Film Trailers: Do You Watch Them?

So, I've been avoiding film trailers for a few years now, since at least 2018.

I find they spoil the film by giving far too much away - I mean, they even have their own awards show.

Saw No Time To Die on the 11th (didn't like it), and the best parts of the film would have been ruined by the trailer. I love action films, and I loved the opening of NTTD and the awe for movie magic that I got in the opening sequence would have been ruined if I had watched the trailer.

After I watch a film, I'll go and watch the trailer, and I am surprised at how much of the film they spoil.

Does anyone else do this? It can be tedious to avoid, but I find it makes me enjoy the film on another level.

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  • 33
    Yes - I can't wait to see what will happen
  • 46
    No - I avoid them at all costs


  • +4

    Sometimes, though im not really someone who acts like the whole movie is ruined cause i was told a major plot point or something.

    • Sometimes I am more engaged when I have some idea of what to expect, as therefore I can enjoy the journey (aka the cinematics and theatrics) more, rather than trying to make sense of what the heck is going on.

      Other times perhaps I know the result, but I still watch the movie anyway and enjoy it because there's a whole lot of fun in discovering HOW things came to that point.

      • +1

        I'll read the blurb giving an idea of the story, that's it.

  • +2

    I personally watch them IF…… I am not so keen on the movie. For example: Eternals, Shang Chi… I was meh….. Ill watch the trailer and hopefully it convinces me. Shang Chi was an amazing movie

    The Spider-Man movie, I am a huge spiderman fan and I avoided both trailers. Though, the internet gave me snippets cause of the stupid Facebook algorithm showing me posters that give hints of the movie, but nothing I can do about it.

    But in saying that, trailers don't really ruin the movie for me, I usually forget

    • Yep, I always forget by the time I get around to watching the movie.

  • +1

    I look at the reviews three months after the movie comes out. The distributors are so desperate that they try to get reviews to be glowing in the first couple of months before it magically gets "corrected"

  • +1

    Barely. Only if the movie is interesting. I don't think i've ever watched a marvel trailer… just as it doesn't interest me.

    Only really if I was going to probably watch the film anyway

  • Sometimes; if I am genuinely interested in the movie, and the release date is a few months away, then yes, I will watch the movie trailer. I wouldn't watch a move trailer a week or two before I see it.

    Most of the time, I find that move trailers don't really spoil a whole bunch for me? They're not supposed to anyway.

  • I'll watch trailers.

    I know how Day of the Triffids ends, but I still loved reading the book.
    Films are like games, there are a lot of elements to make up the piece of media, soundtrack, performances, writing, cinematography, etc, I see the plot as only one part of a list of things to potentially enjoy about a film/game/book/etc.

  • +2

    NTTD fails because of the ending. As such, you should see it then get a refund under ACL just because… lol

  • +2

    I like to watch them after I’ve watched the movie

  • +1

    Unless it's one of those auto-see movies for me, I do.

    Generally, I can tell a crap film (for me) from a good film from the trailer. It doesn't mean I'm not occasionally fooled with a trailer made by a talented trailer editor. I watch trailers so I can try to avoid wasting my time on a poorly made film.

  • +3

    I stopped watching trailers after Three Amigos!was released in 1986.

    All the funny parts were in the trailer.

  • +1

    Depends on the movie/series - Some i already know i want to watch and absolutely do not want anything spoiled and will avoid at all costs.
    If i am not sure about the movie and want to watch the trailer to see if it looks good i will.

  • I'll watch them to see if the movie interests me - but generally for movies I have never heard of. I wouldn't watch a trailer for the new Spiderman or Thor because I don't want to spoil anything.

    But I agree that a lot of trailers spoil intense things. After watching this video (I know - Watch Mojo!) all trailers are basically the same.

  • +1

    I do watch trailers. Is that sad? Sorta like spending time deliberately watching a commercial.

  • +1

    The trailer gives you an idea of the budget, costumes, and acting quality, without having to download the whole movie/show first. If I'm unsure whether or not to watch it, the trailer convinces me one way or the other.

    You do need to be careful with some trailers though, they are basically the whole story condensed into 2 mins. The reverse is also true, some trailers completely misrepresent the final product. Sometimes this is intentional, and sometimes the project isn't finished but they need to make a trailer for promo deadlines.

    Once I am sure I want to watch or not, I stop watching the trailer.

  • +1

    I used to work in a cinema learnt not to watch the trailers.

    Some trailers will have all the best bits in them, making the movie boring as I had already experienced the best parts, and others where trailers will perceive a plot that wasn't in the movie at all.

    When waiting for the movie to start, I would be on my phone while the trailers were on. Had the phone on Do Not Disturb as soon as the movie was about to start (i.e. when Telstra ads were on).

    These days, I have pretty much lost all interests in movies, ever since I finished up working at the cinema about 2 years ago (left before COVID hit) and pretty much work full time hours, while making time to enjoy other things.

  • Is the Bond franchise trying to get the worst and worst actor or what? NTTD shows clearly Craig cannot act at all.

  • Sometimes you get a bonus with trailers - scenes that are not in the movie:…

  • +1


    Watch the first minute of the trailer only. You will get enough of the plot and feeling of the film if it's worth seeing or not.

    They tend to spoil too much after the one minute mark.

    Also if the cinema screening starts at 7pm, walk into the cinema at 7:10 or 7:15 so you can avoid the ads and most of the spoiler heavy trailers.

  • I prefer to go in blind but if I'm not sure whether I'll like a movie I'll watch the trailer

  • I do tend to watch the end titles these days to see if there are any Easter Eggs at the end. Its nice when you do get one…

    Also I'm always amused to know if any animals were harmed in the making of the film and its always a decisive no - even if there were no any animals in it anyway.

    Interesting that quite a lot of films these days have the VIC, QLD and NSW state logos at the end for their involvement in making the film.

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