pretty good price considering the current state of the australian dollar - i bought one during the last deal for $77.70 - terrific watch
Mod: 29/12 - Down to $66.60 from $69.67
pretty good price considering the current state of the australian dollar - i bought one during the last deal for $77.70 - terrific watch
Mod: 29/12 - Down to $66.60 from $69.67
Agreed, you buy this if you are too good looking and have trouble keeping the chicks away.
mine matches the top pic
Careful with Amazon US and UK products, sometimes they are just fulfilled by US and UK rather than sold by them. So the listing can be messed up, as well as the usual potential for fakes etc from Amazon marketplace sellers.
point taken but this is not a marketplace sale - Ships from Amazon US - Sold by Amazon US - with 3,355 ratings
Look on US and you will find Amazon US doesnt sell this watch, remember to change delivery address to US to see all the listings
@dyziplen: v interesting annarchon - you are right amazon us does not list it on their site for sale in the usa - ive checked the order details for mine and it does say sold by amazon us - checked the tracking - despatched from CHARLOTTE, NC, USA - delivered by dhl - its maybe a deal they've done with casio to sell outside usa…?… 4 other sellers selling this watch on us amazon
@avtek: It's not just casios, I first noticed it with an obscure item, looking up reviews etc.
Pretty sure they just sell fulfilled by Amazon as sold by Amazon in other countries. Because they probably "sell" it to Amazon first so they can export it.
“In this programme, Amazon may list your products outside on our European websites. When we get a sale from a customer on these websites, Amazon will purchase your product at your local offer price and sell it to this customer. There are no additional fees for the pilot programme, and you will be paid like any other domestic sales transaction. Moreover, Amazon will manage all cross-border VAT requirements – you will only have your existing VAT obligations in UK, not in the foreign countries”.
– Amazon
So yeah, be wary of Amazon US and UK listings, as they can be just fulfilled by Amazon, with the typical fakes and so on.
@dyziplen: you were spot on - it makes a lot of sense too - amazon charges them for their right to list on website and also to warehouse their stuff - then has access to that inventory to dominate world retail using their global supply chains - especially good for small items like watches - cpus - hds etc
Second pic is the Japanese version (Fox fire instead of Illuminater). Same watch and mechanism. You will get the non-Japanese.
wtf is fox fire though?
I would assume it's the first one that has "Illuminator" labelled.
"Fox Fire" is usually only on Japanese models as far as I'm aware whereas the "Illuminator" labelling is for International models and Japanese models usually come with a price premium.
Great price
Calendar may not work after 2039……
The date and month will work all, but the day would be a day behind. CASIO probably would have issued module replacement options by then. IIRC, they recently offered restoration service for 1980s original jdm models.
Will Casio AU service watches from the US?
Did anyone else see the thumbnail and think it was one of those classic $5 watches you get from K-Mart?
No, because the thumbnail is exactly what the OG of Casio Gshocks looks like.
This is the deal of the year for gshock watch.
If i didnt already have one i would jump on this.
Won't you break it if you jump on it?
Can the date format be changed?
No, U.S date format only!
deal breaker for me, i'm out
Still waiting delivery from Europe of one of my recent G Shocks,ordered from Masters in Time 27/11/2021….."delivery within 6 up to 12 working days".
Different seller.
A great watch, but there are better ones if you want to pay more. I like GBX-100 which can be bought for $200. Has tide graphs, sun and moon data, bluetooth, and counts steps.
Great watch, but there are better ones if you want to pay more. I like GWRB1000-1A which can be bought for $989.
What do you like about it?
It mastered gravity
$1000 for a Casio is a lot lol
The mechanism is probably worth 30$. Just paying for bling. There's a good modding scene for most of them
I was being facetious. That said, $989 is nowhere near the summit of g-shock watch prices
i want the casioak. whats the going rate for these, and what is a good sales price?
Just got the ga2100 for $110. I then got a gen 3 mod kit for $70.
Thats a good price, the mod kit on the other end isn't very good though.
It's really good tho
In paid $150 delivered from Masters in time, wouldn't pay more than that but at the time they were harder to get.
In a documentary most Alqeeda members were wearing one of these when they were arrested! Cheap but very reliable!
wrong watch - Casio F-91W
Yeh, the f-91W, cheap, reliable and great for making things go Kaboom!
This is a great watch. I have worn mine literally 24/7 for the past 3 years or so. Gone through a few bands but it's a set and forget watch. Will withstand anything.
i've got enough 5600 variants but at this price, i have to get another
What about now it's dropped to $66.60 haha.
lol there's proof undeniable that Bezos is the devil
Still can't get over losing my 5600 atomic tough solar
Is the solar one worth it at double the price right now?
But why?
I swear I bought a new DW-5600 on Amazon not more than a year or two ago for under A$55. I was very lucky, there was ONE available at that price marked "new but with no box". It arrived completely new with tag still attached, screen protector film, original manual etc just no box. Strange. I was extremely happy though! I bought it to replace one that I bought in 2016 for US$42.
hmm….of all the g-shocks and 5600s i've bought, none have ever come with a screen protector on it. did you at least get a warranty card? if you buy g-shocks from Aussie retailers, you will also get a local warranty card backed by Shriro. not saying you necessarily got a fake but something doesn't seem right with the packaging
Yeah it came with a warranty card. Maybe in my mind's eye there was protector film on the screen but you're probably right that it's not a thing they do. All I can say it it was unused. I've owned DW-5600s since I got one to use in the army in the 1990s so I am positive it's the real deal. You know, I probably could have returned the 2016 model on warranty because the reason why I had to get a new 5600 was because the 2016 one developed a crack in the housing that rendered it non-waterproof, I'll bet I could have had the watch replaced. But I lost the warranty card long ago. Anyway, it's a great watch for the price and I love the simple, uncomplicated layout.
i wonder if the seller plopped that screen protector on so the buyer would feel more convinced they were buying a new item? ;)
but yeah, since you've had one before, you're in a better position to decide if it's genuine or not.
If spend a bit more and get the G5600e-1 (and do have it), tough solar, check out the other difference (clearer display, light button in the standard top right location etc). Still a good price though!
About the tough solar,I got a few questions as I have a serious problem of choice paralysis.
Not sure can check tonight
There are a few YouTube reviews that may help
Operation wise should be similar. I like the light button top right as per my other casios
The band and display is a bit nicer too I think
Got mine from eBay plus with a 10$ voucher so about $126
I'd send extra for one iconic watch keep for 10 years, both good watches.
@G-rig: Hmmmm. easier to change mode to see actual time while in timer/ stopwatch?
TBH, I don't use stopwatch or timer often but it would be nice to know.
I was deciding on the 5600 and I even made a paper model of it to wear out yesterday. Definitely a keeper. I think SNKL23 will be next.
@SEasternCry: I never use those functions and most people wouldn't, but from memory the time would remain in the top right display.
Yeah those snkl23 are great for a dress watch for cheap, would usually go 40mm bit 38 is something different and doesn't feel that small as the face and hands are pretty nice. Check out Sky watch Singapore. Got it on a bond nato.
@SEasternCry: Hmmmm. easier to change mode to see actual time while in timer/ stopwatch?
Here's the manual:…
Not sure if you can change the top right to show time of day instead of hours, but it keeps timing if you cycle the main screens.
One thing about the 5600e-1 I like is the Auto EL function (which i wish more g-shocks would have), and ofc no replacing batteries. the standby power saver is cool when it's in the drawer
@G-rig: Yeah absolutely, also the silence mode is helpful in a library or work… Just gotta hit the purchase button on the solar one before I change my mind again.
Beater watch sorted. Appreciate your help, @g-rig
This watch is awesome. Perfect for your daily beater. I've had mine for twelve years and it is still going strong. On my third strap. Second battery
How long did the 1st battery last?
Five years, maybe longer? It was a really long time
Xioami made a 80s style digital watch (old school LCD) but with Bluetooth and step counter ect… casio should do the same
Efit: ok they do lol
I'm very confused by the pictures of this watch on the Amazon page. If you swipe to the next image it's a different model. Which model are you actually buying?