• expired

TPG ADSL2+ Plan free upgrade for existing customers


For those of you who are existing TPG ADSL 2+ customers, you can now have a free upgrade from your old plans.
I have just come across their new plan page and found out for the same $59.99 I have been paying, I could get 20 GB more quota and earlier off peak hours (1am-7am vs. 3am to 8am). You can upgrade to the new plan free of charge simply log into your account and click on chage plan. Note, the billing date will start from the date that a new plan takes effect. Usually, it takes 1-3 working days to process. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • yes, that's good. But I don't think this is a bargain because there is no transaction at all!

  • Agree. This is not really a bargain, it is just a company which has changed its product line up.

    Their phone offer is better, especially combined with the net. $300 cap for $9.99.

  • Well, i rekon some people might find it handy because they don't email you about their new plan. So if you are like me, you will get more quota given you pay for the same price.

  • good stuff, i got 25gb upgrade on my adsl plan about 6 months ago for free

    very helpful

  • This stuff belongs on and is already on Whirlpool.net.au

    Many ISPs do this and as a recent ISP switcher, I've noticed Exetel, Internode and aaNet significant increase their plans. Definitely not a "deal" or "bargain", at least be this site's implicit definition.

    • Have you ever got a feeling that "gosh, I wish someone could have told me about this earlier!"? Frankly, I am that someone. On the web, there are heaps of useful information floating around without someone digging out and sharing it. So that's why we are here giving and taking the information that we might need and make it useful. In this case, "free upgrade" is the keyword.

      • So TPG didn't e-mail customers letting them know about the new plans and the option to upgrade? If that's the case the "deal" deserves a -1 to discourage people signing up to an ISP with poor customer service.

  • whats with all the haters?

    someone goes out of his way to increase your bandwith for 'free' and he gets shot down
    the bargain is 'free' bandwith, get over your 'implicit definitions'

  • great work mate…I just got a way better plan for the same price!

  • does this renew a contract with them though?

  • my billing period is 8th, if i change my plan now with same price, if will charge me again?

    • They will charge you once they process your upgrade.
      However, they will refund you the remaining amount up to your next billing period.
      In your case, they refund you 20~21 days as credit.

      • Actually, the credit will be deducted straight away. You can check you account statement online and you'll notice the balance will be updated as soon as the new plan becomes active.

        • yeah, thats what i meant. they refund you OF 20~21 days credit. =)

  • My provider wants to charge me $75 to upgrade so I think this is a good deal.

  • I am using their 150G plans but that is not enough.I am ready to upgrade to their 200G plan. Thanks mate!

  • Thank to you now I have doubled my download limit.

    Thanks! :)

  • I noticed the plans had changed on Monday…Thought it WASNT worthy of a "bargain post" but maybe i was wrong. Got my download limit doubled which cant be a bad thing. No complaints with TPG except when they had those crappy laptops which fell apart after a couple of months but we will let that one slide.

  • Thanks for the info… now i got 25Gb more to waste…LOL, does this also applies with theier cap saver as well? because I cant find the plan with the mobile cap saver on the change of plan page, or do I need to call them up?

    Thanks again

  • Great ADSL2+ plans!!

    (Eagerly waiting for other providers to catch up as I am too lazy to change provider…)

  • Quota is the same for ADSL2+ Super 2 $69.99 150GB (40GB+110GB)
    So it's no fun for me?

    • No fun for me either as I'm in the same boat as you. Guess they don't increase the quota on the high plans as those people will actually USE it… (MWUHUAHAHA!!!)

  • hahaha.. just got off the phone with TPG…. bundle mobile phone deal for $9.99 a month there is a catch to it, they will charge an additional $20 for 'just in case' you go over your cap limit and it's not refundable…and they will charge another $20 if your balance falls below $5…LOL the joy of small prints

  • it changed mine. makes sense to me. from $49.99 18gb adsl2+ (18 month contract) to $49.99 50gb adsl2+

    lets hope theres no catch!

  • Sounds good, especially if you can wait till your new billing month starts, then use up all your quota in the first few days, then switch and get a whole new increased quota plus the refund for most of the month you "didn't" use }:}

  • is this deal still valid? i just went on 2 the website (today 27/9/08), signed in to my account, change plan, and see that my plan ($39.99) and the next higher plan has different price ($49.99) ?? where is the free upgrade things?

  • This is for ADSL2+
    It's TPG's change of plans, I'm pretty sure it will never "expire"
    there is a $39 plan as far as I can see. Check the download limit, it should be increased.

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