I'm @gimpedkebab on instagram & twitter 👍
Offer applies to anyone seeing this, btw.
- Like, retweet and tag 2 friends
- Complete further entries @ https://gleam.io/zbhPO/ground-zero-christmas-giveaway
I'm @gimpedkebab on instagram & twitter 👍
Offer applies to anyone seeing this, btw.
I'm @ForgotRegister on twitter.
Offer also applies to anyone else seeing this.
I'm @thekingsman123 on Twitter and the_emperor_ming on insta.
Adding everyone in this post now.
Im @Joknow8 on Twitter and the spamming offer applies as well
@gimpedkebab @ForgotRegister @thekingsman123 @Joknow8 DA BOYS
luv @daninoz
I've added a few of you to twitter to tag on comps from time to time, mines @CeeWhats
I need some more fellow twitter followers for these comps.
I'm happy to provide anyone interested with my twitter name where we can follow each other and spam comps.
Just PM me.