This was posted 3 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Netflix Basic Plan INR₹199 (~A$3.68) and Mobile Plan INR₹149 (~A$2.75) @ Netflix India (VPN to India Required)


Netflix Slashes India Subscription Price on Dec. 14 with Cheapest Mobile Plan and Better Basic Plan.

I got email today stating ”We’ve upgraded you to our Basic plan for the same price!” (I was on Mobile Plan before. But this free upgrade is no use for me. So, I may downgrade to save $1)

New Pricing

  • Mobile Plan ₹149 (~A$ 2.75)
  • Basic Plan ₹199 (~A$ 3.68)
  • Standard Plan ₹499 (~A$ 9.22)
  • Premium Plan ₹649 (~A$ 12.00)

I would still consider Turkey or Argentina Price is cheaper. Please check the long running previous deal for additional information regarding use of VPN.

PS: Mod may require to update this post if additional details require. Feel free to add more information.

Mod: From comments, you may need to use an international credit card, or gift cards for payment method, many Australian cards are reported to fail. See comments.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Time to move to Indian!

    • +8

      Make sure you check in and show your Vaccine Certificate

      • Sorry Country is classified as Extreme Risk "You Cannot Travel Digitally"

      • depends on the chillis..?

      • +12

        Still in primary school I see.

      • +1

        What does that even mean? Hasn’t society moved past ‘hilarious’ comments like this?

        • -4

          I don't get the offence?

    • +4

      turkey still cheaper I believe for ultra HD ~$7-8.
      pretty difficult trying to add a new card though

      • +2

        With the Lira going down the toilet in recent months it will stay low. Have you tried a WISE 'Lira' denominated card?

        • just trying various VPNs is the issue, getflix is a cluster

        • How do you do that in WISE? I moved some $ to Lira but then was unable to add that on a virtual card and the transferred amt is stuck

    • -1

      Move to Melbourne.

    • -4

      Dont spread delta2

  • No ultra?

      • +2

        lol… this is really funny 🤣

      • +74

        Big words for Australia

      • +1

        Haha if that's the case then even mobile plan will hardly work with NBN here.. 😂

        • +30

          Haha no point showing it to him. Let him think NBN is the fastest.. 😂

          • +3

            @dealhunter-007: NBN is literally horse shit and overpriced, period

            • +1

              @OnlineShopper123: Ohh.. NBN makes Australia like 3rd world on internet speed. Can someone remind us whose idea that was? which politician? Shame… shame…

            • -4

              @OnlineShopper123: Everyone loves to whine abput the NBN, but you can get a 250mbps down/ 25 mbps up plan for $99 a month…

              With the size of our country, our relatively low population density and our high wages, it's very comparable to a lot of other countries out there.

              • +5

                @Binchicken22: The Internet in Australia is shockingly poor in my opinion. It is in no way comparable to a lot of other developed countries. It is unfortunate as Australia has so much going for it but Internet speed is definitely not one. You can't even get fttp to slot of houses so if you want to upgrade your speeds you are stuck :(

        • +2

          even 1 GBPS in India available.

          Labor party here brought the idea of NBN with Fibre to all homes. That would have given atleast 100Mbps.
          Liberal party screwed NBN technologies by bringing FTTN (Fibre to Node) means fibre to your street but then copper to your home. This is like restricting a Ferrari engine to 60 KMPH. Huge bottleneck.
          Both parties might have under estimated the capacities hence even after spending $40 billion we are far behind 3rd world countries.

  • +42

    हैलो, मैं भारत से प्यार करता हूँ

    • +2

      Not sure what this means but I gave you a +

      • +1

        It says, hello I'm in love with India

  • +7

    Chak de fatte

    • +1


      • +6

        Hun Mauja he Mauja 😂

  • Still haven’t worked out how to get pass phone number check for VPN country chosen

    • +8

      I used sms-activate to get pass the number verification for a turkish account.

      Here's the link:

      • Why do you need a pass for the phone number?

        • +1

          Open local account using Australian number and use VPN to open same account in Turkey.

        • It wouldn't let me pay for the Turkish account without verifying a local number. I have had the account for a couple of years. So not sure why it was happening.

      • Passed above link to it friend specialising in hacks etc. He said be careful of site: Note: clear the cache and cookies on each device you opened this link with

      • They have an app on Google Play with over 100,000 downloaded but zero reviews…

        • I never noticed. Very strange if I'm honest.

  • +1

    I think I'm being charged $8.83 on basic Argentine plan, seems like to me India would be the better one to go for. Anyone got this pricing too ?

    • I am paying that price for UltraHD plan via Argentina

      • Are you though? They put a massive tax on it, thought it was double that for Argentina.

        • Not sure what tax, but the price actually went down.

          Here’s the screenshot (This is for UHD plan)

          • @Pricebeat: I had 30% luxury tax added on top on my cc bill. Ended up changing to the Aus plan to get the free(ish) Chromecast. Might be time to switch back or move to Turkey for me.

          • @Pricebeat: @Pricebeat Your screenshot link broken

          • @Pricebeat: My final Arg price is AUD $20.99 after their new tax hike. Yyour link is dead but check your credit card statement, not Netflix billing info)

            • -1

              @hen dawg: I deleted the screenshot. It was from my bank transactions. My last payment was $6.94. I don’t look at Netflix billing info.

            • +1

              @hen dawg: same, some say they are paying a lot less and i have no idea how! mines paid with 28degrees and its $21.28

        • VPN to Brazil. ~$13-14 for Ultra.

          • @OldKing: Turkey Ultra charged me $5 AUD this month.

            • @Diplomats: My comment was in response to those using Argentina pricing and being hit with luxury tax. Likely they are struggling to get Turkey or India pricing, as am i. My card (ANZ Rewards) works for Brazil but not for the others. Congratulations on your Christmas Turkey.

  • +17

    $5.52 premium plan, turkey

    • +1

      Did you have to buy giftcard for it to work?

      • +7

        No just using Citibank debit card for payment, price has been crashing lately last 3 months $8.35, $7.68, now $5.52

        • So you need the plan to lapse in order to sign up for Turkey's subscription right?

          • +7

            @nightelves: Yes, make sure before you cancel aus subscription you have your phone number verified & a card in payment set up, then just use windscribe Turkey VPN to resub

            • @RogueWolf: Shoot number hasn't been verified. What do I do in this circumstances?

              • +2

                @nightelves: You can still try but wouldn’t work for me, I had to resign to aus netflix, verify, then sign up Turkish next month

                • @RogueWolf: So can you resign get the number verified, cancel the sub, have it lapse then sign up to Turkish?

                  • +1

                    @nightelves: did you try without the number verified? but most likely you will have to resign for aus netflix for a month, have number verified & payment set, cancel, then sign up through turkey netflix next month,

                    • @RogueWolf: I waiting for my subscription to lapse which will be the start of next year.

                      • +1

                        @nightelves: in that case you should be able to verify your number now, & have your payment details set, all ready for next month

                        • @RogueWolf: So you think I can still cancel my sub now and try for next month?

                          • +1

                            @nightelves: im saying verify your number now while your aus acc is still active, & have a payment stored after thats complete cancel, wait out the month, then try through turkey

            • +2

              @RogueWolf: @RogueWolf. I thought that even with phone number and credit card entered, and lapsed account, it wasn't accepting resubscription without Turkish Netflix gift card to get it started? Did you have any hassle like that?

              • @constipated: worked fine for me just using citi bank card as payment, never tried the gift card way so not sure

                • @RogueWolf: I take it you had already had payments debited from Netflix on the card so Netflix knew it was a valid card? Currently my Netflix is from a gift card in Australia so no payment has ever come out of the credit card I have on the system. So don't know if it would appear as a validated card yet.

                  • @constipated: think it will be ok, just change payment method while your aus acc is currently active

            • @RogueWolf: Just to confirm, my bill comes on the 20th of this month. If I already have the card and phone number on my account verified, I can cancel and let it lapse, then vpn into turkey and just restart the billing? I'm worried that because I'm using an ING card that it won't be accepted once my account lapses.

              • +2

                @victinini: If you are currently billed in AUD on the ING card with an AU phone number verified, then yes, this is what I would suggest. I was able to change from Argentina to Turkey using the same card, and having a verified Australian number.
                If you can’t get it working, you can always resume the Australian subscription and then try again in a month. Also, if you sign up to lower tier plan, and then upgrade to a higher tier, they usually don’t charge the higher rate until the next month.

              • @victinini: yes thats right, as for ING notn sure as im using citi card

            • +1

              @RogueWolf: As someone who watches Netflix infrequently, $19.99 monthly didn't seem like particularly good value. I had started to go down the route of using an alternate Netflix account with a Wise credit card, but your method worked perfectly and saved me the hassle. Thank you!

        • +2

          $4.32 for Standard, Turkey

        • Are there any issues with Citibank seeing money billed in turkey? Do they flag it as suspicious?

          • +2

            @trabug: worked via PIA vpn for me, still trying to add a second card but no luck yet.

          • +2

            @trabug: Not Citibank but mine gets billed as "NETFLIX.COM Amsterdam" and haven't been flagged, guess the payment server is in the Netherlands

    • What country is that deal in? Btw NOBODY, calls me turkey!

    • $5.91 turkey. premium. hsbc card.

    • Ooh you beat me by 3 cents. Really has taken a dive the last few months. Feel sorry for the locals

  • There has been some changes performed on using debit/credit cards for subscription services in India as per rules from RBI. I think it comes into effect from Jan 1st. I am not sure on the new process, but it looks like too much work and you have to confirm payment every month.

    • +2

      That's for Indian Debit/Credit cards. RBI can't control Aussie cards.

      • ok., Can you give Australian debit/credit cards in Indian Netflix? i think there might be some checks there as well.

        • Ahhh not sure about that mate. I feel they should allow it but never tried it myself. Worth a try as they have reduced price for all plans including ultra now. Ultra is like ~A$10.5/month there.

        • YES, as long as card is verified and payment taken out Previously. Cancel Aus Subscription, use VPN to INDIA or TURKEY (depend on what plan you are after) and re-subscribe once it lapse.

    • +1

      @benjkmv - You authorise once on your cc/dc - there is no monthly confirmation needed. It’s a 5 sec task literally.

      • ok., good to know. thanks

  • +2

    Very interesting, never heard of “mobile plan” for Netflix before even though I’ve been a subscriber for years!!!

    • +1

      I think they launched it first in India in 2019 based on demographic as internet usage from Mobile device is very high !

      • Yup, they have launched in July 2019.
        Source: Techcrunch

        I’m Using Since September 2019

    • +1

      I’m Using Netflix Mobile Since 2019.. Though, I’m not a pro user, works perfectly in my iPad Pro. ~30 min max a day or a movie night on Weekends.

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