• expired

Increased Referral Bonus of US$100 Worth of SG (Crypto) (Min US$30 Spend) @ SocialGood App


Tried and tested this myself, have gotten few thousands worth of SocialGood coins and cashed out to USDT.

IMO eBay AU works best with tracking(12-24 hours) and approvals always happen at the end of the following month, so it takes 31-60 days for eBay AU.

Aliexpress have also worked for me. Haven't really tried other stores.

New users need to spend US$30 or more within 30 days of signing up.

According to SG rep, increased referral expires 24/12/2021 midnight JST.

For those who have more questions about the SG/App, withdrawals, feel free to DM me, happy to help answer any questions. I've been using the SG app for about 7 months now.

Referral Links

Referral: random (27)

Referee receives US$200 worth of SG after US$30 purchase within 30-days. Referrer receives US$200 worth of SG after referee satisfied referral requirements. (Usually US$50 worth each.)

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • +1

    how did you cash it out to USDT?

    • Withdrawing SG from the SG app to Bitmart

      • +2

        Hi if possible add the steps for this or share the reference

        • PM'd you.

      • How long does it take them to process the withdrawal?

        • -1

          Normally a few minutes on the blockchain, depending on a few factors. PM'd you for more info.

          • @lilkid28: The withdrawal was stuck on "Pending" for like over 12 hours and by the time they actually processed it the price on Bitmart had crashed pretty severely from everyone else dumping their coins. Went from 95c down to around 65c so I just decided to hold it for now and hope for it to recover a bit before selling.

            • -1

              @HomeAlone: That's because the pool wallets for withdrawals are empty. It happens especially during early of the month. It's gone back to 80c-85c today as the team is doing their buyback. They normally refill the wallets on a weekday night, so hopefully Mon/Tuesday night.

              • +4

                @lilkid28: Can you please stop spamming users via Private Messenger with your referral links for bitmart?

                • @MorriJ: Bitmart was backed a few hours ago too.

                  • +1

                    @Korban Dallas: That too; it's a terrible exchange; but more than than, lilkid28 seems to be private messaging everyone in these threads and spamming them with his bitmart referral link with some vague guidance of "how to withdraw SG".

                    The capitialist in me respects it; but it's against ozbargains rules and hoping he just stops it before he gets reported.

                    No previous association with said user and being spammed his bitmart referral code is just poor form imho.

                    • @MorriJ: I got one too

                    • -1

                      @MorriJ: In fairness, there's only a few methods to withdraw/liquidate SG
                      1. Uniswap (extremely high gas fees)
                      2. Bittrex (low liquidity)
                      3. Bitmart (highest liquidity
                      Or don't withdraw and keep it in SG app (where it's just a number), or transfer to wallet.

                      Just trying to help (mostly) new users of SocialGood. Nonetheless, your point taken.

                      • +3


                        Just trying to help (mostly) new users of SocialGood. Nonetheless, your point taken.

                        That could very well be done without spamming your bitmart referral code to them. In fact; if that was your intention; you would have posted the instructions in the thread here, instead of "PMing" people as per above:

                        Hi if possible add the steps for this or share the reference
                        PM'd you.

                        Bitmart is literally the single worst exchange at the moment. They've been hacked (they call it a minor breach) - however you cannot withdraw or deposit coins or tokens - anyone who followed your referral links, signed up and transferred money into there would literally be seeing a greyed out "withdrawl button" - in fact there is a damn good chance they won't see their money again as the capitalisation of bitmart is less than the value of the coins that have been drained from it in the recent hack.

                        Again, if you were trying to assist instead of trying to make a quick profit; you wouldn't be PMing anyone and would have updated the main post with the simple instructions on how to withdraw the SG.

                        I get a bit triggered when people realise "oh I cant put my referral code in a thread", I know - I'll blast everyone in the thread with my referral code under the guise of "helping them out". You are literally cheating the ozbargain system by creating a post, which attracts comments and people interested and then blasting them with your referral link in the hope of turning a $ or two $.

                        You have no shame.

                  • +1
  • +1

    Just signed up - says AliExpress is 100% cashback now excluding books, wholesale, coupon, travel and virtual items like gift cards.

    • +1

      oh wow is there a limit?

      • +1

        There's a limit of $10k per transaction, and each store has its own rules (like no items in cart, not from wish list etc).

        • like can i buy a GPU from aliexpress and can 100% cashback in SG coins?

          • +4

            @RGV: I've heard of other users doing so, but I've never done it. Also some items show on Aliexpress website but not via the SG app (Aliexpress somehow filters some items).

        • You meant item in cart prior to opening social good app right? If I add the item to cart and then proceed to check out is that ok?

          • @cody1310: The rules show it will not track if item is in your cart when you open the SG app. You can add it to your wishlist and access that though. I have done this successfully many times.

          • @cody1310: @HighvoltageRuss is correct. Item can be in wishlist, or you can view the item first, but not add into the cart. Once you click to eBay within the SG app, you can easily add the item into the cart and complete the checkout.

  • +1

    Inb4 the taxation/legality argument starts, yet again ;)

    • +1

      More money is objectively better and you always keep the majority of it, schools should teach tax bracketing.

    • +2

      I've never understood that argument.

      "You need to pay tax on that $100!!!!".

      Yeah, cool, I still end up with more money than you where you did nothing.

  • what's a good thing to buy for $50 AUD off ebay?

    • Anything that you need really. I mean even if it's something you normally buy off Amazon, for the purpose of signing up and meeting the US$30 spend for the $100 worth of SG bonus, I'd go with eBay even if it's a few dollars more expensive.

    • +2

      The Xaiomi Band 6 deal for $40 gets you pretty close

    • +1

      spare hard drives always need

      then toilet paper

  • Now, thats something I didnt think before. Cashing it out to USDT would make this somewhat less risky

    • Well crypto is risky in general, and SG is the same, it can go up or down, it's dropped quite low but has also gone back up to $0.7-0.9. Works for me :)

      • Isn’t there a mechanism to keep 1 SG token price to as close as possible to US$1?

        • If buyers (SocialGood team being the biggest one) buys it to $1… and if sellers don't sell for less than $1. It's a free market after all.

          The lower the SG price, the more coins you get when you purchase.

          • @lilkid28: Yeah this is what I mean. I think in their white paper they had mentioned they have this mechanism (ie. by buying when price falls below US$1) to do this.

            Also, as time goes by there would be arbitrage bots trading.

            • @ilovefullprice: yeah currently they're just releasing more coins from their stash instead of buying from the open market

  • +2

    I've been doing
    1. SG to Bitmart transfer: free
    2. Within bitmart: SG to USDT, then USDT to USDC (0.25% fee per trade?)
    3. Bitmart to crypto.com: USDC transfer (1 USDC fee)
    4. USDC to AUD
    5. Withdrawal to local banks: free

    • +2

      Or just transfer USDT to an exchange (not sure if Crypto.com offers it) with free withdrawals and pay $1 on TRC-20, save the 0.25% trade fee.

    • Are all withdrawals out of SG free? Or just withdrawals from SG to Bitmart free?

    • Isn't there a cap on withdraw of 800sgd?

    • +1

      Does bitmart require a face scan (or other kyc) in order to send the usdt out to another exchange?

    • Binance could be cheaper or maybe the "Aussie" exchanges, coinspot or btc markets.

  • +1

    Too late for me to get this referral bonus, but I signed up for the last one. I have plenty pending from eBay, AliExpress and LightInTheBox. (Im)patiently waiting for December 1st, hoping they all convert to “approved”.

    • +1

      Ebay should approve around 1st Dec if you shopped in October. Aliexpress is 60-90 days for me.

    • Can you give us an update once it's approved?

      • Right on schedule for eBay! (October purchases). Did a test transaction to MetaMask, which is still pending.

        • So MetaMask you're storing it into a wallet?

          • @nightelves: Disclosure: I’ve got no idea what I’m doing. I did minimum market value withdrawal to MetaMask- which is now showing in my “connected wallet” (and withdrawal history). Next step to test transfer into an actual bank.

            • @bg: You can just do Bitmart sell it into usdt then transfer it across and withdraw

            • @bg: Metamask is a wallet. Do note that to transfer from Metamask out to an exchange (Bitmart), you need to pay gas fees, i.e. you need to have some ETH in Metamask. If you don't plan to hold a big amount, you can just withdraw it to Bitmart and sell it for USDT.

  • +1

    Do you need to give them Ebay or Aliexpress username/password ?
    Or is it more like Cashrewards/Shopback & fairly safe in that regard?

    • Same concept as Cashrewards/Shopback. My eBay account stays logged in when i make purchases through SG which is handy. I couldn’t comment on safety as its the same with all crypto, but they are backed by a large Japanese tech firm.

    • Yeah same like when using CR or SB app to purchase on eBay. I've not have a problem with using eBay. I've bought thousands worth and so far so good for me anyway.

  • Any ideas how to make the eBay app launch when hitting "Shop" from SG? Swear it used to but wont now…

    • Not sure. I think as long as you have clicked shop now from SG app, you can just open the eBay app, add item to cart, checkout and the purchase would track. That said, I have never tried it, as I rather just keep everything within the SG app so it tracks every time for me.

  • Does Ebay still work if you use a coupon?

    • I was wondering the same. But it says 0% cashback for coupon use

    • +3

      Yes, for me it has worked.

      • :) hi, Do you mean it got tracked AND confirmed/approved? Have any of your transactions tracked but then later got declined due to coupon use?

  • Did not see any 'receive' button from SG app. How would I transfer the SG from bitmarket to SG app?

    • You shop, wait for tracking notification (generally up to 48 hours), then wait for the approval period (vary by store). Once it's approved, you withdraw via "Assets" tab. Go to "Assets" tab, scroll to the bottom, and click "Withdraw SG", and key in the address. Withdrawal from SG app is free, you can withdraw it to your own wallet/exchange. Staking rewards only works with Metamask wallet that is linked to SG app, or if the SG tokens are kept in the App itself.

  • All my purchases from last month are still pending.

    • If it's eBay purchases from October, then it should approve in the next few days. eBay is always end of the following month. In some months (maybe when 31 days), if you purchased on 1st of the month, it may be approved end of the month. Hence it's around 30/31-60 days.

      • +1

        Yes I did a few ebay purchases last month. Fingers crossed I'll get them approved next few days.

      • +1

        My early eBay purchase has been approved.

        • Yup eBay is always on schedule as expected.

          • @lilkid28: Have you got experience with Aliexpress approving the transactions? Normally how long does it take?

            • @arctan: I think around 60 days, maybe up to 90 days.

  • For ebay purchases - if we use a GC at checkout do we still receive full cashback?

    • +3

      Yes you do.

      • Oh nice, thanks for the fast reply man :)

  • for ebay - does paying with afterpay count towards cashback?
    Im stuck on the payment page as it wont allow me to progress

    • This happened to me too. I just finishing checking out on the eBay app and it seemed to track.

      • +1

        so you use EBAY APP to make the payment instead of make the purchase through SG?

        • I always go through browser in SG app to be sure and had no issues to date with ebay tracking.

          • @TMich: i am also stuck on the payment page, after I clicked "Pay with Afterpay", pop up window choosed "Use the Store's App",.opened a page in browser, but it is blank.

            • @FlyingPanda99: I initiated the payment through SG app first, then switched to eBay app once it errored out and continued my AfterPay payment.

    • Yes it does.

      • Does it work for auctioned items? like if you bid 3 days before the end of the auction and you are the highest bidder, will you get the reward tracked? cheers

  • I just purchased a hard drive off ebay for 49.99AUD, how can I verify the SG app has tracked that? I can't see it in shopping history, does it just take a while?

    • +1

      Give it a couple of hours and you should get a notification.

    • +2

      Normally takes 12-24 hours to track.

      • Hmm. ordered from Ebay 22 hours ago now and still no tracking. I purchased through the SG app browser too.

        • Did you make sure item was not in cart prior to clicking through the SG app?

          • @lilkid28: Yeah, I know not to add it in the cart beforehand similar to SB and CR.

            • @keejoonc:

              Normally takes 12-24 hours to track

              • @Nom: I would say if it hasn't tracked still, the likelihood of it tracking in the next 2 hours is pretty slim, but I would be obviously happy to be proven wrong :)

                • +1

                  @keejoonc: Mine always take 24 hours to track from eBay.

                  • @Nom: That gives me some hope then. Ta.

                    • +1

                      @keejoonc: Well I bought some stuff about 14 hours ago. I'll report if those track in the next 12 hours/tomorrow.

                      • @lilkid28: Thanks mate. Always hate waiting for things to track whether it be on SB/CR.

                        • +1

                          @keejoonc: My purchase off ebay tracked, just got the in-app messages…

                  • +1

                    @Nom: Well well. Just received the tracking confirmation! First time is always a bit scary :)

                    Now to buy something more to meet the $50 spend requirement.

  • +1

    Just a bit cautious about the app - it opened Ebay allowed me to log in & see my cart but it didn't look like the actual Ebay app & it kept the socialgood info at the top of the window.
    Do they keep their app open & embed some sort of Ebay interface? If so, does that mean it is possible for them to capture the Ebay login details, etc?

    • +1

      It looks similar to when you use SB/CR to shop on eBay and if you didn't have the eBay app. It's just a built-in browser I think, though I'm not sure if they capture eBay login details. I don't think so. Just be sure that you're not supposed to have items in cart before clicking "Shop Now", else that may not track

      • +1

        Not quite the same - SB & CR just opens the Ebay app & you login into there (or are already logged in). SG seems to have theri own browser so it would be very easy for them to capture everything you do (including your Ebay & Paypal logins & passwords).
        I'm really hoping this isn't the case & would like to here any proof that they aren't doing this.

  • How long does it take for Aliexpress purchase to register normally? And if I understand correctly you get cashback for whatever you’re buying on supported stores plus the $100 right?

    • The $100 should show up as a separate entry in the Shopping History with the store name "Social Good", and you'll see the pending amount there. As long as you make a purchase of US$30 or more within 30 days and the purchases are valid and get approved, then this bonus will unlock afterwards.

      Aliexpress normally takes within 24 hours to track, though I use don't use them often. They've had issues with tracking before for other users, once or twice IIRC.

  • How do I link my metamask wallet to social good app?
    I clicked on connect my wallet from the social good app and clicked on metamask but it just opens up my metamask wallet and does nothing to actually link it.

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