What Foods Make You Feel Nauseous?

There are some things I don't like to eat at all, eg. fish or other seafood. However, it doesn't make me feel like I want to vomit.

I don't know why but quiche makes me feel like I want to vomit. I get that stirring feeling in my tummy and my throat tightens, even just smelling it. I like lots of food with egg, bacon, flour and spinach, etc. But I can't handle it as a quiche. This happened today at my kids' playgroup where morning tea was homemade quiche. I didn't want to be rude to the lady and tried my best to eat one but I started feeling like I was going to vomit. (Luckily my son liked it and finished it off.)

Quiches are very popular at bakeries in New Zealand in place of the cheese and bacon rolls we have here in Australia, and I remember almost vomiting while trying to eat one over there because of the same feeling.

It is obviously not an allergic reaction since I eat the ingredients on their own all the time, I just can't explain it and people think I'm just being silly but it's a real feeling I can't seem to control.

Does anyone else have such a bad reaction to a particular prepared meal?


  • +1

    I don't have any similar problems with any food.

    Except for maybe the South Australian oysters that are potentially dangerous just now.

  • +1

    I used to be able to eat kimchi just fine but now I can't eat it without feeling quite sick (bad stomach cramps, headache). Not allergic to any of the ingredients weirdly enough. Might of been a single batch that might have been cross-contaminated with something.

  • +2

    mouldy ones

  • +7

    Durian. I made the mistake of eating it in Malaysia once with beer. I couldn't get rid of the taste for days.

    • +4

      Prob ate one bad. I had them and sweet as yum

    • +3

      Never heard of them till bro in law told me about kings of all fruit. First smell was a bit of getting used to. I used to be extremely fuzzy but after giving it a good go I got to love them to the point that it can be our first choice on a fruit stall. But we still joke and call them "smelly bottom" fruits! They are full of protein, a real treat!

    • +5

      Durian + beer = absolutely no!

      Eat durian on its own, drink water or coconut water.

    • Durian is probably the most polarising fruit.

      Being half Javanese, I've tried it many times throughout my life, but it's been disgusting to me every single time.

  • +6

    The smell of melted cheese.

    • +2

      Melting Cheese, like on a toastie is delish… You guys are weird.

      The only food (and i use that term lightly) that I refused to touch was Balut. Don't ask me what it is, if you know then you know. But yeah I didn't even try it.

      The food (and yes it is a food) which I did try, that induced the bleh feeling for me was Surstromming. Even Bear Grylls would pause for that one.

    • Cheesecake, truffles, and sweat have similar smells profiles. You're not weird

  • +3

    how about some blood sausages then :) I'm OK with most foods but that stuff doesn't sit well with me anymore (used to be OK!)

    • +1

      when I see them I run as fast as I can!

  • Cold and fizzy drinks

    • +2

      What about hot and fizzy drinks?

      • Lol I wasn’t sure those existed, but probably too.

  • +3

    pepperoni pizza… I think it is all the oil and fat, I feel sick after a slice or 2.
    The same when I eat more than half of a full garlic bread.

    • +4

      That's not a very high bar. It's like saying you feel ill after chugging half a litre of oil.

  • +5

    Boiled cauliflower 🤮

    • ^ this 100%

    • +1

      I love this tho. Boiled veggies are awesome, and that includes brussel sprouts

  • -2

    Dog vomit

    • +15

      What Foods Make You Feel Nauseous?

      You consider dog vomit food?

      • +5

        Well it started out as food albeit for my dog.

        If my dog vomits the other dogs can't consume it quick enough.

        That makes me feel nauseous.

    • +1

      ms paint diagram or lies

  • +2

    Eating a whole apple, I can eat chopped apple, apple slices, peeled or with skin on. But theres a queasiness that happens when I sink my teeth into a firm juicy apple, after about 4 bites I fell ill.

    • +1

      You don’t happen to be related to the evil step-mother do you?

      • I promise I didn't get one from an old lady selling door to door.

  • I had the same issue with quiches funnily enough as a kid, but I grew out of it as I got older and became an adult.

  • +1

    Mushroom stalks

  • +7

    Subway. Just the smell wafting from their store makes me feel nauseous.

    • -1

      This! I used to love subway 4-5 years back. Now it feels like prison food. Their brand is a crime against humanity. The subs are narrower, the vege patty is like this prison concoction and their store smells like an operating theater turned fast food restaurant. If I had 1 wish, it would be to destroy all subways in the world. Instantly. Man I wish Thanos was here…

      • Australian Subway Veggie Patty has some weird herbs in it. the normal one abroad is actually quite nice.

  • +3

    Tequila. One bad experience is enough to make you want to vomit from the smell alone.

    • +2

      It's been more than 20 years since I last drunk tequila, I will never drink it again.

    • sambuca

    • Jim Beam. Specifically this brand. Other whiskies/bourbons I'm fine.

  • +5

    The though of eating any offal.

  • +2

    The smell of coffee makes me feel like throwing up and if I'm in a confined space with, say, plunger coffee, I find it difficult to breathe.

    Also, the smell of mushrooms cooking makes me fell sick (but mushrooms on a pizza or in a goulash are ok).

    • +1

      Life must be tough. Have an upvote :)

  • +1

    I will cross the road to avoid the smell of Sushi. It disgusts me.

  • Asparagus, Eggplant and brussel sprouts.

    • +6

      Mate asparagus piss though……

      • +4

        That's the best part of eating asparagus

    • Second the eggplant

  • +1

    Boiled meat (when over-defrosted in the microwave) and microwaved eggs. Spew

  • +3

    Not food, but the smell of Colgate toothpaste.

    • but but 8 out of 10 dentists recommend it ?!!?

      • 9 out of 10 recommend Oral-B? I think, anyway that’s what I use, not because I love it, just because it doesn’t smell like Colgate.

        • +3

          I think I figured it out, it is the Mint.

          Mint is a food that all mammals hate eating, and it is disgusting for them. Humans however realised that the compounds in it were effective against microbes. So we adapted to tolerate Mint, and later adapted to actually like the taste of mint. Then we took it to the next step, and we actually selectively bred mint plants to have even higher concentrations of the compounds. However, there are still people out there which don't like mint or tolerate it, and I think it is mostly genetic, but partly cultural too.

          • +5

            @Kangal: My dog got into my herb garden and ate my mint plant. His breath smelled fresh for the next 24 hours.

  • Brussel sprouts, spinach are the main offenders, just smell them and I'm ready to barf

  • +5

    Porridge - home made, thick, lumpy - the smell alone is enough to set me off. I feel sick just thinking about it.

    • warm lumpy semolina porridge, anyone?

  • +9

    Fruit mince pies.

  • Kale, oh god, just typing that makes me dry retch.

  • +3

    Even the slightest hint of cumin makes me dry retch.. so indian food in general, makes me super nauseous.. even the thought of it, majes me uncomfortable.

    • +2

      Upvoted to balance the haters.

  • +1

    So I have an issue with eggs, some eggs are no problem but every now and then I'll eat a fried egg and I get waves of nausea. It's something that only started in my 30s.

  • +3

    Century eggs, fish roe, offal..

    These are a few of my favourite things!

    The only thing that gets me is garlic, but have managed it a bit better over the years.

  • +7

    It’s a neurological reaction (I believe). Many, many years ago I liked the taste of white chocolate. One day I pigged out on it so much I made myself sick. I think a switch flipped in my brain and since then the very sight and smell of it makes me feel nauseous. If I’m offered a wrapped chocolate to select from a box, I’m on tenderhooks (sic) until I unwrap it and confirm it’s not white.

    • same here, it is neurological! For my case, Its BBQ toasted Corn, remember at a young age I overate an entire bag and consequently puked it all out, since then, the slightest smell causes severe vomit sensation, even thinking about it now makes me want to puke ahah

    • +2

      tenderhooks (sic)

      You get my vote for knowing that's not how it's spelt, but brazenly spelling it like that anyway.

    • I've gotten this with foods I've thrown up when I had stomach bugs. And also medicines I've thrown up, come to think of it.

  • +1

    Parmesan, can't get past the smell!

    • if you mean that powered vomit made by Kraft, I agree. But that isn't real parmesan

  • +1

    Greasy fish and chips. Stopped buying them when the kids got older and there were many other fast food choices. Now when I buy F&Cs they taste good when eating but I regret it later, feel like a congealed mass in my stomach.

    • +3

      Jasmine tea really helps with that.

      I get a similar gross feeling with KFC and so, Jasmine tea really helps.

      • +2

        I usually have fruit, fresh or as juice if I'm eating something high in protein or gresse/oily

      • Also you know what helps, not eating KFC

        You can still have the Jasmine tea

    • +1

      Prefer grilled fish because of that greasy regret.

  • +4

    Fine with all foods though I choose not to eat meat or seafood for the environmental reasons.

    • Dairy ^

    • -1

      Mate, you wanna know the real answer to global warming?

      Eat all the animals and fish. That way they cant produce greenhouse gases and we will save the plants

      Save the Plants!

  • +1

    Congealed animal blood, a delicacy in some Asian cuisines

  • I vomited after eating coleslaw in my youth. I assume it was dodgy. For maybe 30 years the sight of coleslaw made me nauseous. Now I’m okay and can eat it, but don’t like mayo.

  • +2

    Dominos pizza. Always gives me the trots the following day.

    At $5 a pizza they were always going to use cheap and nasty ingredients and cut costs wherever possible.

    • +1

      That has to be your reaction to the fat, salt or carb. I think if dominos generally gave people the squirts it wouldn't be so popular. Doesn't affect me at all, for example.

      • +1

        No No, thats just the guys not washing their hands. Its all good. Just your everyday E Coli. It makes you stronger

  • +2

    peppermint but not spearmint

  • +2

    I cannot for the life of me eat any oily fish like barramundi etc-I put it down to my Mum giving me a spoonful of cod liver oil once a month when I was a child in Scotland to ward off colds etc. Also I love Lamb but sometimes I get a piece with a kidney taste. I can eat Haggis but no other Offal. Gagging just thinking about oily fish!!

  • +4

    Anything with unexpected gristle or gelatinous substance. Eg when you're eating a burger and suddenly chomp down on a tendon

    • +1

      Yasss! When I was pregnant it was a million times worse. Stopped eating meat. And meat pies, eeewwwwwww! Will never touch meat pies for the gristle factor.

      • I literally just don't eat meat pies anymore. I know sausage rolls have the same junk in them, but at least they have the decency to blend it up haha

  • Sorta, it's definitely psychological though as there's no reflex if I'm unaware of it being present in food.

    Ever tried repeated small exposures to see if you can beat the reflex? A nibble on quiche followed by something fantastic? And repeat?

  • Cauliflower, even the mere smell of cooked cauliflower makes me feel unwell and putting some in my mouth will make me instantly dry heave. can't even touch cheese sauce on vegies if cauliflower has been in it. Most other foods I hated as a kid I learned to like or at least tolerate, but Cauliflower the disgusting smell and taste is literally unbearable to me.

  • +5

    I can’t stand the egg smell in desserts. They need to be properly cooked to get rid of that smell (pavlova base, custard or caramel pudding, bread pudding, cakes etc)

  • +1


    • Are you one of those people for whom coriander tastes like soap? I am, It is very unpleasant for me too, but doesn't make me feel ill at least.

      • OMG yes! I've been telling my wife this for years, she just kept saying I was a picky eater. I can taste it even if just a little bit has been added.
        Nobody else in my family has this problem.
        Like you it doesn't make me ill, but I almost gag when I come across the soapy taste.

        • +1

          It is a known genetic thing for about 10%ish of the population. It can taste like soap or to the even more unlucky it can taste rotten, Worst thing for me is my wife loves coriander so I always have to remind her if she is cooking to leave it and add it to her food afterwards

        • +2

          If you eat your wife, then nobody in your family will have this problem.

          • +1

            @StarvingOat: Exposure therapy says it's best done regularly, and with willingness & gusto 😁

      • Not me, I adore the herb, used to grow it.

        made Coriander pesto today,

        Some cannot eat it. Their aversion is real

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