• expired

Big W: 15% Cashback (Capped at $25 per Transaction) @ Cashrewards


During the 24 hour promo, cashback for Big W is capped at $25 in total per transaction, multiple transactions permitted. Valid 12am to 11:59pm AEDT 26/11/2021.

Cashback is ineligible on Apple, Dyson, Gaming Consoles (XBOX, Playstation, Nintendo), baby food, baby formula.

Cashback is ineligible - on purchase or redemption of gift cards; when using codes not listed on Cashrewards; on GST.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • Lmao, let the one-upping begin

  • +5

    wtf i just bought for 12%

    • Was it a capped limit though? Or category restricted?

    • +1

      Same! Shopback yeh? ><

    • You can cancel the big w order and order again tomorrow.

      • nah then i use my little bird coupon

    • +2

      If you bought an expensive item like TV with upcapped cashback, shopback is the better deal.

  • -8

    Do cashrewards actually work these days?

    I remember using them years ago and they almost never seemed to be able to track that I had purchased anything, and on the odd occasion that they did they put an absurd time limit on the credit before you could access it?

    It all seemed like a ploy to get link revenue… has this changed?

    • +1

      Are you guys paid FUDDERS? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

      • Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. I barely post on this site, and have been pretty absent for a few years so was asking a genuine question after my experiences years ago.

        Obviously I have struck a sore point - if anyone is willing to answer my question it would be appreciated, or even send me a message.

        • +2

          CR is the only one I use. SB cost me hundreds a few years ago on their famous Amazon deal. I've never touched them since and will use CR even when their cash back is lower. Lower is better than none. Just my 2c

  • +3

    Oh FFS

  • Luckily I waited

  • Better than shopback. Luckily I waited.

    • Probably the big w marketing team checked the sale stat from 6pm today and decided to do a similar deal with cashrewards.

  • +8

    $166.66 to save everyone opening their calculator

    • +1

      Yes, but you can do multiple orders

      • Thanks, per transaction not per account.

    • +6

      That would be $166.66 excluding GST. Assuming most items attract GST, you'll need to spend $183.33 to get max cash back of $25.

      • Correct. Was just about to fix that up.
        Keep individual orders under $183.33 and make multiple transactions if need be.

  • Lucky, I still have nothing on my shopping list.

  • +1

    Can I get cashback with little birdie promo code?

    • +2

      Can't use any promo codes unfortunately. Little Birdie is an affiliate on their own, so they would earn a commission from use of those codes and would invalidate CR.

    • Somehow it tracked for me using shopback and the promo code but YMMV

  • wow.. used 2 vouchers already! 2 more to go lol. will wait for 15% off

  • -1

    Is there a way to quickly cancel the order? :(

  • +1

    Does redemption with everyday rewards point get cash back?

    • +1

      I did the rewards point redemption. It has tracked on cashback app. Doesn’t say you can’t on t&c s. I am not sure if it is categorised as wish gift card

      • cheers, will take the risk!

  • What will you guys buy?

    • Baby formula πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

      • Cashback is ineligible on Apple, Dyson, Gaming Consoles (XBOX, Playstation, Nintendo), baby food, baby formula.

        • +2

          Does it work on console games & accessories ?

          • @vash12: Yeah want to know too. I assume it works

          • +1

            @vash12: I just bought some new joy-cons and games and it worked πŸ‘

  • -5

    Cashback is ineligible on Apple, Dyson, Gaming Consoles (XBOX, Playstation, Nintendo), baby food, baby formula

    Damn, was hoping to get some cheap baby formula to export to china

  • Sweet…
    I also hit pay on the 12% cashback offer on shopback.
    I'll wait till tomorrow now.
    Cheers :)

  • Any idea of the projectors are excluded?

  • +1

    BigW-in for those who waited!

  • +1

    Get your hands on those lil birdie codes, better than CB for small transactions

    • 40% is much better than a measly 15%

  • +1

    What can I buy??!?!?

  • Yay! 11:08 and I just realised I missed the 12%
    Hoping books are covered.

  • my cart on the browser can be available Pick up at local store, went to CR to do the same order and all store unavailable for Pick up and delivery via CR…lol

    • Yeah looked at a few items before midnight and after logging in through CR they were all of a sudden out of stock. Doesn't smell right

  • +2

    Bloody hell so far I have spent $1890 in 2 days…………..this is ticking over $2k for sure……….lol

    • Very similar me too hardly use any of my money max like 200 a month but this time used like 1000 in a week

  • Thought I had jumped the gun when I went with ShopBack yesterday, but my cashback was over the capped $25 allowed with CashRewards…whew!
    Made a tidy $29.86

  • My wife made me buy the Dyson vac. Not a bad discount with the cashback.

    • +1

      Sorry to tell you that cashback is inelligible on Dyson. See description above. Also $25 cap would not be much of a percentage discount anyway.

      • great. ahh well. Was a good price anyway.

  • max to get the discount of bying something $166.66 total, capped at $25.

  • Does this work for the Plus for Playstation? It's not exactly a gift card but it always seems to be murky waters with these.

    • +1

      Is that even sold on the BIG W website? A quick search of the website indicates it is not.

      Page 7 of the Black Fri-yay catalogue indicates the 33% off sale is in-store only too.

      • You are correct! My bad.

  • Do you think this would work with a staff discount?

  • Nice CR . Seeming no off 5% cards.
    Good time to make multiple orders of just over $100 on Afterpay to get some pts delivered free .
    Or just over $40 for C&C .

  • +1

    Does it work for Games? I know consoles are excluded.

  • Are nappy refills cassettes eligible? It's not baby food nor formula.

  • now to see if it tracks

    • Did it? Mine haven't tracked. :(

  • The BF Better than 1/2 Price selected Sistema Storage Containers 90 L were out so no choice but 60L and 30 L .
    I recommend them as very strong you can jump up and down on them and they won't crack :)
    And stack well .

  • +1

    Can't find anything more to buy from Big W… Good problem to have!

  • Hows the Eko 58 Inch for $499?
    EKO 58" 4K Ultra HD Android TV with Google Assistant - K58USG

  • Switch game purchased, hope it tracks ok πŸ™

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