Hi all,
There is this property which I am considering making an offer on, which has some visible water damage to the the underside of the balcony. It's a double story freestanding strata property.
The damage is quite similar to the following photo, but it has covered almost one/fifth of the balcony, mostly to the furthest diagonal distance from the gutter.
The damage seems to be only limited to the balcony itself, no visible damage to the internal walls adjacent to the balcony area. No skirting walls getting detached from the walls etc. However, there could obviously be some non-visible damage inside the walls, e.g. mould, fungus etc.
I haven't nominated a building inspector yet. I am wondering if I should be looking for a building inspector with a particular moisture/mould diagnostic equipment?
What should I ask them about their experience/equipment etc.?
Thank you,
Newbie from 10 minutes ago and does not know how to use google search engine.
As per the title where is the maintenance?