (or "2 per person" as it was in the past.)

  • Extended to 2nd January 2022, 11.59pm. Need more than one box ? Walk back in 5 minutes later… maybe wear a different coloured mask.

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