This was posted 3 years 2 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

IMB Bank - Open a Reward Saver Account with Opening Deposit of $50 Get a Bonus $50 (New Customers Only)


Saw this pop up in my FB feed.

*$50 bonus offer is valid for new IMB members who open a Reward Saver Account between 1/12/2021 to 31/01/2022. Account eligibility requirements apply. Bonus will be paid within 10 days of promotion end date. New member must make a minimum deposit of $50 within 7 days of opening their account to be eligible for the $50 bonus payment. IMB reserves the right to change or withdraw these offers at any time.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Can you close the bank account after the $50 has been rewarded and transferred out? The bank itself isn’t that great and filled with fees so it’s not bringing anything new or exciting for me to keep it after free money

  • +3

    Unfortunately we are unable to proceed with opening your account online.

    Please call IMB on 133 462 between 8am to 8pm weekdays or 9am to 4pm on Saturdays to see how we can assist or visit an IMB branch.

  • +3

    Same. Gave them a ring and the rep couldn't tell me why. Said to try applying again, still didn't work. Then told me to go visit a branch, yeah nah mate.

  • +2

    Old timers here will remember we hit them hard last time they offered this, they tried to back out but most of us got the bonus, and walked….

    Round 2?

    • I've just opened one. We'll see.

      • +2

        I did too, got the internet banking password via sms but no membership number which is supposed to come by email… almost 2 hours now..lolz

        • i called them up and she told me the emails were delayed but she passed me my membership number in the call. my account is all set now.

    • Very different to this advertised offer!

      That Deal required a targeted promotional code, sent only to those who had entered their competition.
      Deal was updated after t&c were changed to - only eligible for those who "entered our Win a Mini competition".

      we hit them hard last time
      Many only received $50, after they lodged a FOS dispute to force the bank to pay.

    • I wonder what they call a 'New Member' then.
      I bet anyone who opened an account in that deal 4.5 years ago will be ineligible.

      • Round 2 😉

    • Are we eligible if we previously held an account and closed? If so, then yes ready for round 2.

  • Is it really no fee on this account? I checked their fees & charges and it is in a PDF format, I didn't see anything in relation to the reward saver account though.

    • +2

      As I understand from IMB Cust rep:
      No fee for online transfers through NetBank & Mobile banking.

      Any assisted or over the counter withdrawals will have transaction fee

  • +4

    Applied but for some reason I don't have my member number in my emails. Strange

  • +2

    Are there any monthly fees on this account?

    • +2

      If it's like their last deal then the only fee depends on what type of card you request.
      There is a free version.

  • Got the account opened but not able to transfer the fund onto it. Support person said I have to visit branch for identification. ANyone was able to open account online and tranfer to it without branch visit?

    • Hi @Russ19:

      Same here.

      When I spoke to IMB Cust rep who clarified it correct:
      For any “osko” payments you’ll have to go through branch identification process else it will fail.
      All non-osko payments should go settle after a couple of business days

      • +1

        That is shocking, how am I able to find a bank that does not support OSKO payment nowadays to make a $50 transfer to them?

        • +1


          • @mountaineer: Thank you, now I need to transfer some money into HSBC first.

        • I think CommBank works, my payment went through unlike ING which kept coming back with an error

          • +1

            @rocky7st: My CommBank just came back as payment failed. I'll give HSBC a try

    • +2

      I scored $100 in their last deal.

      If this is similar then you need to log into your depositing account on the internet, not the app.

      Find the "pay anyone" option and away you go.
      It will take a few days to show up on your IMB account.

      Their system does not accept instant transactions and cancels your deposit attempt.
      This is due to them requiring full ID verification that can only be done at a branch or if you have their ID documentation sent to you.

      You can withdraw to your main account as soon as the extra money becomes available.

      • Thanks that explains why ING wasn't working

  • They created 6 digit BSB's and here goes another trap.
    Ok 50 bucks is 50 bucks but they will be sorry having too many of us just wanting the 50 and nothing else.
    0.85% with conditions is just not worth it unless you are a very starving church mouse!

  • they only appear to have branches in nsw. is this available for other states?

    • I took advantage of their $100 offer and I'm in WA.
      They sent me id forms to be filled and verified but I got the money and haven't bothered.
      I did speak to customer service to arrange it, but that was more to see why I couldn't make a deposit.
      See my previous post for details.
      Happy OzBargaining.

  • I did not receive the email with the membership number. Anyone else had the same issue?

    • +1

      I sent them an email query and moments later it arrived (4 hours after I registered)

      Email below:

      Thank you for your enquiry.

      It generally can take up 24 hours to receive the email, If you would like your member number sooner please call us on 133 462 .

      If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact IMB on 133 462 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday.

      • Thanks. I registered last night.

      • Received my Member number today after 2 days. Now the temp password has expired. This is a weird bank.

    • Took 100 hours for mine to turn up. Then I had the issue of IMB not accepting Osko payments without me physically attending their branch with ID (or sending them certified copies via post). Huge waste of time, the whole experience has taken me from "neutral on IMB" to "never IMB".

  • Where do you find your account details?
    I cannot find what is my BSB

    their website/app are terrible.

    • +1

      In the welcome email, you will have the BSB and your member number, you will also receive an SMS containing a temp password to log in to online banking, once you log in, you will see your account number. You will also see the BSB and your account number right after you successfully apply your account online.

      • +1

        Thanks, so I get the BSB from the email and the account number from the website, how practical…

  • +2

    1) I received the BSB and member number email this morning. But I have not received the one-time password via SMS which stops me to access online banking. I only received the first one-time password until I used the Reset Password link.
    2) I find out that I only open one new account as TypeSavings Account, please be advised that we have to open another new Reward Saver Account via IMB app. Generally, it is quite time consuming process and we have to depoist $50 into this Reward Saver Account to get the bonus.
    3) please vote to let more ozbargainers to see this

    • I do not understand your second point. Do we really need to have 2 accounts?

      • yes, we have to open another new Reward Saver Account. In summary, one TypeSavings Account and one Reward Saver Account, which are two different accounts

        • What is a TypeSavings Account. I can't find anything about it on the website.
          I got one account and it is Reward Saver.

          • +1

            @Iluvfreebies: Exactly, the link is to open a reward saver, how did you end up with a Typesaving account? I opened one with the above link and it is a reward saver and absolutely have no issue transferring money in or out.

          • @Iluvfreebies: I have no idea why you can open Reward Saver account directly. I used the same link and it only opens a TypeSavings Account for me….

            • @pikachupw: how can we check the type of account that we opened?

              • @Indomie5: login IMB internet banking -> "Accounts" tab -> "Account information" -> "Product name" -> check if it is called "REWARD SAVER" or not

                • @pikachupw: There is no "Account Information" under "Accounts" tab, can only see "Transcation List", "Accounts List" and "Interest & Tax", anyone having the same issue?

  • Received an email this morning to open a transaction account, deposit $50 and receive a $50 bonus.

    • Be careful mate:
      Transaction account: "There is no monthly account keeping fee when the balance remians over $2,000 -> $6 monthly account keeping fee applies to accounts where balances fall below this amount"
      you can check if it is true or not -> app -> "Open an Account" -> "Transaction Account"
      I received the same email but I just ignore it when I see this balance requirement

  • Just opened an account. Very easy. Received text immediately and the membership number emai the next day.

  • Does anyone know how to transfer money out of this account? I cannot find any option to transfer to an external account.

    • +1

      use the app.

      • Don't have that option even in the app.

        • +2

          You need to have funds in the account before the transfer option shows up, then click the three dots next to the account.

          • @szy2k: I did have funds in my account.
            I had to called them to fix the issue.

    • I have the same issue. Don't have an option to transfer or pay fund on both website and app.

  • +1

    Have anyone received their $50 bonus and how long did it take for the bonus to arrive?

    • I can't find this promotion on their website.

    • +1

      See reply below:

      "The bonuses will be paid within 10 business days of the promotion end date.

      Please note the promotion end date is the 31st January 2022.

      If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact IMB on 133 462 from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday (AEST)."

      • Ok thanks! Just strange someone commented above they’ve received the $50 bonus straight after depositing.

  • Deposited on Tues 4th and acc balance reflects it, but the available balance stays at 0. Deposited via slow non osko transfer from hsbc to avoid the ID process hassle..or has this also been patched and will need to Id myself before it becomes readily available for withdrawal?

    No option to transfer on the site or app.

    edit: Just called, account is "blocked" as I need to ID check. Ive gone this far so no sense to not just get on with it..

    • +1

      I did a normal hsbc transfer in too but both my IMB available and account balance is showing as $50.

      I guess I will probably give IMB a call too to confirm everything is fine with receiving the $50 bonus.

      • …fkn bs 😩

        I think you're good to go

  • This was clunky and a big waste of time. I now know that I'll never bank with IMB.

  • Can't even find my address…

  • +1

    Just applied this morning. Got the temp password and, just like everyone, no membership email.

    What a weird process for new applications. Welcome email can only arrived next day or two, but temp password already sent, but expire in 24hr.

    • Received the welcome email with the membership number this morning. Login and can see the Reward Saver account under my Account info.
      Time to find an account that can do non Osko transfer !

      • Received your bonus yet. It’s been the 7 days now :( I haven’t.

        • Nothing yet.

        • Nothing.

        • +3

          Bonus will be paid within 10 days of promotion end date

          Wait until 14th Feb.

  • Anyone received the bonus?

    • Nope, might call them tomorrow to see what's up.

      • +1

        The promo ended on 31/01 and (according to IMB) bonus will be paid within 10 business days after that.

        So wait till 14th and if still no bonus then grab your pitchforks and match to Wollongong

        • Fair enough, did not consider the 10 "business" days, thanks for the reminder!

        • "Bonus will be paid within 10 days of promotion end date"
          Doesn't mention business day.
          Marching with my pitchfork tomorrow to the CEO's home.

  • Haven’t received the bonus yet

  • me either, website mentioned 10 days

  • Not me…will check back Monday…

  • +1

    No bonus yet. I'll wait until monday afternoon then withdraw all my money, then request to close account. I don't like this either their system is sucks or they re just dodgy, either way is bad, won't waste my time with them.

  • No bonus yet.

  • No bonus received, lodged an AFCA dispute.

    • Why not just call?

      • I have spoke with them on both 10 days and 10 business days, they aren’t able to give me any information as they are waiting for the marketing department.

        • +1

          Oh well that’s different and a bit poor form.

          • @Redrose037: Thanks! 😎

            • @rzg: Let me know if they actually contact you with any useful info. Good luck 🤞

              • @Redrose037: I have called just now and they have confirmed they will pay $50 into my account by today.

                • @jwl81124: So we all need to call them to receive the promo? (Let's hope they meant they are processing all promos today)
                  I'll wait until tomorrow, but either you do a promo and stick to it or none at all.

  • no, we need to call, they are apologize for I am fully qualify to get the bonus but for unknown reason I didn't receive the promo bonus. The operator on the phone will help me to write a email to the marketing department.

    lodge an AFCA dispute will take a month. I don't need to go that far yet.

    • That’s so annoying. It’s funny when I opened the account. I can see the word bonus written. But $0.

      So we all need to call? Guess I’ll be on hold.

      • Do you mean the word "bonus special" this is stands for bonus interest if you keep your first $50 deposit for a months, you will get $0.03 for the bonus interest, if you withdrawn your first $50 deposit straight away, you will lose your interest rate at all.

        This is nothing to do with the $50 bonus for open new rewards saver account.

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