First deal post, go for your life.
This is obviously not for everyone, but if you are thinking / learning about or getting into hacking your brain then this is potentially a doozy.
Back in March, it was announced that the Dreem2 headset would no longer be sold direct-to-consumer, in order to focus on clinical applications. Resmed are currently clearing it out at $399 as part of their Black Friday sale (was $650).
Since this is being distributed and sold outside the US, I am assuming (edit: confirmed) that it is the non-FDA version which supports pink noise stimulation via bone conductance. That's the one you want.
I ordered one last week, and have fingers and toes crossed that they will be able to fulfil. I got fed up with the sleep tracking on my Garmin, which has basically been a random BS generator for at least the past two months.
This is a luxury health hack, but a steal at this price point. EEG is gold standard for this stuff.
YouTube reviews (good for entertainment value even if you don't intend to buy):
Cody Rall, techforpsych:
Katie Type A:
Well at least it looks somewhat capable of sleep tracking unlike most sleep tracking devices.