This was posted 3 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5] The Nioh Collection $18 C&C / + Delivery @ Harvey Norman / Joyce Mayne / Domayne


Absolutely killer price on this new release from HN :)

Set off to an exciting adventure though Japan in the Sengoku Period and engage in quick, hardcore fights with The Nioh Collection.

  • Features the full Nioh saga, including the 6 major expansions, expertly remastered and optimised for the PS5
  • Seamless gameplay and impressive visuals, thanks to its targetted 120fps format*
  • Quick loading helps reduce wait times between different levels

Also available at Joyce Mayne and Domayne.

Dirt 5 PS5 for $9 at Joyce Mayne.

As always, enjoy!

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman
Joyce Mayne
Joyce Mayne

closed Comments

  • Price error? Way too cheap!!

    Edit: Gerryyyy

  • +8
  • +1

    Dirt 5 OOS

    • +3

      I played for like 5 minutes from gamepass and removed it lol

      • It's a good local multiplayer game!

      • Yeah Dirt 5 isn't exactly great - but luckily Forza Horizon 5 is leagues ahead.

  • Brilliant price for Nioh, thank you.

  • +1

    The first game is awesome. It’s cheaper to buy this than the season pass. Cheers

  • Anyone know when this sale will end? Planning to get it price-matched at either EB or JB tomorrow (no stock at nearby HN stores)

    • Depends how chill your be staff are normally has to be in stock if they are chill just take a screenshot

    • +3

      Not sure if how long it will last, but you could also price match over the phone at JB by calling 13 52 44 and asking them to send you a price match link to purchase online I believe.

      • Completely forgot about that - many thanks doweyy :)

        Edit: Good timing, seems like it's OOS now

    • Sold out on all sites JB won't honor

  • I reckon there getting out of gaming, the gaming at my store, section for all consoles is less than 1m wide.

    • One of my HN doesn't have anything gaming related but few years ago it had an excellent area. I've had the same thought they're getting out of gaming as well.

  • Thanks, I don't even know much about Nioh but it's nice to fill out the PS5 Library with super cheap things like this or the $9 Valhalla the other week etc.

  • I would of been keen on Dirt 5!

    Is this other game any good? I'm out of touch haha

    • Haven't played it yet, but as far as I know, Nioh is good but bloody difficult.

      • Yeah it has quite a learning curve. You’ll die a lot at the start. If you’re patient to understand the mechanics then it’s becomes a lot easier.

      • Only difficult before the end game, you can summon other player to help you though. After that will be relatively easy. I cannot beat any boss before iteration 5.

      • Yeah it’s great but (profanity) me it’s hard. Absolutely punishing game.

  • Thanks! Got one!

  • Surely a pricing error, but got one anyway!

  • Got one. Cheers

  • Thank ordered

  • OOS

  • +2

    Looks like the page was nuked, but generally these prices are still available in store even if the online page is gone if people wanted to try.

  • Ordered RE. Missed this one though

  • +1

    One PS5 game collection I've been waiting for a price drop on for a long time. Every few days checking Target, Big W and others. Every day checking Google. The one day I'm too busy to look at Ozbargain and this happens.

    Oh well. You snooze, you become me.

    • +5

      Lol, I literally felt like getting Nioh right now, searched and saw this old post for for $57.

      So I went off and watched a Nioh/Nioh 2 Review. Was legit halfway through the review when I come back on here and see I missed the price drop! XD I can't believe I missed out on buying Nioh on sale because I was busy watching the Nioh review.

      • But now, cancel later is how it's done. I played Nioh 1 on PS4 and didn't much like it, I preferred Dark Souls by far but I really enjoy Nioh 2 on PC. I've picked this up for my son.

    • I snoozed, am I you now?

  • +1

    Hahah, been waiting for Dirt 5 on sale or something similar to try! $25 on Amazon for PS4=, free upgrade tho but that's no $9 err

    I basically play COD, I find it difficult to enjoy other games.

    • +3

      Commiserations, I hope you get over that ailment. I suffered from the exact same problem once upon a time.

  • $18😱 😭🙁😞

  • Late on the comment but I got the goods, cheers OP. It'll make for a cheap extra present.

  • +4

    Oh boy I'm going to kick myself for missing this for a while

    • Yeah 😭

      Great game and I would just bought it and probably not played it!

      Platinum'd on ps4, not too keen to redo it + all the dlcs again.

  • -1

    Mmmm Doom eternal on Xbox is also $15 delivered on Amazon right now with Prime. Tempting… But have so many games to play already

    • It is on gamepass?

      • +1

        Dunno I prefer to have my games. Takes me ages to play them

  • Got one, texted to a mate, and he missed out despite seeing my message straight away. Good lesson to get notifications for doweyy posts!

  • Bought this for $49 last week from Harvey Norman. Booooo :(

  • Any chance of Amazon price matching this?

    • +6

      We can hope! Let's go Amazon

  • Can someone please share their invoice/order confirmation with me so that I can claim price protection?

    Thank you

    • +1

      I should of never cancelled my 28 Degrees card, I forgot how next level people are with saving 😂

    • If 28d, not required unless $200+ price drop or something

  • Looks Like I missed this !

  • -1

    Bought. Don't own a ps5 :O

    Also don't like Souls. But did manage to finish ninja gaiden sigma. And this is by team ninja too. Here's hoping.

    • Good luck! I love a good souls game and have platinumed Bloodborne, but playing through Nioh 2 at the moment makes me feel like it is much harder than any souls game I have played.

  • Meanwhile this one is still going for $77 on Amazon, looks like they won't be price matching :(

  • oh geeze.. I've "just" received this one 2 weeks ago for 60 bucks and thought it was a bargain

  • Just got a call from HN, said they have to cancel my order since they have sold all of them this morning

    Good job HN on disappointing us again hehe

    • +1

      Could be someone grabbed all in the store before staff start to processing online order.

  • Just picked mine up on the way to work. Very much still had a price label on it at RRP so I dunno if this was indeed an error that they honoured or not 😆

  • +2

    Just shitcanned my order with no apology claiming the orser was over allocated. Weak.

  • +2

    Got notification saying it had shipped this morning. Sucks that some who got their order in are having them cancelled

  • +1

    Thanks for the apologie HN

    Hello, Guest
    Please be advised that this is a refund confirmation for your online order. The refund amount may take up to 2-3 working days before it appears on your financial statement.

    If you have any questions about your order please contact us.

    We would like to thank you for your business and look forward to future transactions with you.

  • Mine is delayed. Hopefully not get cancelled.

    Your order is currently delayed. You’ll receive an update as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    • +1

      Mine was delayed this morning cancelled this afternoon

      • Got cancelled :(

  • +2

    Mine got cancelled… Thanks Gerry

  • Did anyone buy Dirt 5? Do you think it could be price matched! So cheap!

    • You could say that its dirt cheap

  • +3

    I ordered before this post even had 10 upvotes and just now HN sent me an email to notify it will be declined and refunded. This is exactly why i stopped shopping with them years ago.

    • same, just got the email. damn.

  • +1

    Order got cancelled. Typical HN behavior and should always have a 'hmmm' before upvoting it. That's also the reason HN is always on the lowest priority when I shop.

  • Yep mine is cancelled also.

    Should have gotten click and collect.

  • +1

    I went and pick mine up and they told me that it was a pricing error but they let mine through.

    • Do you mind if I ask if you were sent an e-mail to pick up?

      • +1

        Yes, I got email to pick it up.

  • I got mine no issues. Dirt on backorder

  • +1

    Pick up mine today, tag price on the game is 108 dollars. Definitely price error, but got it anyway !
    Tks !

  • Still stuck on Processing oddly. At least not cancelled I suppose. Yet.

  • I received a notification that my order has been shipped today with tracking details!

  • Got an email on Friday saying my order could not be processed, but now I've got an email saying it's been shipped 🤔
    Has this happened to anyone else?

  • Got an e-mail advising that the item was delayed/back-ordered a week ago.

    Just received a tax invoice and now tracking status shows as already being picked up..

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