This was posted 3 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Breville The Oracle Espresso Machine Black Sesame $1,999 ($1,520 Price Beat against The Good Guys Commercial) @ The Good Guys


Price on The Good Guys Commercial was $1,579. Asked The Good Guys store to beat the price which they were more than happy to do for $1,520.

Stacked with 15% off Ultimate gift cards and the out-of-pocket price comes down to $1,292.

Hopefully the receipt can help someone else.

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The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • You did very well.. Is TCN still available and how many vouchers can you use in one transaction at TGG?

    • Yep still available. I used 15 with no problems

      • If this would be the coles current offer, good luck finding any home cards

        • I went to 4 different stores and all had stock. They enforced the 5 per person limit, and since they were $50 each I got to $1000 all up.

          • @team teri: I might try again today, tried two stores with no stock on Wed and Thur last week. Could be early watchers beating me to it

            • +1

              @yaaNaa: Could be different suburbs too, I checked a couple of stores in the other direction today, and both didn't even have empty spots where the 'home' cards would have been. All others appeared to be in stock.

  • +1

    So the deal is $1579 via Good Guys Commercial? I think you got lucky.

    • +1

      Yep, this price may not be attainable to all, OP. The price displayed is $1999. Also I’m not sure having a price after paying with discounted gift cards in the title is allowed. Otherwise one could do the same with any eBay deal for example.

  • +2

    Great machine. Worth every cent.

  • At this price isn't it just better to buy a second hand coffee shop machine?

    • +1

      Do you think there is good second hand Italian double boiler coffee machine, with pre-infusion and PID and grinder for $1500?

      • -2


        • +2


          • @huntabargain: Can’t believe you got negged for your comment. I’m often the first to tell people oracles are overpriced. In this instance? Not so much.

            As much as this is a difficult to obtain deal it is a very good price and you would really struggle to piece something together for the same kind of money, and if you want the automation that this offers you aren’t getting it.

            • +1

              @Bargain Slut: I couldn't also believe I got negged for my comment, seem that some are shallow / narrow minded in their thinking! comparing this machine which offer reasonable cup of coffee in near automated and ease of use to many not barista minded family member in rather compact form; to shop commercial coffee machines that require high skill and time to learn lots of technique in order to produce a good cuppa ..
              TBH, I already have coffee machine and when upgrading soon I wouldn't consider the Oracle (as I recently bought Eureka grinder) so will be looking for a dual boiler machine, likely manual Italian made. having said that BDB is very good value for $900, but I find it too bulky for the available bench space, so might have to fork $$$ for Italian one. PS: A family member have the Oracle and they are extremely happy with it and all the adults and teens in their household can use it with ease (they paid $2300) so obviously at $1570 is a bargain for some but its not for everyone.

    • Lol can you link me some of those at this price? I'll wait…

    • +2

      The issue is many need to be plumbed in

      • -2


        • those machines (I own one) don't use a water tank. They plumb into your main water.

          • -3

            @gavincato: Not sure why everyone says this. Most of the decent upmarket machines have optional plumbing. Yes there are advantages to having them plumbed in, but you don't "need to".

            Whenever upmarket prosumer machines come up in these threads, which generally are never aimed at people who would actually buy that sort of a machine, someone always seems to comment saying that they need to be plumbed it - which just isn't true the majority of the time.

            The coffee equipment in my kitchen would put a lot of cafes to shame. I'm not an expert but I've got a decent idea of what I am talking about.

            • +2

              @Bargain Slut: maybe you should have said that initially rather than "wot?"

            • @Bargain Slut: He is talking about the cafe machines, not the breville.

              • -1

                @serpserpserp: I know. Unless he's telling you to buy a 2+ grouphead machine, which seems like total overkill (mostly in terms of the space it would take up). Most of the single grouphead prosumer/coffee shop standard machines still have an optional reservoir.

                I don't love the oracle's (mostly because of price) but at this price point, if it's the sort of thing you are after, it's a killer deal.

                The milk quality they produce is incredible, I don't love the build in grinder but it gets the job done.

                Deciding between this and an second hand prosumer/ coffee shop machine is like deciding between an automatic and a manual car. The main issue is not likely to be their water delivery method.

    • Does it auto tamp and auto froth?

      • Yes to both,
        I have had this machine for a few years making approx 4 cups a day. The black has not aged well but the machine keeps kicking with regular cleaning. I would purchase the chrome if I had the chance but the deal on the black was too good to miss.

        • I meant to shop machine.

        • Have you ever had it serviced?

          Mine has made thousands of cups and I feel like it may be time to have it serviced by a technician. Have you ever had yours serviced?

    • A second hand "coffee shop" machine for this price? Hmmm 🤔. Those machines would be over 5K even second hand. And don't forget about the grinder as well

  • +1

    Why would the Good Guys beat a Good Guys Commercial price? Seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot there

    • Sounds strange, doesn't! Others stated that TGG don't even price match TGGC, let alone beat it by $60..

    • I've had them do it for a 75inch sony TV for me. It's not shooting themselves in the foot. It's because they can. The salesperson might get some benefit by having it sold in his/her name maybe???

    • Yea the staff probably get sack after this because they aren't allow to price match commercial site

      • +1

        Unless the margin is so great they can give up a straight discount anyway. This machine has massive margin.

    • I've also had luck with an oven, other times no luck, depends if it's in their range and they want/need the sale

    • +2

      I recently attempted to place a c&c order for a vacuum on TGGC. My nearest store had stock but TGGC was showing 'no stock' at any store. I got a quote from TGGC, went in store & asked if they could match the quote price. The person who served me said yes & manually entered it into his system to create a docket. He then called out to pass on to his supervisor/manager to finalise the order.

      At this point the manager explained that The Good Guys will not match their commercial store prices. He was a lovely man & explained that the staff member was a fairly new employee and that it should not have been done as they do not allow it. However, as I was already told 'yes' and the ticket was already created in the system, he sent it through to the counter staff and I was able to get it at the price on TGGC site. He understood that TGGC was incorrectly showing no stock but said just remember next time, the only way to get TGGC pricing is to purchase through their site.

  • +8

    I wish people wouldn't but this gift card thing in the title. Because it's quite ridiculous when the 15% off cards disappear from the Coles in a matter of hours and you have to drive across every Coles in a capital city to find a stack of $1500 worth.

    It's not like I can order $1500 of cards as instant e-gift cards.

    • -7

      You just need to get up earlier.

  • +1

    What 15% TCN are you talking about?!?😒 There is no 15% deal for TCN. You can't even tell which gc is on sale.

    • Apologies it’s ultimate gift cards not TCN!

      Updated the post

  • OP livin up to his name

  • +2

    Goodguys commercial was accepting only card payments before

    • +1

      OP didn't buy from TGGC, he priced beat it at TGG

    • Yep, but the OP got TGG to price match TGGC.

  • Oh ok but some stores won't do it. I have asked many times they always said no. Don't know why

  • +3

    This is indeed a serious bargain but I reckon it’s close to unobtainable.

  • +1

    So Ultimate cards can be used at TGG Commercial? That's what the current title implies.

  • How does this compare to the Dual Boiler & Seperate Breville Grinder?

    • +1

      Auto tamper and auto milk frother. Dual boiler you can always upgrade the grinder or replace it seperately

    • +1

      If you have bench space for BDB and separate grinder might be better option (cheaper) or even get a better grinder for a better cuppa. However you loose on auto grind dose, auto tamp, auto froth, but you get pressure gauge, which is very handy to have to monitor your extraction.

    • +1

      For the same money you can buy Breville Dual Boiler and a very good Italian grinder.

    • I second comments above. I'd get the dual boiler and something like a Sette 270 grinder, which would come in around this price

      • But then you miss all the auto features that save time (and cleaning). It is hard to compare this product to a BDB because the point of it is to avoid a full manual set up.

        • +2

          Don't believe you can save much time, maybe a bit on tamping. Cleaning would be very much the same. Also if you leave the machine on for long it will warm the beans and destroy the flavor. Saving space and no need of manual tamping are the two advantages compared with a DBD and separate grinder.

          • @ddhytz:

            Don't believe you can save much time

            Once you own one you'll be able to give a factual statement on this.

            Also if you leave the machine on for long it will warm the beans and destroy the flavor

            It has a really simple off button!

            • @serpserpserp: The auto-off is really short- I wish it was a bit longer. I love in my own and I drink coffee fat enough for the beans not to dry out.

              • @bxpressiv: I think it is adjustable in the settings. Never needed to look it up myself though

                • @serpserpserp: I haven't looked for awhile, I just saw on/off. I have a look again after work.

        • +1

          You're correct, this is a very good automated machine, but if someone is willing to put in a fraction more effort they'll get a distinctively better drop in the cup from going with the dual boiler + grinder option at the same price

        • +1

          But then you miss all the auto features that save time (and cleaning). It is hard to compare this product to a BDB because the point of it is to avoid a full manual set up.

          They only useful auto feature is steaming milk.
          Grinder quality is average.
          Tamping is very average - with a very little effort you will do better than this device (watch Lifestyle Lab comparison to see the channeling)
          Cleaning - on plain Dual Boiler you don't need to clean tamping device. :) The rest is the same.

          My point was - for a premium price you are getting
          - good milk steaming
          - very average (heated) grinder
          - very average tamping

          For a little extra effort and a little extra bench space you can get noticeably better results for the same money.
          If you care. :)

          If you prefer single button press full automatic machine - Oracle is good (still expensive) compromise.

          • @SickDmith:

            Cleaning - on plain Dual Boiler you don't need to clean tamping device.

            In reality you clean your tamping device every time you use it in a manual set up.

            watch Lifestyle Lab comparison to see the channeling

            Have to link me that one. But channeling doesn't occur at the tamping level from what I've seen. That usually happens at the group head that isn't well maintained. I will admit that the grinder is only as good as a SGP. So if you don't like how that performs you'll never like this machine.

  • Any idea if this deal will still be available tomorrow? Don't have a commercial account sadly

  • 50 upvotes for a nearly UNreplicatable deal?

    Yeah nah

    • Cheapest available everywhere is $1,999. I thought this deal is available for $1579 @ TGGC?

      • I'm talking $1292 price

      • 1585 for me

  • +1

    Good comparison between the Oracle and the BES920 Dual Boiler and smart grinder combo.

  • Managed to get this for $1502 with goodguys commercial during black Friday sales. I was just about to post it at the time and out of nowhere it went back up to $1999 then disappeared. I guess it's back now.

  • +1

    Shows $1502 now.

    • can we use 85 % Coles gift card online?

    • Now back to $1585 :(

  • Great machine. Bought mine at the beginning of the year. No complaints

  • I had no problem getting TGG to price match TGGC before. Interestingly the staff don't have access to be able to see what the prices on TGGC are, but once I showed them they went "yep sweet".

    • Could just edit the price lol unless they ask to refresh

      • I opened the site and searched in front of him, to be legit.

  • The reviews have always scared me on this machine -

    I guess many people cannot be bothered posting the positive reviews though.

    This could be one of those rare exceptions though where purchasing additional product warranty/insurance makes sense provided the most common repairs qualify.

    • I've had mine for just under a year. No issues.

      Also, youtube has some great "hacks" that take this machine up a notch.

      • Care to link us some choice videos?


          The new models come out with a magnetic tool, so its a lot easier to get the fan out.

          • @smigglejiggle: Thanks for that. Have you adjusted your dose to 18-20 grams? If so what benefits do you see? I drink double shot with every coffee so keen to hear is it has a big impact.

            • @serpserpserp: Better taste personally. I'm getting around 19g in.

              Also has some more room on the top of the puck, so it has space instead of hitting the basket.

  • Can someone explain to me what difference (if any) there is between the Black Sesame model and the Salted Liquorice model are?

    They are both black. Salted Liquorice looks more matte in photos, but is this the only difference?

    The Black Sesame version of The Oracle always seems to be MUCH cheaper than the Salted Liquorice model. Surely it’s more than just a different colour?

    • +1

      Black Sesame is more of a glossy finish, Salted Liquorice is similar to Black Truffle which is matt finish.

      But the real difference is that Black Sesame is rated 1800 watts, the other Oracles are 2400 watts.

      No idea why they do that, all along I though 1800 watts Black Sesames are old stock, but it seems they keep having more stocks of them.

      • Ok, thanks. Didn't realise there was a power difference

        I had completely forgotten about black truffle. Is there a difference (other than colour) between Black Truffle and Salted Licquorice?

      • I checked Breville site and didn't find any info or mention of Black sesame colour. I know some retailer state 1800W for Black sesame colour and 2400W for others but then some retailers state 2400W for black sesame as well. So it is not very clear if that is the case or they just copy and paste some specs from Breville USA where they have 110V and hence different Wattage specification of the appliances to suite their own Electrical system.

        EDIT: I checked Breville USA site and the Oracle spec in USA is 1800W and 110 V, so seems that some retailer copy and paste the USA specs which might not be related to AUS machines!

  • -4

    For this price you can get an above "consumer level" coffee machine that produces leagues better espresso.
    This is a sub par grinder attached to a sub par coffee machine.

    • How so?

    • +2

      No everyone wants to be a home barista, the Oracle has unique convenience features.

      • +1

        Agreed. All well and good if you upskill yourself but what if anyone else in the house wants to make a coffee? Across multiple users the Oracle would produce more consistent results purely on the auto grind and tamp feature. For the majority (more than 50%) of home users, they will drink more coffee with the Oracle than they would with the BDB. I've had both and I think the 'produces leagues better espresso' is a bit over the top. Might be able to make something better but I reckon using the same beans most of these home users wouldn't be able to pick the difference in a blind test.

    • clearly haven't ever used one.

    • +1

      If you don't like a SGP you won't like this machine.

      • It's up 2% today

  • Are you able to have this machine grind the beans but you tamp it manually?

  • +1

    Is there a difference in the Blck Sesame version vs the stainless steel or black truffle? I think there is a difference in wattage where black sesame is 1800w while the others are 2400w? Does that mean a faster start up for the higher wattage machines? Any other difference? Sorry cannot find this info anywhere. Have realised that black sesame is an older/obsolete version.

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