My fiancé and I are planning our honeymoon (getting married in December). We are both fully vaxxed but she isn’t working at the moment (Uni student) so I’ve got to wear the brunt of financial costs (which is fine because I’ve been saving up this year for this exact reason).
Just wondering if there are any half decent travel options or should we postpone the honeymoon all together? We had a difficult year with the passing of a family member and had numerous delays to our wedding due to Covid but it appears all things are set for an early December wedding. Hoping to travel just before Xmas with a return just after or before New Years.
Tldr: Are there any decent international flights (Asia/Europe) that do not require double Covid tests?
Edit: Budget is ~$5-8k
If you’re getting married aren’t you BOTH wearing the financial costs?
Just keep saving and travel later?