[PS5] Resident Evil Village $49 Delivered @Amazon Australia
PS4 version still $54.98
[PS5] Resident Evil Village $49 Delivered @Amazon Australia
PS4 version still $54.98
42.97 at ps store recently
Physical are usually cheaper than digital so if ps store already has it at $43 I would e pect disc versions to b cheaper pretty soon. Maybe $39 or so
Was thinking about picking this up, is it worth waiting or will I risk missing the sale haha?
I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you don't get it at this price you might get it at another.
No need to be funny now! Does it go on sale relatively regularly or? I'd rather grab it now and not miss it than save a few bucks if that's the case.
@Shanetrain: If you want to play it soon, get it now. If you already have a backlog then leave it, will get cheaper over time for sure.
@Hybroid: Thanks bud! Still finishing horizon zero dawn and got Guardians of the galaxy so I'll wait it out.
Can go lower eg. RE2 & RE3 remakes.
I'm gonna clear my gaming backlog first. :(
Yeah, RE3 went down to $10 after six months. Village might hold its value a little longer but generally they're good contenders for big sales.
RE2 holds its value well.
Couldn't get past the final boss on Leon.
Given up. :(
Same price at Big W. Couldn’t get click and collect for yesterdays 15% cash back.
I was a bit disappointed with how short this game is. It relies on replays to get your value so definitely try and get it as cheap as you can. Maybe people that knew the series expected that. It was a good game but after the 3rd play through it was boring.
Down to $47
I got it on release and it was pretty good fun. Definitely worth it at this price.