Help Me Spend Money - Mini Carry Bag for Motorbike Travel

While I may be (half) of an ethnic heritage that often uses 'bum bags'. I'll be stuffed if I'm going to conform to the typical stereotype of my fellow cousins and throw a bumbag over my shoulder when on a motorbike…

LMAO… its ok, I can say this, I'm 'otherwise' one of them! :)
Just joking…

So, with saying that. On the bike, finding that carrying a wallet, house keys, phone etc is a bit much without some form of carry bag.
Not interest in a case/box, rather a little mini bag that would be good when not wearing a jacket or riding hoodie with pockets.

Help me spend some money people!!!
(I'm also a typical ethnic tight arse when it comes to these sorts of things… So, less money is good!)

Maybe a little cross bag or festival pouch bag?

Idea's people…?

Thanks all! :)


  • Try the Bellroy sling bags? Probably more than you want to spend though.

    • +1

      Good idea. Did happen to look at the Bellroy bag range, however, seems a little 'bum bag' like… Looks like a reasonable quality product though.

      • I don't think anyone will stereotype you if you use a Bellroy sling :)

  • +1

    Check aldi stores for the tank bag or tail bag about $40, if you can find one now might be down to $20.

    • Great advice. Magnetic tank bag or one that can be strapped to your pillion seat.

      You really don't want to have something protruding from your back or torso if you come off your bike. If that chunky object becomes the first point of contact between you and the road, it can mean a bad time anything that folds over it - eg your spine, spleen etc

      If you want to ride with an actual packpack, please consider getting one that is designed for motorcycling impact protection (eg Boblbee). Warning: your "typical ethnic tight arse" will not like the cost. But they are still cheaper than a lifetime of buying wheelchairs, installing ramps, going to therapy etc.

    • Thanks - with the Matte paint, not keen on a take bag. Did think about this, but without (yet) wrapping the tank, will pass. Think it's something I'd consider in future for longer rides, but not the short, coffee shop type runs…

  • they have nice louis vuitton, balenciaga, and bellroy bags depending on your budget.

    • Waving a flag with 2 red stripes, 1 white and a little tree in the middle! :)

  • If you dont have a rack, go a small backpack that zips up closed and secure..
    Seen many people lose stuff on trips with just an open top over shoulder style bag…

    • Yeah, that's where my thinking is heading…

      • even easier Ventura rack and bag.. .had one on all my bikes since the 80s, but then again I was into long touring.

  • +1

    I've found the Aldi ones to be fantastic value

    • Aldi what in particular, if I may ask?

  • I bought a small cross-body shoulder bag from Aldi. $13 I think? It is grey, has a few pockets and a waterproof lining. I wear it motorcycling for carrying wallet, phone, garage remote, sanitiser, etc. It’s very convenient, and great for when I hop off and go into a cafe as it comes with me. But now I worry it might go flying if I came off the bike, so I might try and attach it with a clip to my jacket.

    • Cheers… see if I can find something.

  • Not as Habib as a bum bag, so thinking this might work.

    Feel this is about the best of a bad bunch… and the half El Jannah side of me does like the 3 stripes… lol

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