Saw this under the gift card section, must pay by MasterCard. You all know what to do.
T&C's at Shopback.
Edit: Seems like could be Targeted to people who did not participate in previous Mastercard only purchase deals.
Saw this under the gift card section, must pay by MasterCard. You all know what to do.
T&C's at Shopback.
Edit: Seems like could be Targeted to people who did not participate in previous Mastercard only purchase deals.
$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.
Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.
Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms
Ooof same
Same :(
Same wonder why
same, thats kinda bs. its showing up in the app just fine though..
I have the feeling this is going to backfire.
Hey all, I believe this is a glitch.
I'm not 100% sure what's causing this, but I've flagged it with the team.
Leave it with us, we'll sort it ASAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Leave it with us, we'll sort it ASAP.
Time to spam F5 for 10 mins now.
We'll forgive you if it's made available to everyone
Same here T_T
Can see it in the app but when I clicked the Purchase button it says this deal is not for you…bugger
Same, so annoying!
oh what! got excited that i was targeted for once, but nope.
Same feeling here. Tried refreshing cache and everything but still no luck
This deal isn't available to you….. Targeted then
I missed out on the $5 cashback deal few days ago, and am eligible for this
Me too! so it must be targetted at people who didn't participate in previous deals. Matercard is really pushing their brand ATM.
Missus hasn't claimed any previous MasterCard gift card deals but still getting the same no gift card for you message.
(Actually might have done the $5 for any gift card purchase one a while back come to think of it)
See it but can't get it either
I claimed the 50% cashback on $10 gift card so maybe that's why I'm not eligible for this.
How do you know if you're eligible or not? This shows up in the APP as a link in Gift Cards. Is it as simple as clicking on it, then adding your Mastercard details and then click swipe to pay?
Once you swipe to pay, it'll come up saying the deal isn't available to you (if you're not eligible).
Yeah, just took your advice and the a message telling me that I wasn't eligible came up. Thanks for your help.
Dunno who negged you for asking a valid question. As many commented above, offer is there in the app, yet not eligible when trying to pay. Bit silly.
I am going cash poor and gift card rich!
And cashback rich too?
For short term cash flow, I and going cash poor.
Is it the payment by Mastercard only one? If so that should be in title.
Title updated, cheers!
darn it, only if i had a mastercard. Any ways to get one? Virtual?
Westpac's digital mastercard should be available to use instantly after opening account.
will prob be fixed but i can see it and did the last $5 for $15 mastercard giftcard deal and it says the error message like everyone else
I got all recent mastercard deals and still got this.
EDIT: Spoke too soon. I can see the offer but when I try to pay, it says the deal isn't available to me.
yes but does it work?
Awesome! PM sent.
I didn't do the $5 cashback a couple days ago and also can't do this one so thats not the target market
I've never done a mastercard only deal and cant do this either
Literally added MasterCard for the first time and still not eligible.
Thanks, DM sent
no deal
Most likely not activated yet in my opinion. Perhaps it went live without being live yet.
Oh. At least its not like the $15 when I got to much traffic.
Got the offer, tracked as well. Thanks OP.
Deal fail….After showing up on my app and clicking through to purchase I get the same message as everyone else here… deal not available to YOU.
Damn showing me the offer and then saying I'm not eligible is a bit lame.
Thanks OP got one! gutted that I missed out on the last deal. It showed up for me on the app and ended up using cashback as offset (only have amex and visa). Cashback just showed up as pending.
Likely won't end up getting approved if you didn't use a mastercard for the full payment (no paying with cashback).
This will fail - you used Cashback balance as payment method. It says pending, then will be denied.
You just bought a $10 gift card for $10. No deal.
Ah damn oh well yeah $10 for $10 lol
Just got notification that the cashback was approved and is redeemable!
thank you got it
Someone stuffed up, I don't think it was meant to be made visible to everyone.
Worked for me, haven't used many of their promos recently.
Did not take part in the previous deal.
Was eligible for this one and swapped for an Amazon one. Thanks OP
Doesn't work for mine or my wife's accounts either
Nothing here, this deal isn't available to you
Thanks, PMd you
My account and wife's don't work ☹️
Same my wife’s doesnt work
check her boyfriend's account
My mistress account doesnt work either
The deal isn't available to me
F8ck, could see it… But then didn't process… B@stardd
Ok the 50% the other day wasn't enough for me but I'll fire on this 1 :)
They got me .
Ah getting the 'try a different deal' message too :(
Same here, saw this under banner and try to purchase and getting same error message, :(
Thanks GYB.
Banner removed now lol
Ive got the page link. Tried to post it but it detects it as a referral
The deal had sold out, but our marketing assets/banners failed to update.
This banner should have been auto-removed as soon as it sold out, hence the confusion.
Anyone who has commented/attempted to purchase prior to this message, please send me a DM.
I will be honouring the purchase with a manual bonus.
I have visibility of your account click history, so please don't message me if you didn't try to purchase prior to 5:10pm AEDT.
I will not be able to provide you with the manual bonus, as the budget is coming from Mastercard, not ShopBack.
please don't message me
just messaged you but about a different matter. 😅
edit: i did try to purchase prior to this message, means I'm able to get the giftcard too?
cheers. messaged
Awesome, messaged. Thanks GYB :)