• expired

$250 Woolworths E-Gift Card When You Sign up to Experience 50 (nbn or Fibre) or Higher @ Origin Energy Internet


$250 Woolworths E-Gift card when you sign up to Origin Energy Internet.

They are white label Aussie Broadband so you get the network and support from ABB.


  1. The Black Friday internet offer is available to new Origin internet residential customers who sign up online to an “Experience 50” (nbn™ or fibre) plan or higher (an Eligible Plan) between 9am EST on 26 November 2021 and 11:59pm EST on 28 November 2021 (Offer Period).

  2. If you sign up to an Eligible Plan during the Offer Period, and you remain on an Eligible Plan for a period of at least 45 days, you will receive a $250 (incl. GST) Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card.

  3. You will receive an email confirming your eligibility for the offer between 29 November and 1 December 2021. You will receive a second email with your Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card code approximately 45 days from the date of sign-up as long as your Origin internet account is still active, and not in arrears, at that time.

  4. Only one Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card is available per customer.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (36)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (576)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • $85 for 50/20… That is app 20$ more than what we currently pay… Works out to be the same over a 12 months period.

    • +2

      This plan only requires 45 days of connection, just churn else where.

      • +1

        Ah… I see what you mean.

        Getting abit lazy nowadays… And potential disruption to service further reduce appetite to churn nbn. Probably the second most inconvenient thing to churn after mortgages.

        • If you're on FTTP it's just unplug router from one NTD box port and connect into another. If you're not on FTTP - why not?

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Fttc.
            1. Current provider uses pppoe and takes a few mins to setup.
            2. VOIP box at home… A pain to tweak settings.

      • I selected to port out on 29 which is tomorrow from belong.

        Do i need to disconnect from belong? Billing cycle starts 1st Dec.

        I'm on FTTC

        • +1

          You should, after verifying that it all works well with origin. I cancelled yesterday just in case it takes a few days but belong confirmed today my service is now closed with them

    • +1

      Good deal if you are already with origin for energy though, only $4pm more than superloop, so $8 outlay for $250 gift card.

      • +1

        Am considering moving off superloop, but they don't refund partial months so you have to move at exactly the right time.

        • +2

          You can order today and specify connection date

      • If you price match you can get superloop for $55 for 50/20Mbps ongoing.

        • +3

          Who do price match with?

        • +1

          Where can I find that price?

          • @hawkeye93: I thought it was flip TV. But, looking at their prices it doesn't seem to be them. So???

      • Yep, from 69.95 with Superloop to 74 with Origin + $250, effectively works out $37.6 for 50/20 if you stay with Origin for 6 months.

  • No 100/40 FTTN plan

  • I'm sorry but where on Origins website is this mentioned?

  • Also have to factor in that you'll be paying for two months of Internet from Origin as you cant cancel/churn before 45 days.

  • +1

    This is a deal in my book. In the base case just sign up and pay $84/month standalone (not bundled with energy) for two months at $168. With the $250 giftcard you would still be ahead by $82 net profit. Considering Woolies giftcard is easily on 4% off, so perhaps shave another $10 off the profit. $72 buys a reasonable amount groceries - consider this would feed two meals for a small family.

    +1 well done OP!

    • +1

      I think the savings is more - current reasonable price in market - $54 for 50mbps, you pay extra $60 for two months with origin. $250-$60 = $190 free money.

      • Agree. I was attempting to illustrate the worst case scenario even for someone who doesn't need NBN. And yes these cases do exist for a small number of people

      • +1

        Which provider for $54?

        • Maybe Tangerine Telecom?

  • +1

    A pretty good deal, especially I'm Origin electricity user! Free money is welcome :)

  • Just FYI for those on Opticomm like myself..

    Origin charge a $99 connection fee, so it kind of makes this deal less appealing. It's ridiculous they charge this fee considering Aussie Broadband don't..

    • Maybe ABB are absorbing the cost as part of their stratergy to gain customers on Opticomm network and they're not passing that saving on to Origin as part of their white label deal.

      • ABB charge the $99 on opticomm now too

    • What's Opticomm?

      • think its FTTP not sure

      • Yep it's a private FTTP (non-nbn)

    • so if I'm moving from Belong to this deal, does Origin also charge me the $99 connection fees?

      • Yes they will

        • So everyone will pretty much have to pay this fee? A previous poster said opticomm is non nbn but I’m on nbn?

          • @macr0hard: I can't speak for nbn but opticomm charge the $99 fee for connecting. As far as I know there is no charge for NBN but I am not definite

  • +2

    If you leave at 46 days is their a pro rata refund,?

    • With ABB there isn't, so probably not here too.

      • +2

        ABB absolutely does refund pro-rata, Superloop doesn't

    • +1

      This is from the order confirmation e-mail:

      To cancel your service/s after connection, you must call us on 1300 980 711 to ensure a pro-rata credit is applied. You may close your service with us at any time during your billing period and receive a pro-rata credit or refund. Please note: a pro-rata credit or refund will not be given in situations where we have cancelled your service as per our terms and conditions.

  • +1

    Signed up, thanks op. Moving from Superloop, given this is ABB hoping the connection will be better. Was pretty disappointed with Superloop

  • Hi,
    Can we still get this offer, if we sign up withing given dates and choose connection date after 2 weeks time?

    • +1

      Interested, but would have to ask them.

    • +1

      Yes, you can nominate a connection date during the sign up process.
      It appears to be a maximum of 4 weeks e.g. if you signed up today you could nominate 24 December as the latest connection date.

    • +4

      Yes. I selected a future connection date and the e-mail confirmation of my order contained the following:

      Your add-ons
      Promotional code applied to your account: $250 Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card (bf250)

      • Did you happen to leave superloop? How did you find which date you should pick?

        So Online has an anniversary date, seems to be the date cash is taken and data rolls over, but the invoice date is different obviously.

        • No.

          • @Reveen: Not sure why I was downvoted on this one - kulprit asked me whether I was on Superloop which I replied to, the rest of the question was about that ISP's billing cycle.

    • +1

      Yes, scheduled for 20th of December and got confirmation with $250 promo code applied.

  • Awesome deal, especially if you already have energy with them, which drops the price by another $10 .. and that makes it cheaper than Aussie Broadband themselves!

  • Can I sign up if I’m already with abb?

  • Hmmm I just signed up didnt get any email confirmation. No money was deducted from my account either.

  • Thanks OP. Got the email after signing up confirming the $250 promo code applied.

  • I'm too scared to risk being without internet during a switch over, I mean what if there's a mess up?

    • If you don't use too much data, you could grab one of the many Kogan or Amaysim mobile deals and hotspot a spare phone to tide you over.

      • For WFH it would be a disaster without NBN. To risk or not to risk….
        Edit: I'm with ABB already.
        Edit2: Probably better to keep with ABB directly to be able to reset ports etc via the app, safest way.

  • +1

    Great deal. I’m an origin customer already so received the email. Trying to checkout with the offer though and when you get to the end there is no mention of the $250+gift card? Just the $10 credit applied each month for existing customers. Anyone have it mention the gift card at order checkout? Or does it come through in an email after ordering confirming you’ll get it?

    Edit: placed an order, the gift card confirmation comes in an email after you’ve ordered.

    • How long you had to wait for the email confirmation?

      • Came maybe 30min after?

    • so the cheapest plan is $64/m. If you're an origin customer does it come down to $54/m?

      • No that $64 is inclusive of the $10 customer discount. And you need to select a 50Mbps or higher plan to be eligible for the gift card as the terms state. Cheapest is $74 inclusive of customer discount.

  • Perfect timing!

    I’m due for a new provider.

  • How hard is it to change nbn providers? I am with MyRepublic right now but interested in taking up this offer.

    • +1

      Very easy. If on fibre you can have multiple providers at once so no downtime. I’m on hfc and haven’t been down for longer than maybe a few minutes when changing provider though. Sign up to new one. Wait until it’s connected and running properly. Cancel old one.

  • +1

    Any credit checks?

  • Can one be on abb ftp and get this additional connection offer?

  • Called origin and they can offer me the $74 plan for $64/m, but no gift card

    • Why no gift card?

      • they said that BF day is online only. So my plan is to get the giftcard, then attempt to churn after 2 months and call them to see if they can offer that same deal again

  • for anyone on hfc, can you have two connection active at the same time?

    • +1

      no unless you pay connection fee for an additional lead in. fttp is possible

  • 30 day notice cancellation for Origin?

    Section 12.2 (c)

    12.1 Your rights to cancel or terminate
    (c) You may cancel a service by giving us 30 days’ notice in accordance with
    the appropriate process as outlined on our website. If you cancel a service
    during an applicable fixed term for that service, you may be liable to pay an
    early termination fee in accordance with Clause 4.10.

    So to time the gc on day 46 (for examples sake) and cancel the order of events is

    Connection date + 46 days
    Then subtract 30 days from that date is the day to ring and notify Origin of intent to cancel.

    • +1
      • +1

        Yeah good pick-up. I'll get in touch with Origin and find next week.

        • +3

          Reply from Origin. No notice required, instant cancellation with pro-rata.

          Standard policy is 30 days notice however it isn’t enforced and in all cases we will provide instant cancellation at anytime and the customer will receive a pro-rata credit for however long is remaining in their billing cycle.

          To proceed with a cancellation, this must be done over the phone and will require standard authorization procedures.

      • +1

        That is referring to the pro-rata refund:

        Section 12.1 e

        "you will be entitled to a refund of the unexpired portion of any
        amounts you have paid in advance for the service"

        'So to time the gc on day 46 (for examples sake) and cancel the order of events is'
        Activation date + 17 days give notice to cancel in 30 days
        Activation date + 46 days receive giftcard
        Activation date + 47 days disconnected.

        • +1

          Big doubt you’ll get your gift card after giving notice…

    • +1

      Don't think you need 30 days notice.

      Welcome email from them specifically says:
      "To cancel your service/s after connection, you must call us on 1300 980 711 to ensure a pro-rata credit is applied. You may close your service with us at any time during your billing period and receive a pro-rata credit or refund."

      • Yep, you're right

        • Reckon we can churn then notify afterwards?

  • I signed up but haven't received any emails, hope it works I'm not planning on using the connection as I have a gigabit setup I do not want to disconnect.

    I love how you can have multiple connections with FTTP.

  • For anyone else wondering, you can use eGift Cards in store: https://giftcards.woolworths.com.au/scan-redeem

    • Just load them to woolworths app and it'll show barcode to scan at checkout.

  • Every time I try to sign up I get:

    "Something went wrong
    Sorry, looks like we're having some issues. Go back and try again or come back later."

    I used their chat bot to ask if I can sign up, but they won't reply until Monday, and the deal is over by then. Hopefully they will still let me join and give me the eGift Card.

    • If you're Origin customer try log out and enter account numbers when they prompt for them later in process.

      • No, not with Origin. I was just planning to use them for two months at $84/mo and use the $250 for grocery shopping. When I click check address it loads for a while, then gives me that error. I tried multiple browsers, so it seems to be at their end.

        • I get the same issue. Might try calling them today.

          • @avra06: @macr0hard said they called and that it was online only. Worth a shot though.

            • @[Deactivated]: I just tried calling up and they are available Monday to Friday. I'll try again tomorrow and see what they say. I doubt they'll honour the $250 gift e-card though.

              • @avra06: Yes, same with chat. I'm not especially hopeful either, but you never know. There's always the TIO too. When you file an official complaint, sometimes they will just give you stuff to make you go away.

                • @[Deactivated]: Good point. I'll keep on trying to sign up online through the day. If anything changes I'll keep you posted.

                  • @avra06: I just did it then, worked fine. Did it on my iPhone.

                    • @freefall101: Just spoke to origin. They said that this deal was for new energy and nbn customers only and that the deal wasn't available to existing customers. Ah well they've just lost a customer.

                      • +1

                        @avra06: That's just stupid, they're trying to build their internet business and existing customers are the most likely to bundle up their stuff and stay longer (it's more of a pain to change 3 different services to bounce around to get discounts).

                        I have my gas/power through someone else and I'm going just going to churn again in 45 days lol

                      • @avra06: I don't understand that. I am an existing energy customer and was able to sign onto this nbn deal yesterday, as have other people in this thread.
                        I did have an issue with my existing address in their database. It wasn't in the right format for the nbn search, but once I got them to fix that I could proceed the next day.

                      • +1

                        @avra06: I don’t think that’s correct. I’m an existing origin customer for electricity and received the email with this offer. I wouldn’t trust what some random phone agent says.

                        First sentence in the conditions:
                        1. The Black Friday internet offer is available to new Origin internet residential customers who sign up online to a “Experience 50” (nbn™ or fibre) plan or higher (an Eligible Plan) between 9am EST on 26 November 2021 and 11:59pm EST on 28 November 2021, (Offer Period).

                        So just new to origin internet. Open to both new and existing origin energy customers.

                        • +1

                          @dwhes: I agree with you. It's baffling that they wouldn't know their own business. I have just signed up with Aussie Broadband. No fuss and organised in 20 mins. I was on the phone with Origin for 30mins and I got nowhere with the agent.

  • Existing origin user. Signed up to 100mb plan at $94 per month. Thanks OP

  • +1

    The delayed connections says you'll be connected after the day you choose, so I need to pick 1 day earlier than my ideal day?

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