LG C1 83” OLED TV. If you were thinking getting the 77” for ~$4750, think twice:)
Pricematch it with https://www.appliancecentral.com.au/oled83c1pta-lg-83-inch-4… amd use JB HI-FI gift cards
LG C1 83” OLED TV. If you were thinking getting the 77” for ~$4750, think twice:)
Pricematch it with https://www.appliancecentral.com.au/oled83c1pta-lg-83-inch-4… amd use JB HI-FI gift cards
Thanks bought 10 at an unknown store and price
sorry, just updated title
was starting to tempted by the 77, this was so this morning, now have eyes only for the 83.
Value wise 77 is better. From 65 to 77 you get 12 inches for a little over 2k in cost.
77 to 83 you get 6 inches for 2k.
But won't matter if you're rich I guess
To get 6 more inches is a lot cheaper than this according to all those emails I get….😆
Also true when you calculate difference in screen area between the models 65" to 77" is 40% more. 77" to 83" is 16%
Crikey that’s a great price!
go big or go home! the 83” is the way to go:)
better off getting from TGG ebay store. PLB5 for additional $300 off.
nvm - wrong TV guys,
Looks like no C&C for TGG. :(
Shame! Paid similar price for GX 77’ last year. For the tv itself, don’t regret at all.
after this, your next upgrade will be 5+ years away 100” 8K microled
Where is it possible to get the 77 inch for $4,500? Looks like $5k at JB and Betta, am I missing something?
That's $5k, not $4,500?
Betta will be offering the 77” C1 for $4500 tomorrow
@ogiusa: yes I understand, but the other post indicates it will go down to 4999 tomorrow. Where are you getting 4500 from?
Worth paying $2K for an extra 6 inches?
Man the temptation is real, must resist, MUST RESIST
if you dont have JBHIFI gift cards this is a better offer
Price Match at JB and then use gift cards on top :)
7K for a TV? Cool, you guys are rich!
This is more than a tv.
It's a lifestyle.
It puts the 'oooooooh' in OLED.
Is this best TV at this size? I mean is their any other better technology than OLED?
Right now I think so. In the future TVs based on quantum dot LED should surpass OLED, but not the technology that Samsung currently markets as QLED
"That’s because, according to LG, a true QLED TV would use quantum-dot LEDs that emit their own light, and not the quantum-dot-film-over-an-LED-backlight that Samsung uses."
Emissive QLED should have the same characteristics as OLED but with added benefit of better colour and power efficiency, basically. (Glossing over all the engineering challenges on the way of course)
Thanks mate. That was enlightening. I want to buy the latest technology in 6-8 months time and it's good to know to keep an eye for this TV or quantum-dot LEDs if available at the time.
In today's world, what would you prefer, LG or Samsung?
I'm a cheapskate so I'd go for what's the better deal. :)
By the way I took the quote above from https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/qled-vs-oled-tv/
I agree with what they've said, on today's technology I think OLED is better.
At this size, 8k or oled?
By the time we have 8k videos you can get a 100 inch 8k OLED.
Does your internet connection even support what little 8k content there is available? Apparently you need at least 100Mbps connection speed
I may actually pull the trigger on this…….Been looking at this tv for ages….
I might have a go at this also. Any chance of further price drops?
Tech prices always decline, but with the ongoing chip shortages and horrendous logistical wait times and inflated container pricing, I would assume the price drops will be minimal in the next 6-12 months
Your missing price and store in title