What Do You Think of The New Anti-Online Trolling Bill


Will this increase the quality of OzBargain posts by new users or will it just be a witch hunt?


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    Here's an idea… Why don't we just go to Facebook and demand that they change their algorithm and business model to stop clumping people together by crazy belief. The reason this stuff didn't exist years ago isn't because media or social media didn't exist or was regulated… it didn't exist because we didn't have a platform with 3 billion users who are manipulated on a minute by minute basis playing on their confirmation biases and the amplifying the perceived size of that group. Funny how this government can go and demand facebook changes it's business model in the interest of the Murdoch media but when it comes time to changing it's business model in the interest of Australian society… all of a sudden the solution is to muzzle us.

    • Because this government is paying them to do just that…and this legislation is a great big 'look over there'! so no one will notice…

      • the problem is that facebook, like the other multinationals in FAANG, are supra-government, their power exceeds that of the Aus. govt.

        ie. people cant demand shit from them

        also you might note that Facebook went back to its old self once the revenue model with traditional media blew up

  • We need it on ozbargain :) . Last couple of years i have come across some really toxic trolls getting all agro or personal insults just because our opinions didnt match.

    • +1

      Report them to the mods.
      The mods do a good job on here, but they can't be across every comment.

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  • All I care about is getting in early before the algorithms not hot, then haters become passive income

  • The probkem is, the reason why we needed this bill to be introduced in the first plaace.

    • The bill SHOULD have been forged and introduced to protect people from bullying online. Instead it exists to serve the LNP and no one else.

      • +1

        a lot of bills were never needed…the religious discrimination act, the voting ID bill

        this is just the LNP doing what small govt. does best

        this country needs leadership but instead of fighting things that are worth fighting for they are fighting for themselves and their own "in" group

  • The LNP have failed to get control of the narrative online. This is their way of controlling who says what, now that defamation has pretty much stopped working.

    • because they succeeded in controlling the narrative on traditional media.

      • Yep and now that online discourse is more prominent and outside of their influence they're trying to regain it using legislation which in true LNP fashion is disguised as something to help the public but really is just about them getting away with corrupt shit and not being held to account.

  • +1
    • He is truly one of a kind and said it how it was.

  • +2

    Anonymous trolls can't make comments on people but other anonymous trolls are allowed to donate to blind trusts?

    • You could add to this list every day.
      LNP Senator Alex Antic was last night escorted from Adelaide Airport to a medi-hotel and 14 days quarantine after he was granted an exemption reserved for unvaccinated travellers. Last week PM confidently said “Alex is double-dose vaccinated".

    • If the provider of a social media service is a foreign body corporate and the service has at least 250,000 Australian account-holders (or the service is specified in the legislative rules), the provider of the social media service must have a nominated entity in Australia.

      And what if they don't? Nothing happens?

  • What a joke. More power and control to politicians and government politicians. How can that be a good thing? Although in an ideal world, I get it, it would be nice if there were no trolls xD

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