Selling Car on Gumtree - Is This Buyer Legit?

Hi there,

Recently put up my old car on gumtree for sale, and I've gotten this series of emails. View conversation here

Smells like scam to me. Is my intuition on the mark?

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  • +16


  • +10

    yeah definitely a scam. like people always say on here, always do cash with private sales.

    my guess is they'll probably "send" the money and send a fake screenshot, then they'll say it'll take a couple business days to go through, then if you contact them again there'll be some issue with their bank, and then eventually they'll stop replying.

    • Interesting, yeah, I've heard of these types of scams, but not really how they play out. thanks

    • Always wondered this.
      And who is the agent that collects the car? The scammer?

      • +5

        I continued baiting one of these. They offer to pay you for the car and a few hundred extra for shipping. They send you a Fake bank transfer screenshot. Then they ask you to pay the shipper via Western union. They don't want the car, just a few hundred dollars. Of course the fake buyer and shipper are the one scammer.

        • +1

          I'd push the scam this far and then send them a fake Western Union 'confirmation' that you'd transferred the shipping fee.

  • +15

    100% a scam.

    They are always located in INSERT_FARAWAY_PLACE_HERE because of INSERT_EVENT_HERE so they cannot pick the vehicle up in person but will have their INSERT_PERSON_OR_JOB_TYPE_HERE pick it up instead. They also can never make or take calls because of INSERT_REASON_HERE.

  • I reckon there's more scammers on gumtree than genuine people looking to buy these days

    • +2

      Out of all my years on scumtree I've had probably 1 good transaction where the guy didnt try to scam/lowball/waste time , he legit was just looking for a good deal on a used fuji x100s. Met up at my place on the dot, cash in hand, spent about 5 minutes inspecting and handed over the cash and off he went.

      Every other interaction has been either scammers or extreme lowballers, one instance a guy called up to verbally abuse me for not accepting his lowball offer via text lmfao.

  • +3

    I can’t take calls because of “mUh bArOtRaUmAh”… 100% scam.

    • I've read that word 5 times and still can't work out what it says

      • +8

        I believe it translates to “under my umbrella ella ella eh eh”

      • +2

        Click on OP's link. Scroll to the bottom. Last reply, first line, second sentence. Scammer claiming they can't take phone calls due to "ear barotrauma" which is absolute bullshit and laughable at best.

    • So the weddings apparently going to have subtitles then..

  • +2

    Omg! They don't even want to try anything new. Same old story.

  • +9

    It still worries me that people like OP have to still ask if this scam is a scam

    • +2

      Yeah, someone trying to buy your $500 car from the other side of the country, sight unseen, is completely believable.

  • +4

    Why did you even email people who ask for your email on a gumtree message?

    If they ask you to email them, it's a scam.

    It's a 95 magna, the transport cost would be more than the car is worth.

    • Cognitive dissonance between OP’s emotions and logic.

      Post on OzB to mediate.

  • +1

    Why even ask OP? It's one of the oldest scams in the book.

  • +2

    Troll post for sure

  • +1

    If you have to ask then you should already know the answer.

  • +6

    What a sweet surprise promise gift a 30yr old Magna,
    They should find these scammers and make them drive it around as punishment.

  • +1

    Scam is detected when you wish to speak to them or take the next step and they cannot.

  • +1

    So scam, I cant believe your even asking

  • +3

    A simple google on "exmouth wedding barotrauma" reveals at least half a dozen postings across different forums using pretty much the same wording. The scammers are even too lazy to try other places for weddings and list other incapacitating ailments.

    • But if you google image search that phrase the results are very different and very appealing.

  • Straight up scam but…

    What car? Ask yourself why anyone would buy that for a gift and have it shipped across the country? Even a bargain car won’t be a bargain when you add remote shipping.

    If it’s is a common car, there’s probably a hundred closer to their location, and a couple within an hours drive. If it’s a rare/collector car the person will be more interested in the actual car and ask specific questions.

  • +3

    "Welcome to the family son, I bought you a 1995 Magna!"

  • Scam. 100%.

  • I’d rate a 95 Magna as somewhere between the contents of my wallet and the contents of my spare change jar.

    I guess it would make a fine dowry.

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