Current Qantas FF credit card

Is there a leader for credit cards applications for QFF at the moment? I thought there would be a lot due to Christmas but haven't been able to find as many. How much is the extra fees for extra points? Is a 70k QFF point card with little or $0 fee better than a 100k for $200+?

I'm pretty new to churning the cards the only card I've had/got is the Qantas AMEX Ultimate which gave me a big bonus but a large fee as well. Would it be better to wait closer to Christmas for any new offers?


  • +1

    There are decent credit card offers throughout the year, not necessarily concentrated around Christmas. The points to annual/other fee ratios depends entirely on what you decide is good value, what you want to use the points for, and when you want to utilise them. Other considerations are how many credit cards you want to be having simultaneously to meet minimum expenditure on, and are you applying for any loans in the next 12 months that applying for multiple credit cards in a short period of time might affect it, either through the sheer number of credit enquiries or the constraints having open credit will place on borrowing capacity.

    A few tips if you're starting out:
    Figure out the points/fees ratio that best suits you. Personally the highest fee I would be willing to pay is around $200 and that would be for 120k points (ANZ FF Black)
    Be picky about Amex deals since the exclusion period is longer than visa/mc
    Close credit cards as soon as you receive the points
    Keep track of the closure dates so you know when you can open the same card next time
    Check if your mortgage package offers to waive an annual fee for a credit card that has bonus points

    • Thanks, I'm looking to build up a good amount of qantas points for the next couple of years of travelling. I am planning on purchasing some property next year so will probably only stick to 1-2 more cards, I currently have the Qantas Amex Ultimate so I'll cancel that soon so the 18 months starts and to clear it from my borrowing.

      I agree I wouldn't like to spend much more than $200 as I've just spent $250ish on the Ultimate in the past few months.

  • +3

    AMEX will be having some ripper deals early in the new year. They are also expanding their product portfolio to …. hush hush :-)

    • Unfortunately I've just got the Qantas Amex ultimate! :(

    • hopefully something early January?

  • Have you perused the Qantas website? Good place to start…

    Also, this;

    Sometimes some banks or websites offer additional points or reduced/free annual fees. As offers come and go it is quite hard to track.

  • This one is pretty good at the moment. No fee, 70k bonus points.…

    As for your question, ask yourself if you’d pay $200 for 30k points.

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