Some boxing day deals now live. Watchdogs Legions for $20 across all consoles. Couple of decent switch games too.
Persona 5 Strikers Switch PS4
Watch Dogs: Legion PS4 PS5 XBox
Merry Christmas!
Wrong link
correct price for persona on ps4 = $28?
Thanks, corrected
Persona 5 Strikers is going to be free next month with PS Plus. So I don't know how long of a game it is, but might be worth the 3 dollars or whatever plus costs, if you're just interested in finishing it.
Dumb question, how did you calculate $3? What's the cheapest to get this just for next month?
Thanks Op, got a copy of bravely default.👍
Amazon has price matched WD legion on PS5 - $20
Thanks, WD legion PS5 version is part of the 2 for $30 deal so $15. 👍
Preowned rustler down to $15 on switch
I also saw Day one Balan Wonderworld for $10 at gdgames… Loving these bargain bin pickups
Balan wonderland is absolute trash.
It has been slammed by every legit reviewer that has tried it.
Exactly why I needed to try it… I can't wait to play as Box fox!
got pre-owned bravely default for $23 with original cover art and the cartridge haven't redeemed gold coin yet. Lucky me :D
Good price for Bravely. Strikers will be on next PS Plus drop and Ubisoft can go to hell.
Grabbed Bravely Default 2. Thank you for finding this.👍
Boxing Day deals aka Christmas deals aka black friday deals.