• expired

Logitech G27 Just $139 from Dick Smith Game Clearance. on Now!


The dick Smith gaming clearance hasn't appealed to all due to the haphazard manner of leaking and the irregular stock levels but this deal is undoubtedly awesome.
And the majority of stores seem to have stock.

I just saw it in my local but the price seems unchanged online…

Get at it!

EDIT: for those too lazy to call/to happy to neg: http://goo.gl/YSVed

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +1

    Shame on everyone purchasing more than one

  • I guess if anything this proves that the sale will be on tomorrow.

    Definitely going there tomorrow morning, try for a DSi/G19 :)

    Also called up my local DSE, 9 of these in stock. Sold the last one a month ago.

    Might get one in the morning as I can't make it this afternoon.

  • They have got 7 or 8 of them at Toombul store in Qld same price.
    I dint buy as don't need it.
    Thought will post if someone in need lives nearby.

  • +1

    Why shouldn't i be able to buy one for my brother…

    Whoever negd me… go suck an egg

    • +1

      Haha I like the last bit…in a funny way of course!
      May be i am imaging a person doing that hahaha!

  • +1

    Macquarie Centre Dicksmith sold all 8 units in 3 minutes. The guy on the phone was like "lul wtf happened?!", I told him he got OzBargained :D

  • +1

    Went to DSE Capalaba and got one. Sticker at $139.00, used 5% off Woolworths Ltd Staff card down to $132.05.

  • +1

    Asked at Robina & Burliegh and not on sale still $$
    Robina had none in stock I was told tho

    • +1

      I was at the robina one and I counted at least 12. There was one other guy meandering around them but I didn't see anyone buy any..around 12:30pm today. Marked at $139..

    • Thanks for the heads up.

    • Someone bought one at burleigh while I was there so you can.. I didnt want one tho.. was scouting for tomorrow

      • WTF I phoned both stores and they both said nope

  • Bought one for Dad's birthday tomorrow. He'll probably hate it because he hates fun but always complains he wants a wheel for racing games because controllers are too hard. If he hates it, I'll just use it. Woo! Not that I ever play racers…

    Nunawading store. Had a few there, Labeled as $299 but it scanned as $139.

  • Got one from Bourke Street, Melb. Saw 5 of them on the shelf and 2 other people after me grabbed one each as well.

  • Assuming the box for one of these is massive?

    EDIT: Think taking one of these on a bus?

    • +1

      But it will fit in ur arms

    • +1

      Bus easily… the box was much smaller than i expected

      I've had people bring a bed and mattress on my tram

    • Yea you could carry in your hand. Around 1.5feet cube. weight felt like 10kg approx

    • Box dimensions are around: 46x36x32 cm and weighs around 10 kg if that helps

    • -2

      I've got two on the bus atm :)
      Easily doable.
      Time to sell my driving force gt

      • my dfgt has only been used twice.

        • lol mine too! the g27 makes it feel like a cheap toy now, I can see myself playing alot more with this.

  • thanks OP i bought one.

    • +1

      you could thank him by positive voting? Its not very hard to click a + button on the top :D

  • Just got back from the Chadstone (Large) store. The price was still $499 and asked the guy at the register to check it up. Told me he couldn't tell me the price because it wasnt showing up and the sale was from Tomorrow. Prob spoke with the wrong guy….seeing that all these people were able to buy it.

    • +1

      Just back from that store, and was told that they are somehow disconnected to main stores..blah blah… he sent me to the one inside near K-Mart, which was sold out. But managed to get EB to price match

  • Guys….get ready for this. Just came out from Rhodes and I was pretty much the first person who bought it there. They have some left. Run people run!

    • what time did u buy it?

  • Just got back from Redbank. There is now 1 boxed one left and the display one. He said he would sell the display one for $100

  • Wow that is crazy cheap price! I'm tempted to grab one but I have a logitech Momo steering wheel that has been sitting in the cupboard for years lol.. going to pass on this one and prob regret it years to come :)

  • Just got the last one from Sunshine Vic store :)

  • Now all these people will need a cockpit stand for their G27. Prepare to budget another 2-300.

    • +1

      They don't mount well on a desk?? My momo one does just fine..?

      • They probably do i haven't really tried. But i assumed most people play games on their tv in their living room, probably where there's no desk.

  • Just got mine at watergardens Vic. Have 4 left 1 has a name on it . Right at front door of store. Sunshine only has demo left . They too only found out today about the deal. Nothing else gaming wise is on sale

  • Attention all!!!! I called ds in Roslands nsw and they had 8 in stock at 12:30
    I arrive at 1:15 and I see this bloke with a Coles trolley with about 5 or 6 inside. He was heading to car park I assume so I stopped him and asked him if it was the sale for 139 and he told me there's plenty more and started stammering ..
    I ran to dick smith store and to my dismay they had all sold out!!!!

    Can you guys believe how greedy this idiot was!!!

    I actually went back out looking for him and think I saw him
    speeding out in a red alpha!
    Oh I'm so pissed!!!!!
    I want to grab this guys head !!!

    Guess Ill wait for the next one..

    • +2

      This is wrong…

      I bet those wheels will show up on ebay..

      If my brother doesn't want the wheel i grabbed for him i will gladly pass it on at cost to an ozbargain member

      • That's very kind of you!! Good to see there's some kind people out there.. I might pass anyway, I have a strong feeling the Logitech shop will make a response very soon to all these deals!!

        Much appreciated anyway!

    • +1

      They should say only one per person.

    • +6

      what were you going to do if you caught up to him? physically assault him and risk spending several years in prison because he bought a few logitech gaming steering wheels?

      keyboard warrior alert

      • I wouldn't hurt him that bad… Maybe just compress his head with my arms until he sh**s in his apple bottom jeans!

        Just the usual

    • +4

      Broden sighting!

  • Just returned from Cairns DFO and Earlville
    Cairns DFO have 1 intact brand new left, 1 demo and 1 ex-return because it didn't work with gt5 and 1 hiding in storage because it had a name on it.
    Earlville has 4 brand new left, two of which are still sealed but the boxes are slightly banged up.

    Wonder if they're this cheap because a new one might be coming out?
    Meh who cares at this price it's an absolute steal and will still be a really good wheel for years to come, it's not like they can add much more to it!

  • Bendigo has stock. Gonna Get Me One!


  • Just got 1 from local DS. Apparently sold all 8 they had in stock today. Phoned my manager as he is a racing fan and got the last one for him. This got him excited for the sale starting tomorrow so now we are planning to be there at 9:00am even though a work day :) Got a very helpful manager that actually went through my sales game list of about 50 items and checked what she had prepared for the sale. As expected no console, keyboards etc. but quite a few of the games I wanted will be available. Some items stock will only arrive for the 12th as that was original planned date of sale. Also went in to EB as 2 shops down and they are fully expecting an email from head office with updated trade-in prices for games on the leaked list.

  • i wonder why the g27 is suddenly so cheap….is there a new version coming out?

    and to think that even at $139, DS is STILL making a profit……

    good deal OP

    • Logitech rolling out heaps of new products in 3rd Q of 2012. Maybe this may have an upgrade as well or dicky is going bankrupt…

    • When I called Dick Smith at Hurstville, he said he was selling them below cost price. Not sure how true that is but it does sound right.

  • I just picked one up from the Tuggerah DSE. They had about 5 on display for $499. I asked the clerk to do a price check on one and promptly watched his jaw drop when he confirmed it.

  • got last one at vic gardens. thanks OP. [no thanks to westpac, but that is another story]

  • 1 left at highpoint in Melbourne.

  • Are these pc only, or can they work on 360/ps3 with adaptor?

    • Site says PS3 and PC

      • +1

        Box says PS3/PS2/PC

        • Yep PC, PS2 & PS3
          They aren't supported for XBOX but we have seen various adaptors floating around on the internet for XBOX but not sure how good they are really.

  • Cheers, missed that..

  • Can someone recommend a good bang for buck cockpit to go with this?

    • there are custom built frames on ebay for around $79
      super ghetto but work great
      byo chair

    • +5

      Can I point you to my racing cockpit I built a while ago (I am Lyscho over on OC)


      Hope this isn't against the rules to post this. If so, mods please delete this post.

      • So that's you?! Man I was gonna copy your design and build one myself… until I had to move out of home for uni… :( Probably still gonna do it this mid year break though, bloody fantastic design!

        • Cheers mate, it had a wonderful reception on OC forum, i was blown away.

  • Picked up 2 from bankstown about an hour ago!

    • One for each hand?

      • +1

        haha yep, had to work both arms equally

  • Picked up one at Gungahlin DSE, ACT. One more left.

  • the prices of racing cockpits are about to all go up, aren't they?

    • It's called bunnings for timber and the wreckers for a car seat :)

  • Ok, I didn't say this :::

    To clarify you all.. saw the clearance sheet yesterday and tried to pick good ones only to find out that big specials like ps3, xbox ,etc are the discontinued models and not the new ones. So it would be very hard to locate one of this but the price list is right..

    The only good ones you will be able to get is games which are no doubt very cheap.

  • Heres to hoping LTS matches this price

  • I saw the guys in my local shop cutting out special stickers for products. Any ideas when the other specials go up?

    • +2

      Call me psychic but I have a vague hunch that it may be tomorrow… no idea where I'm getting this from!

      • Was wondering if some other products had been listed on special today…

  • +1

    Thx OP just got the last two from DSE Nunawading. Now off to HN next door to pick up a copy of GT5!!!!

  • +1

    There is about 7 - 8 in Blacktown GOGOGO

  • Just grabbed one in Ballarat (Bridge Mall), there is one left

  • None left at the pines in Doncaster east. I bought one and a guy behind me bought the last one. Thanks for the heads up OP!

  • Thanks for the post, just bought mine! Seems to be a returned item… but given it wasn't marked as such - so I can go to Logitech as if it's a new item, right?

    EDIT: ignore me. The scratches I found on the gearstick I found were just on the protective plastic… (it was disguised well)

    EDIT2: Seems it comes with free copy of rFactor.. Don't know if it's good but hey! Free is free!

    • EDIT3: wait, that's a trial of rFactor. Eh.

  • +1

    Just got the 2nd last one at Canberra majura park dick smith. 1 left on the floor.

  • Thank OB
    Picked Up one at Adelaide. they said have five left

  • Well after calling all the inner South Eastern Suburbs in Melb, Malvern, Prahan, Camberwell (sold last one while I had them on the phone), Richmond, Waverly… finnally found 1 at Chadstone that refused to hold it. Ofcourse it was gone by the time I speed there. Fortuntly I was able to get EB Games to price match, think I got the last one there.

    also for the stores still selling at $499 and not dropping, I think they are private franchisee, cause out of the 2 stores at Chadstone the large outside one wouldnt budge on the price and had plenty, the one inside had them priced at $139 and no stock.

    I heard that Dick Smith is moving away from the Gaming market and this is the begining of them off-loading all there gaming stock. If true then there could be some good deals coming up.

    • EB price matched!??! Nice job mate!

  • What ps3 games fully support the g27?

    • Just get GT5 from somewhere, it's probably one of the best games you'll find.

  • thanx for the post i picked one up at cannon hill dick smits
    they have a few left probaly around 6 or so

  • Cheers op, got 1 from Noosa store.
    Told me they got 2 left…

  • I just bought one from Glenelg, SA. There's at least another one left there.

  • Got 2nd last one at watergardens VIC, last was on hold for "telstra guy".

    • Lol. I reserved one for my mate's dad to come and pick up, so he reserved it for "xxxx xxxx's dad"

    • Hopin' you trollin'

        • +10

          Broden is that you?

        • Made 34 people's afternoon disappointing then. Not cool man :(

      • +2

        He probably isn't, got banned from OCAU for just being a general tosser lol

        • +1

          ill just remove this as its not worth it

        • Hahaha doesn't matter if you still post there, all I'm saying is when I saw you in the motoring section I thought you were bottom of the barrel, obviously from your above posts my assumptions were right

        • +9

          He's lying

          There are ten stores in the 100km radius of Newcastle checked using DSE Store Locator

          Now starting at Newcastle West going through all those stores in the most efficient order and returning to the Newcastle Store gives me a total of 4 hours 30 minutes.Route Link here

          Now this deal was posted about 6 hours 15 minutes ago and Copie posted about 40 minutes ago, I'll assume he posted from home, that means that even he was outside first Dick Smith when the deal was posted, he had to have taken at most 2 hours at the other 9 DSE Stores. this means 13 minutes in each Store. Given some of them are inside Malls, there is a possibility that he wasn't able to park near a store and would have to spend some time either finding the store and or/walking to it. This of course is assuming none to little traffic.

          Then there is the small matter of storing/transporting those 34 boxes, which I recall being quite big and would definitely not fit in anything other than large caravan or movers truck, which no ozbargainer has just lying around.

          SO Copie sir, you have either lied about the amount of wheels you purchased or the amount of places you visited in gathering such a large stock pile. Therefore I conclude, that this contradicts the entire nature of your story and you sir are and Idiot and I feel like Sherlock Holmes( The New BBC one, not the movies)

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