Wow. Surprisingly good deals been coming from Hardly Normals recently. This time its the Nikon J1 mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. I would have preferred the V1 with the viewfinder and better screen, but it is cheaper than imports. DWI has it for $560 shipped.
Nikon 1 J1 Twin lens, 10.1MP, 3" LCD, 10-30mm, 30-110mm Lens, DAILY DEALS/ONLINE ONLY $498 at Harvey Norman

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Nex-5N is a great little camera and will give better image quality than these… but if out there trying to capture fast moving action shots (sports, wild kid, animals etc), these Nikons are a better bet!
60fps Wallahh!!! I was happy with 10fps on my Nex5N but this is 60!!!
60fps?! is this like the camera video recording it then splits each frames into one photo? haha
Would get this at this price, if I didn't already have my 5N too!
Surprisingly good deal, too bad i just up i just bought a canon last month…
Tempted for a second one, carrying a dslr is painful
haha i assumed you dont use battery grips yet =P
painful? just worth the quality of the shots.
If you're tempted and can afford it, I say go for it. They say the best camera is the one you have with you. I love my Nikon DSLR when I'm actively planning to go out and take photos, but I'm much more likely to have my m43s camera on me the rest of the time.
And gmail92, if he's finding it painful to carry, what makes you think he hasn't already got a full bodied camera with a 70-200 f/2.8 on the end ;)
Da Future iz Now! - no more mirrors flapping in dusty barn-like DSLR casings!
good deal, just bought one, dunno why cos I already got a SLR lol
Sensor half the size of four thirds cameras and 1/3 the size of APS-C? No thanks.
Good deal an Micro 4/3 camera or a Sony NEX and i will be interested.
yes there is, but not with the price $498 though if that whats you trying to say
Let me spell it out for you:
"Sensor half the size of four thirds cameras and 1/3 the size of APS-C? No thanks."
I am not interested in a camera with such a small sensor."Good deal an Micro 4/3 camera or a Sony NEX and I will be interested."
If they have a deal on a better camera I will be interested.Was it really that hard to understand?
yes it was, everyone knows it got smaller sensor compare to slr or a much more expensive hyprid ones, why compare stuff in different price categories.
And nobody wanna know whats you're interested in DuffEveryone knows it has a smaller sensor? Really?
The camera is a direct competitor to the 4/3 cameras. They are not in different price categories, this one is just on special.
"And nobody wanna know whats you're interested in Duff"
English please…If you don't care for others thoughts, Dont read the comments. Others may find it interesting to know the sensor in this camera is not much better than a compact camera. If you cant understand how that is relevant to the deal then you are beyond help.
Duff5000, why are you slumming it with m43s and aps-c? Why not full frame? Then again, why bother with full frame when medium formats are around?
While it's true that this sensor is smaller than m43s even, saying it is not much better than a compact just isn't true. Meanwhile, the extremly good auto focus and high FPS will make this an extremely good camera for some pople, depending what they want to shoot.
And, I hae to agree with mcp2kpro that people who care about sensor size, will know it has a smaller one. And, people who doesn't know it has a smaller size, are the sort of people who don't care about the technical side like that.
At any rate, this is a bargain price for people looking for this camera. Like you, this camera is not for me, but there are many bargains out there not for me, and I don't feel the need to go comment negatively about them.
Small cameras are handy, this isn't smaller than its larger sensored competition.
I know about sensor size but i didnt know this had a smaller sensor till i read a review. Not everyone is up with the specs of every camera around, that is why i posted it. I was surprised to find it half a sensor half the size of 4/3.
Its high speed shooting is ok. 0.2 sec of shhoting at 60fps is a bit odd tho.
Whats wrong with pointing out the negative of a product? I didnt neg it as a deal.
Ahh, so you did read the review though, which shows most people who care would probably know ;) I don't think anything wrong with poitning out short comings - I think all cameras have pros and cons - but maybe just the way you wrote your original comment seemed a bit dismissive. So, let's all smile and be happy we're spoilt for choice these days :) (and then nash our teeth that no camera is perfect for each of our particular needs!)
If you're complaining about this sensor, why do you even want a 4/3? Full frame or bigger is what you should be looking at.
Full frame pffft… medium format is where its at.
You have a MF DSLR?
What's this fallacy called again…reductio ad absurdum?
Everyone who mentions sensor size should buy medium format.The E-pm1 is not more expensive than this, it depends if you want faster autofocus and a slightly smaller package or better depth of field control, IBIS and a large selection of good lenses.
because it (the sensor) is half or 1/3 the size of its competition. It isn't a little bit smaller, it is heaps smaller.
If you can fit a MF sensor in a camera in this class (compact mirrorless) and price that would be great.
Good deal! Too bad the camera/lenses aren't smaller though considering the sensor is smaller. But it looks like it can produce some nice looking images. I'm kinda tempted to get one even though I'm already invested in Micro 4/3.
Can anyone please explain the pros and cons of the following? As far as I understand they are at the same market segment:
Sony Nex-5N
Nikon 1 J1
Fujifilm X-Pro1
DMC-GF2I liked taking pictures and experiencing settings (ISO, shutter speed, exposure) on prosumer camera back in Konica-Minolta era (Anyone remember Z1?) and now wanted to pick up the hobby again.
Thinking of getting a entry DSLR but would rather getting something like this which is smaller and easier to carry around. Will this be a better choice?
Full review here:
I dont know enough about it to go into any detail. It appears to be far more basic than most of its competition.
"Naturally though, this simplicity of design does have consequences for more experienced shooters who wish to change parameters between shots. By relegating PASM modes to the cameras' menu systems, as well as direct control over white balance and ISO, users who want to take greater control over their cameras' behavior will have to get used to dipping into the menu system. It is worth noting that one aspect of the J1/V1's feature set over which you get absolutely no control is one of the most interesting - their 'hybrid' AF systems. The switch between phase-detection and contrast-detection AF is completely automatic, and the cameras determine which mode to use based on the amount of light coming through their lenses."
Buy the X-Pro1. You won't regret it. :)
Unless if you like your photos in focus or if you're not patient. I used to have X100, I love the image quality esp at high ISO, color rendition and fast lens. Sadly, the AF is horrible. The ratio for miss/hit is pretty high. X-Pro1 sadly is as bad as X100 from many reviews.
Agree, I get a X100 too. X100 is perfect camera if you are going to spend 15 secs playing around perfect setting before taking a perfect still picture, but if you are looking for a daily use point-and-shot camera, X100 / X-Pro 1 isn't for you. X series is 100% great camera but serving for other purpose.
J1/V1 is more fit for high quality daily use.
Fujifilm released a new firmware last week (or the week before?) for the x100 that significantly improves AF.
@ siuol
My thoughts:
Sony NEX-5N: Very nice little camera, but let down by lack of native good quality lenses. Only two worth mentioning is the Zeiss 24mm (very nice, but costs $1k) and there's a 50mm 1.8 coming out soon. Good for low light (can handle high ISO), but no hot shoe if you're interested in off camera flash.
Nikon 1 J1 : Probably not a good camera for you. Very automated, does away with traditional PASM modes. But has extremely good and fast autofocus and object tracking and high FPS.
Fujifilm X-Pro1: One of those love or hate cameras. I saw it in real life last month in HK, and it wasn't for me. Felt like a Leica wanna be. Main complaints are that it doesn't feel that well made when handling, and focus is slow. Still, it has exceptional image quality, but much more expensive the others you've mentioned. Also, for now, has no zoom lenses, if that is a concern for you.
GF2 : a micro 43s camera. It's an ok camera, but if I were you, I'd consider going up to the Panasonic GX1. It's effectively the latest version of GF2 with a better sensor and more manual controls on body. If you like prime lenses (I do) there's a very good selction from Olympus and Panasonic.
Another choice would be the Olympus EM-5. It's not yet out (end of this month) but I plan for it to be my next camera. It's also a m43s camera, so can take all the same lenses as the GF2.
Thanks mooboy, definitely useful info.
Also, what do you think about Olympus E-P3?
The Olympus E-P3 has the same sensor, more or less, as the GF2. Nice camera, but I think over priced for what it is. You can get pretty much exact same internals (though not as nice ergonomics) in the Olympus E-PM1 for nearly half the price.
I'd recommend the The Panasonic GX1 (newer sensor, but no in built sensor stabilisation) or the the Olympus E-M5. It's just the sensor in the E-P3 just a bit, average.
I was close to buying an E-P3, but held off because of the release of the E-M5. Considering the price at which the E-M5 is being sold for, I was hoping that the price of the E-P3 will come down, but it's looking less and less likely that I will end up buying the E-P3
Like mooboy says, the sensor has been superseded by a new generation of sensors, but depending on the conditions you shoot in, this might not be relevant. If you anticipate taking photos in situations with low light with no flash, the E-P3 might not be for you. Usable ISO tops out at 3200 at most; 6400 is too noisy, and the image looks terrible (at least in colour). I find that I regularly need ISO 6400 in low light, which the new E-M5 is reportedly able to provide while still keeping noise down.
If you do decide on the E-P3 though, wait a few months. It should come down in price with the E-M5 now on the market.
EM-5 looks nice. Will be pretty pricy tho wont it?
I have a e-420 currently but would love to get something better in low light. Movie would be handy as well.
Yeah, Olympus Australia wants to rip us off :(
They've announced an RRP here of 1,300 for body alone. If you don't mind importing, can get it from USA (Adorama or B&H) for about $1,000 AUD delivered. Though, if want it with the kit lens, may as well get here (1,500 RRP) as, if you get hit with GST importing, it will cost about the same.
By the way, if you already have a nice lens selection for your e-420, there's rumours a new E-7 Olympus DSLR is being worked on.
Tempting. I only have the kit lenses for the E420. I had an E300 before that with an aftermarket lens but it was massive. Sold it to fund the E420 with the smaller twin kit.
Olympus kit lenses are better than most at least.
In an ideal world I would have:
Something the size of the E420 (small but still decent to hold with my huge hands).
A fold out live view screen.
~20MP sensor (gigapixel would be preferable tho)
Stabilised body
A 25-500 (35mm EQ) 2.8 lens that has perfect optics through the entire range. :)
Might as well add 10000 fps slomo recording as well. (been watching some Vision Research Phantom clips latley)I think it might be a while before I get my ideal camera
@Mooboy. it IS a leica wannabe. The fact that they are launching a m-mount adaptor should say it all. I personally prefer it to the rest. Fujinon lenses are legendary and have beautiful image rendering. I would have picked one up if i didn't spend a few grand on camera stuff the past few months. Still looking to pick one up sometime. My day to day camera is a 5d3 with a 50 1.2 and a few other film cameras and all of them are primes as well and once you get the hang of it, it's really pretty easy to use.
When you say "day to day camera", what do you use it for? I can't imagine taking a 5d3 with me wherever I go, even with only a 50 on the end of it.
Mostly street and people, occasional landscape, objects etc. Weight/bulk is not an issue. Try using a 200 f2 + 1DMK4 handheld for a whole soccer game. The 50 1.2 + 5d is light in comparison.
Your day-to-day camera is a 5D3 with a 50mm f1.2L??? Nice…some people have got it good…:)
The 50mm 1.2 and 85 1.2 are the Canon offerings I'm jealous of - I'm a Nikon guy - have the D700 but only 50 f/1.8 :( One thing that bugs me about the X-Pro 1 is that it seems oversized compared to other mirrorless offerings. I love the small size and weights of m43 cameras and NEXs compared to DSLR… but X-Pro1 seems so close (in size, if not weight) I'm not sure why I'd ever choose to take that out instead of a Canikon.
Quality video review…Ashton Kutcher TV commercial review to Neg - due to the Kutcher endorsement! >.<
Videopro has the nex-c3 with 18-55 lens for $495 delivered if anyone's interested
Can you provide a link please? I'm interested.
How about this one?……
Videopro is local stock.
Apparently the 16mm lens isn't great..
Is this considered as grey import as well? (same as DWI, shipped from HK?)
Also, is it worth the price difference to get the additional lens (the one with 1 lens only, 10-30mm on DWI is $369)?Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think from Harvey Norman means full Australian warranty from Nikon.
As for second lens being worth it or not, it depends on your style of shooting. On this camera, a 30mm is equivalent to 81mm on a 35mm camera. Confusing? That is, similar to most kit zooms with Pansonic GF2, Nikon and Canon DSLRS etc. If you like to take photos of things far away (maybe sports games or wildlife etc, the 2 lens kit is probably worth the extra). I'm guessing the 30-110 lens is better for taking head and shoulder portraits of people.
Basically, yes, it's worth it to get the extra lens :) (at digital camera warehouse, the 30-110 lens sells for $309 alone!)
Thanks op + mooboy, decided to pull the trigger. I was about to put an order for the 1 lens only with DWI over the weekend, but delayed because had a little doubt and wanted to ask colleague's opinion first, then I saw this deal). Oh, well, ended up paying more, but I guess worth the difference (about $120 more for 1 more lens + local warranty, or at least local pickup for better peace of mind). Btw, if someone wants to buy the one with 1 lens only, DWI link is here ($369 + 2% payment surcharge):…No surcharge if direct deposit, only extra 2 days.
Teds has this for $999, DWI has it for ~$560 but I dont believe this is grey import like DWI
When I went instore, (Mt Druitt) they told me it likely is, and the only reason they can go so cheap, is because they don't need to pay as much taxes, I don't know what he was on about, but he showed me the computer, and their lowest price was ~$700…
Purchase a Nikon 1 J1 between 13/02/2012 - 13/04/2012 and become a My Nikon Life member to recieve:Nikon 1 J1 Leather case valued at $89 RRP Nikon 1 J1 Leather wrist strap valued at $25 RRP
Register for My Nikon Life here. Redemptions close 27/04/2012.
I saw this, but harveynormanonline is not on their online form list as opposed to any HN store, though they're still Australian seller. So, not sure if it will be applicable, but if it is, then it will be a bonus :)
I just put the store I am picking up from, as it says that Penrith have it in stock, so I am taking their stock, so their product, well, that's how I work it out, plus when I go in, I will ask that they print my receipt for me, as "I have no printer" lol. So should trick Nikon enough…
this is even more tempting to buy it.. but can you get it being an online offer?
I got a call today for address confirmation and delivery payment(10$). Should receive soon….
Crikey, great deal if only I was in the market for one.
Top buy have it for >$600 and it's a grey import!
I also found this review FYI, it's not that favourable for the product itself:…
We're experiencing a delay with your order. We estimate that your item(s) listed below will be ready in approximately 8 days, at which point we'll contact you.
By the way, panasonic gf3 is a great buy if interested in micro 4/3rds.
A lot cheaper than the other brands, and not that much different.
You can get with 1 lens for around $360 and twin lens kit for around $500. i got the twin lens kit myself. just look on does this compare to the panasonic LX5?
bought one online yesterday,received email this morning-ready for pickup….
is it DSLR???
Also, a cheap Class 6 32GB SD card can be had for sub $50.…
I just ordered the exact card, and it arrived in 2 days, and was sent registered, although, I only selected the free postage, lol.
NOT related in anyway to that eBay store though.That might be the old one. The latest class 6 from Sandisk is 30MB/S.
Got the 16GB last week for under $20.
got mine on the way to home….however,the box isn't sealed and no plastic cover on the screen.,no HN price stick on the box or anywhere….anyone has the same??
I got pretty similar packing. Make sure you register online with mynikon for 2 years local warranty.
Yikes.. i've been looking at offer snice yesterday and its still available.. sooo sooo tempting.. I dont know jack about cameras but going to Europe soon for 2 months want something better than a normal digital camera (i have a sony cybershot t100 which is very slim but a dull camera).
I've had a look a look at all the links for the reviews and this one is the only i've come across so far in this price range that seems have the bells and whistles - well as the reviews say I guess..
Only questions I have are:
When your not using the bigger lense is the camera still slim enough to put in a pocket with some form of case on it?
Can you still get the online redemption from Nikon for the case and leather handle thing (above posts has link)?
Whats the battery life like?
And most importantly when does the offer actually expire????expire today I think, battery life is best in the class. I pickup mine from chatswood yesterday, very good. Very happy with it. Also comes with 2 years Nikon warranty and you might get a free leather case and strap.
Great thx for the reply.. Might take my chances and head down to Harvey normal or teds to quickly play with it and make sure I like it before I dish out $500.. Just worried it a little bulky I'd rather something compact with still a good camera ;)
Good luck mate!
Oops… just bought one.
To anyone interested, this deal is still available on Harveys website.
I bought one yesterday in the White colour. It is extremely well built, and the image quality of the camera far exceeds my expectations (I am an advanced enthusiast photographer, and I am very impressed). It is far better than any compact camera - way over the Canon S95, S100 and G12, and is definately on par with micro 4/3s. It doesn't match APS-C cameras, but you won't be dissapointed by the performance of this camera for most of your uses. Whilst it would nice to have some extra external buttons, the menu's aren't painful to navigate, and the camera is easy to use.
Also, I applied for the free leather case and strap using the store where I picked it up from (HN Fyswick).
Lastly, my camera is 100% new, 100% Australian stock with 100% Australia warranty for anyone concerned. (There is no tape on the box or plastic on the screen, but there isn't meant to in this case)Fantastic… starting to really think I need it… I wonder if the free case and strap will work.. did the store give you a reciept? or some form of online receipt without their details?
Expired. $888 now.
The Harvey Norman Fyshwick store game me a receipt from the store. My receipt has both the online store and the Fyshwick store details on the receipt. I used this receipt to claim the case and strap.
On a side note - The Nikon website says that the case and strap are available for redemption for camera's purchased from Nikon Authorised Resellers. The Harvey Norman online store is still an authorised reseller, even though you can't select it from the drop down list on the redemption webpage.And not all Harvey Norman stores are on the list. Wired.
Oh no its expired :-(
Still available for $509 in…
however shipping is approx $109 (express) - still cheaper than HN's non discount price….
it will never come, dodgy grey site.
na i'll give it a miss.. think i might go something small and compact like Samsung WB700 which is under $200
Interesting, 10-30mm lens made in China, 30-110mm lens made in Thailand. Has anyone used it? How do you feel about it?
Hi Mely. The J1 camera body, and both the 10-30 and 30-110 lens, are definitely made in China. The lens hood for the 30-110 is made in Thailand though. Strange. Overall, the build quality of the lenses and the camera is superb. Very solid. The outer body of the lens and the J1 body feel like they are made of aluminium or some type of metal, which is nice. There is no 'creaking' or 'flexing' in the J1 body and lenses. (The lens 'zoom action' isn't as smooth as an 'L' series Canon lens for example, but the image quality - sharpness, colour reproduction, etc - is definitely above average when compared to DSLR kit lenses.)
Correct! Thank you. I didn't take the lens hood off to see the 30-110 lens. "but the image quality - sharpness, colour reproduction, etc - is definitely above average when compared to DSLR kit lenses" Really?? I have an Olympus XZ-1, I am not sure which one's sensor is larger. If this Nikon J1's larger, I will definitely keep it and maybe sell the Olympus.
J1 sensor is about half the size of a 4/3 sensor.
The xz1 is about half the size again. (1/4 of the four thirds sensor.)
has anyone seen any other good prices on this model? kinda kicking myself I didn't buy it.. all I can find is around $600 now on international websites - which i'm a little skeptical on buying from.
Anyone want to buy this J1? Contact me. I bought one from Harvey Norman,tried less than 20 photos. I couldn't get used to this due to lack of experience in Nikon Camera.
Hi Jascc, Can't seem to message you it states your not accepting any messages. Would you like to message me? thanks.
Good deal, but I still love my Sony Nex-5N :-)