This was posted 3 years 2 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ostelin Vitamin D3 1000IU, 250 Capsules $16.66 ($14.99 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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If you have any concerns or are unsure about this medication or product, please seek your own medical advice from your doctor or health professional.

Want strong bones?
Ostelin Vitamin D3 1000IU provides a daily dose of vitamin D3, the form found naturally in the body. Each small, easy to swallow capsule contains Colecalciferol 25 micrograms (1000IU).

Vitamin D is important as it:

  • Promotes calcium absorption and supports bone mineralisation
  • Supports muscle function and maintains bone strength
  • Maintains a healthy immune system function

Did you know?
Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun. Insufficient vitamin D levels can reduce the absorption of calcium by up to 50%.

Features & Details

  • Daily dose of vitamin D3: Provided in the form found naturally in the body, in a small and easy to swallow capsule
  • Vitamin D is a key nutrient that supports general wellbeing: Ostelin Vitamin D3 1000IU maintains vitamin D levels in the body
  • People who have an indoor lifestyle or who always wear sun protection have been found to be low in vitamin D
  • Maintains bone and muscle strength, helps boost calcium absorption, supports bone mineralisation, and maintains healthy immune system function
  • This medicine may not be right for you; Read the warnings before purchase, in warnings section below; Follow the directions for use
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Is this better than the swisse vitamin D? I usually buy the 400 capsule pack when on special. $13.49 on S&S.

    • +2

      My doctor recommended this brand. Unsure about Swisse though.

      • +4

        My doctor recommended this brand.

        Have you seen his shares portfolio?… 🙄

        • -3

          No need to overthink this one.

          • +12

            @marlco: The way to not overthink this one is to buy the cheapest, any brand vitamin d. Vitamin D is vitamin d, whatever the brand

        • Haha truest comment

      • +5

        FYI, if it makes a difference :-

        Swisse is owned by a Chinese company based in Hong Kong previously known as Biostime International

    • +2

      What's S&S? I have googled it before asking.

      • Subscribe and save

      • Subscribe & Save. They basically send you same item at a defined frequency. You can also choose S&S and cancel before next shipment I believe.

      • +6

        Subscribe and save. It is an amazon thing where they give you 10% off the price if you sign up to automatically order the item every few months.

        Most ozbargainers get the 10% off the price and then cancel the subscription after the item is shipped.

        Edit: spelling

    • +5

      I feel like we've been moving away from oral calcium supplementation. Something about getting a large oral bolus which doesn't accurately mimic the physiological process of eating calcium containing foods and therefore leads to greater peak serum levels and deposition in arteries including the coronaries.

      But I'm not sure. I haven't read the papers. Only a podcast. This is not medical advice.

      • +7

        username checks out.

        • seem to remember this person is in medicine?

      • +1

        my doctor who Specialises in bone health still recommends Vitamin D3 + calcium each day with food for me- I notice if i take calcium supplementation without food i get quite nauseous. This advice is for me only etc

      • +1

        Are you a communist?

    • +1

      It's carbonate calcium, better take citrate calcium, told by staff at CW.

  • +16

    Arm yourself against Covid with immune boosters (zinc, vitamin D, magnesium)

    • +11

      What’s Covid? Just woke up after two years

      • +1

        Just go back to sleep another two and try again

      • -1

        It's a virus that came from a lab in wuhan, China aka wuhan virus

    • -1

      Actually that's what a lot of doctors recommended (of course, they will deny it if asked. AMA prohibited them to talk about it).

    • +25

      You forgot Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
      Braced and ready for my downvote shower guys.

      • -1 for the snarky Hydrochloroquine taunt, but +1 for the snarky Ivermectin speel. You should've just mentioned Forsythia and moved on

        • +1

          Would've but somehow I've missed all references to 'Forsythia'. Sounds like a lack of FaceBook is impacting my knowledge base. 🙂

        • +1

          Reading the comments of this post reminds me of this YT skit I recently watched

        • If anything, its given more people a break from the rat races, reinforced the importance of mateship, and woken up big corporations to being more flexble if they want to keep employees.

          Stolen? Sounds like you're just having trouble adapting; or rely on government oversight to tell you whats important in your life.

          Even working in the strictest hit field by new regulations, its had zero impact on our "lives", only our working lives. Ppe is a bother, but the 'new working conditions' are amazing.

        • +2

          …it PREVENTS getting it, spreading it

          It partially does (i.e. lower reproductive number, less incidences)

          … BUT it might… prevent difficulties and dying if you get covid

          It does reduce the incidences of SARS and mortality

          … a flu strain

          SARS-CoV-2 is not a strain of influenza. It is a strain of coronavirus which commonly causes upper respiratory infections (i.e. coryzal illnesses) and in some cases lower bronchial infections leading to SARS

          • -1

            @muwu: Sooner or later you'll come to the same conclusion i did long time already regarding this shared, till then, enjoy participating in it and taking things out of context, im going back to living my life as i lived it last 2 years, normally.

      • I'm too tight to fund your downvote. have an upvote instead

    • Big Pharma also recommends throwing in a little Pfizer… they need to preserve their gullible customer base for supplements, after all…

  • +4

    1000iu isn't going to do much. Just get them from iherb 5,000iu with K2. Obv consult with your doctor / get a blood test first.

    • +4

      1000iu is fine, just stick to the second part of the comment. Consult your Dr, and if you are not dark skin and stay outside most of your day, you don't even need it.

      • +3

        …if you are not dark skin and stay outside most of your day…

        But you may need chemo instead

        • -2

          Going outside gives you cancer now?

          • @KLoNe: If you don't wear sunscreen and are getting burnt often, then yes of course it gives you cancer.

      • +3

        I take the 5k every 2 or three days in winter, don't get enough sun, and basically stuck inside the office all day.

        You don't need to stay outside most of the day to get sufficient levels, it depends on latitude and amount of actual sunshine.

        • Agree even in Qld most people are inside offices too much, and in winter a supplement is probably good. I assume you'd only need about 10 min direct sunlight a day for vitamin D but YMMV.

        • It's better take 1K daily than 5K over three days as your body will piss out most of those 5K.

          • @[Deactivated]: No it won't as D3 stores in the liver and gets used as needed.

            • -1

              @deltakilo: Only if your liver is made of pure fat, then sure, it does.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Yeah, nah D3 is stored in fat.
            And @TEER3X has a point. 1000iu is too little to do anything.
            I only notice a difference at 10k+ius per day.

            • @Drakesy: Fat and liver apparently depending on which medical blurb you read. Fatty liver? Plenty of those around haha.
              The main take off is that unlike most vitamins/minerals which get excreted if too much, D3 stores in the body.

              • @deltakilo: Sigh. It is stored IF your body can absorb it. And there's limits of what your body can absorb. And what is not absorbed, where do you think it goes to?

                Think of it this way. If you try eat 7kg of ice cream in a one day your body will convert 1kg into fat and flush everything else, there is no processing capabilities to convert everything you shoved in. On the other hand, if you eat 1kg every day for 7 days you will get all 7kg stored as fat because it's well withing what your body can metabolize in a day. So what you need to do is figure out how much D3 you can absorb in a day, for some it's 2000iu, for some could be 10000iu and you need know your own limits. Blood tests are free, find bulk billed GP and experiment with different dozes as much as you feel like.

  • +4

    Cenovis Vitamin D3 1000iu Tablets 200 Pack $7.25 (half price) @ Coles

    • +1

      And they're owned by the same company, so not sure why they're charging so much more for ostelin.

      • Because ostelin has K2 with D3

        • Yes you may as well take one that has both of you're going to bother at all

        • I've got a bottle of ostelin vitamin D3 in front of me, has no mention of K2.

          There are ostelin products with D3 + Ca and K2, which is not what the product in this post is.

    • +7
      • so what's the point to buy Ostelin over Cenovis/Wagner/Swisse Vitamin D for 1/2 the price?

      • Just put 2 in the cart s&s and came to $8.05 total. NFI why. Thanks

        • just go to Coles to buy, it is 1/2 price at Coles now for $7.5 and combine with Flybuys offer it is cheaper than anywhere else.

          • @samehada: Did you read what i wrote
            2 cost me $8.05 delivered
            ie: $4.025 each delivered

            • @wpw: wow then that's cheap.

              • @samehada: Definitely not complaining.
                Try it yourself, i only did 2 so you may get 5.
                If it works for yourself then throw it up as a deal as I may have just been lucky
                No idea what the promo was.

                Item(s) Subtotal:$13.18
                Total Before GST:$13.18
                Promotion(s) Applied:-$6.45
                Grand Total:$8.05

                Good luck

                • +1

                  @wpw: You probably had a $5 promo credit from something else.

                  • @djlee: Yea that make sense, i forgot about the $75 gift card $5 promo offer.
                    Thanks detective.

    • This is what I use, stock up whenever it's this price. Not sure why OP got so many upvotes when it's over 2x the price

  • +5

    You should take K2 with D3

  • +1

    After some searching (NOT researching - lol) I went with this one. Fat is meant to help with D3 absorption and I rarely eat fish.

    Note that although it says 2000IU that's per dose of 2 caps, each one is 1000IU. Seems that's OK with US labeling regulations. This one also claims to be sustainably sourced fish oil.

  • +4

    If you are overweight then taking a larger amount of Vit D is highly recommended.. especially during the pandemic. (If unsure consult a specialist on this matter not a just a GP)

    I personally take 6000 iu of Vit D swissee daily.

    also take zinc 25mg 1 in the am and 1 in the pm so 2x total @50mg total.

    Vitamin K2 is also highly recommended however it seems its only aval online.. haven't had any luck finding it in Australia. (Vit K2 is in fermented foods, chicken and pork etc.)

    Vitamin C i take lazily generally 4000 iu however depends the foods i eat, i tend to not really do this daily.

    takes 3 or 4 weeks for your body to absorb it in a greater amount… Stay healthy

    • -1

      Stay healthy

      Stay poor

      • Your health is your greatest asset

        • +1

          And sadly a depreciating one 😞

    • +1

      If you are overweight…

      I personally take 6000 iu…

      Stay healthy

      Maybe shift your priorities. Going for a run is free.

    • If you're overweight, look at your diet.
      If you're supplimenting that much, look at your diet (and sun exposure for vit D).
      Suppliments are just that, a 'suppliment' not replacement.
      Also double check the amount of Vit C you're taking. It should be measured in mg not iu
      (My intentions are meant to be constructive here).

      • +1

        My intentions are meant to be constructive here

        Can't fool us. We can see your username…

      • I think you are unaware of the vitamin D situation if you think that the sun is enough.

        • What's the 'Vit D situation'?

      • Some people don't get enough vit d even from sun exposure so it's good to supplement with it. Here's an interesting video I watched the other week

    • +1

      Probably shouldn't be advising people to take fat soluble vitamins randomly…. You clearly aren't a doctor.

      A gp is a specialist doctor. They have had to specialise in the speciality of general practise.

    • Seems like a lot of supplements there but depends on how you absorb it. What are the RDIs? Guess a blood test would let you know the levels and if deficient etc.

      I wouldn't mind a vitamin D3 and K2 supplement if there was an affordably all in one. Not always easy to eat enough Nori, fermented foods (kimchi/sauerkraut etc), and nato is great for K2.

      Exercise and adequate sun would be recommended first in general if not doing so as others have suggested.

    • Sounds like a recipe book and waste of money. How do you know your body needs all that? You do blood tests on the regular?

  • +1

    dang! just got the 300 capsule one from ch yesterday

    • It's summer. Go outside and play 15min/day, no need of Vitamin D supplement. You can save money.

      • Probably not bad to get them in winter though
        Mind you meant to be wet all week from boxing day
        Last time got Naturelo Vit D3 brand from Amazon
        (seems the amazon site is down)

      • easier said that done when you do a 9-5 job

        • Gotta just do it , quick walk around the block.
          Harder to get motivated to get out if WFH imo

      • Don't forget to take off all your clothes too.

  • Wagner 1000iu 250 capsules in Chemist warehouse is 9.99.

  • This seems to be the normal price on Amazon.

    • I disagree. According to 3 camels, normally hovers around $23.

  • +4

    I just get them from iherb. Much higher doses can be found there at a fraction of the cost. I take 5000IU a day with 200mcg of K2 (essential if taking high vitD doses) and my VitD levels are over 100nmol/l which everyone should aim for. The recommended Aus guideline min of 50nmol/l is too low and based on preventing rickets. VitD has significantly more benefits at higher kevels in the body. Sweet spot for protection against covid and other infections is around 120nmol/l

    Here's an example…

    • Thanks for this. I had never heard of iHerb before.

    • Fish oil lol
      Better to find a natural one if you can, won't be as cheap usually.

      • What do you mean by natural? Fish oil is natural no? The D is fat soluble so a tiny bit of fish oil for delivery. There's tons of other brands on iherb anyway and all cheaper than ripoff Aus prices

        • With free Mercury..
          I should have said sustainable, ethical etc.

          Agree got my last ones from Amazon.
          I herb is alright if you are getting other stuff to cover the shipping, and there seems to be decent cashbacks.

    • which one do you recommend for K2 ? . any link will be useful

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