Great tasting milk and is the larger size last time this deal was on was for the smaller size.
Expresso Iced coffee and iced chocolate flavours both $1.50
Great tasting milk and is the larger size last time this deal was on was for the smaller size.
Expresso Iced coffee and iced chocolate flavours both $1.50
hard agree
Has that long life milk taste that my brain associates with processed cheese.
Yup, this stuff is long life grossness
Definitely agree, this stuff is NASTY
Nippy’s is UHT and a great product. Barista Bros just sucks.
Good thing I like processed cheese then, sounds right up my alley!
The coffee is terrible. The chocolate is nice if you like YoGo.
You don't know what objectively means.
please enlighten me
or is it subjectively?
Ice Break is still my go to.
The last real milk iced coffee, but someone who has had nippys should let me know what they think. I never had it.
Nippy's is good, although part of it is nostalgia. I've progressed to drinking Ice Break Triple Shot so Nippy's isn't strong enough anymore.
@sween64: so it tastes like 'oh its actually coffee but sweet?' because the stuff available to me like OAK, FUIC, old barista bros rip and Pura just taste like incredibly sweet milk and just the slight hint of the flavour of 'coffee'
@dbmitch: I live in QLD now, but I wonder how all the tradies who have left Darwin in the past 18 months have dealt with their withdrawal symptoms (10k+ Tradies have left now the gasworks has been built, RIP the local economy).
@Intoxicoligist: I've been meaning to try Harris Farm up there when Covid leaves for good, whats your verdict?
@Intoxicoligist: In terms of quality, Ice Break holds up decently against Paul’s. I’d still pick a Paul’s but Ice Break’s not a bad alternative.
Do you also pair it with cigarettes each morning?
I don't drink it regularly. Espresso with milk made it home or filter pressed at work are my daily choices. I don't smoke. Also not a tradie.
Do you also pair it with cigarettes each morning?
And a sausage roll
Ice Break Bold and some of the Dare variants and where its at!
I used to like Ice Break, I mean I would drink litres of it a week.
But at some point their consistency went down, about 50% of the time it just tastes "off".
Dare is better in that it generally all tastes the same.
If all Ice Breaks were good ones, I'd probably still drink those instead.
Brownes CHILL for me.
It's one of the best I've had in the cartoon/bottle, all the Oak and Moove stuff taste like syrup and gelatin mixed with water. I think Australians have just become accustomed to crap.
Haven't tried the new recipe but not looking good so far based on the comments.
out of all choc milks this is by far the most syrupy/sugary. ice break & dare far superior
I just want milk that tastes like real milk
Get a cow?
Why did the cow cross the road?
To get to the udder side!
It used to taste good few years ago, now it has some new formula I think.
Tasted like it didn’t even need refrigeration.
Because it didn't.
This stuff is shipped with normal long life grocery, then just put in a fridge before sale.
when I tried it years ago it was objectively bad
They changed the recipe recently, it is much less sweet now.
Only 5g per 100mL now.
Was it like 50g per 100mL before the recipe change?
Not sure, but it certainly tasted like it…
I don't mind the flavour now, but not a fan of the UHT milk.
Are these available at Woolworth metros?
Should be, they're always available at the Woolies Metro near me.
This doesn't surprise me. The change in recipe has been pretty unpopular with many on Social media. For a UHT healthy flavoured milk option, it's ok (just). Definitely not as nice as the original recipe though. That may be the problem.
Personally never really noticed the difference in taste, probably because I have it so rarely (maybe 1 every 4 months or something). Never tasted that good in the first place, anyway.
The new “great “ taste ain’t so great. It’s actually quite bad
This is the "new flavour". No added sugar.
I got one just to taste it. The old flavour was nice but UHT-ish.
UHT. Pass.
🎶 Listen to your heart when he's calling for you
Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do 🎶
This used to be the only choc drink I bought from the supermarket after Pura stopped making theirs readily available. The new epic taste is epically bad. I've stopped buying them and so has a lot of people from what I can see on their FB page.
Artificial Sweetener. No thanks.
I’m already artificially sweet enough thank you.
is it in store price as well?
Prefer Dare, Barista Bros taste like it has been mixed with water and not fresh milk. There is a reason it has been discounted…
Absolutely garbage with the new flavour. They used the excuse they wanted to make it healthier but in reality it was a poor change.
Yeah the first "Epic new taste" I picked up back in Q2 I didn't realise they'd changed it. My son and I both used to love the original, but we both spit the "Epic" one out and threw out the rest.
So we've gone from buying it once every week/fortnite to never touching that crap again with a 10 foot bargepole.
Changing the recipe does not upset me (just won't buy it again), what annoyed me most is that it was same colour same packaging and I didn't see the "New Epic Taste" label so I think it was snuck in.
They should have changed packaging OR be smart about it and make the new "5 star" flavours an OPTION but kept the original for those of us that work and exercise hard and can afford some sugar occasionally.
What has REALLY suprised me though that even though they've had a LOT of backlash since March/April, they've never re-introduced the original flavours. Arnott's shapes went back when their new flavour failed, but someone at Coke/Amatil has put their foot down on this one.
Sales must be OK then if they keep insisting on it? Weird how they still sell the original sugar coke but refuse to do so on their Barista Bros.
Sales from people who never tasted the original so don't know what they're missing.
Comes with long life milk. Yuk!
came here for the 'taste like garbage' comments and wasn't disappointed.
I was reading to see if anyone made any comments like you see on the hub but surprisingly people are well behaved this morning
I was off these when I worked at Big W and saw these in pallets off a non refrigerated truck in the heat of summer. Long life, artificial, coke brand garbage.
Hunt and Brew do the best iced coffee. Not sugar loaded and overly sweet.
Agreed. Awesome coffee
Have you tried their Mocha? It's not sweet like chocolate but so good.
I like to freeze Hunt and Brew for an hour so it's like a slushie almost.
Yeah. Only iced coffee that doesn’t go through me. My fav being just their black one.
Have to take back my vote. It taste absolutely foul. Not even worth the discounted price.
For those who like iced coffee St. Ali have released an iced coffee product called “Really good coffee” in Woolworths. Recommend giving it a shot.
It's like 4 dollars for 250 ml.
I saw that and like why wouldn't you just go to a real espresso shop and get it.
Good point, I got it on sale at $3.
Thanks, OP!
One of the worst brands of ice coffee imo. Can't go past Dare or Norco iced coffee where I am.
Sugary crap.
This actually has less sugar than most flavoured milks, it just tastes bad.
If you want sugary crap get a Dare. Tastes good but the sugar level is overly excessive.
The no sugar Dare (albeit still contains lactose which counts as sugar) is pretty good.
Maybe take a look at the ingredients list first, and compare sugar contents of other iced coffee products.
For Iced Coffee, Farmers Union Iced Coffee is still and always will be the best in Australia. Nothing beats it. Nothing!
Disagree Fleurieu milk company is so much better. FUIC taste like sugar milk these days
Out of options available I reckon Boss comes out on top nowadays.
As long as you enjoy the boss on top
Came here purely to say the new "epic taste" is garbage. If I want to have an occasional sweet treat I dont want it to have aspartame and taste like rubbish. I'll tell you if I dont want anymore sugar!! Please change back to original - much more epic - taste.
Just get oak and be done with it.
In my experience this has always been trash.
Barely better than normal milk even if that.
I liked the old flavours, despite my lactose intollerance.
This new one…I won't waste my precious lactase to drink this…
Used to love the old Barista Bros. This new "epic taste" is epically bad. I thought it was just me, then I read all of your comments and there's a clear majority who agrees with me.
Unlike most other coffee flavoured milk this one is long-life and is kept in the cooler for months.
More like a warehouse at 40 degrees for months and months on end.
It's only refrigerated at supermarkets. I use to pick this stuff at Coles Distribution centre. It's the same with all soft drinks drinks and long life milk.
I tend to get a headache when i drink this , im not sure if its the caffeine or some additive . Anyone else experience the same ?
I don't understand why this stuff uses UHT milk.
It's thick, hot and gross. Can't believe it lasted longer than the expiry date before being axed.
The best chocolate milk on the market is : Coach House Chocolate. No long life.
I havnt tasted better and wasn’t going to say anything as it’s hard enough to get now but Safeway stock it and Coles always has jack shite …..…
Enjoy 😀😀
Agreed, these really are the best.
+1 for Coach House Dairy. Can be difficult to find where I am, but it's worth looking, and worth every cent.
Thanks for the recommendation! Just tried this today, and it's a good one. I will keep buying this I reckon.
A bit on the small size for the price, but I suppose that helps keep the calories down.
used to be my favourite chocolate milk, hate the new flavour, havent bought it since
Even though people don't like the new flavour, they are completely out of stock at my local Woolies. ^_^
So many upvotes but all I see are complaints lol
when I tried it years ago it was objectively bad