This was posted 3 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Peloton Bike+ $3195 Delivered (Commonly Paired with $59/Month Digital Subscription) @ Peloton


Peloton Bike+ $500 off until end of month. Base package normally $3695 now $3195 + the ongoing subscription.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Their share price is at a similar discount

    • +2

      They're offering a much bigger discount on the shares, its a real fire sale :p It turns out, gyms weren't going to be closed forever, and now all those memberships are being cancelled wholesale. Still higher than their pre-covid price though.

  • +7

    Who the hell is paying $59/month for this?

    • +1

      Dare I say the deal posters'…user name checks out?

    • Check out the memes on their ads, it's hilarious XD

      And to answer that, cashed up folks with more money than sense they could spend.

  • +21

    Lunacy. $59 a month for what. So you go log on to some pre recorded yank yelling at you. COME ON YOU CAN DO IT. Ah hahahahaha. Same as a monthly gym membership. What a bloody rip off. And how is this even a bargain. You aren’t telling me it’s usually even more. Oh I see the bike is reduced. From massive rip off to huge rip off price.

    • You would think the business model would be to give away a cheap bike with a 12 month subscription to lure people in, but clearly there are cashed up enough folk in this market segment they can get away with this premium sales model.

    • +1

      Tip you can play plenty of #ankers on Youtube and get the same crap for free :)

    • $3.2K plus $59 monthly subscription is equal to:

      Buying a smart trainer, bike and ipad + subscribing to Fullgaz, Zwift, Sufferfest and netflix.

      • Except if you decide to pack it in your left with a bike with a screen and interface you can’t use…
        At least I’d still have the bike, trainer, iPad and Netflix lol

  • +3

    This purchase should come with some sessions with a psychologist included as it would be clearly needed for anyone thinking of buying this

  • +2

    Their boom time during the lockdown looks like it’s coming to an end.

  • +4

    Ozbargain way would be to use your legs and walk. Saves money and you get a real scenery of life.

  • +6

    Zwift > peloton

    • Different products/markets, but for cycling Zwift is definitely better.

  • +11

    Get a standard bike and a bike trainer.
    Then use youtube for free classes.
    Indoors when bad weather.
    Outdoors when good weather.

    This whole celebrity endorsed bike is utter bs.

    • zwift is $22/month. buy a bike and smart trainer. use a laptop or tablet. much better value

      • Genuinely asking, what does $22/month deliver that free youtube classes doesn't?

        • Different reasons - zwift is excellent for simulated cycling and cycling workouts. If you arent road cycling ever, then dont get zwift and stick to the youtubes

          Winning either way 🙂

          Lookup zwift - I use it, its great (albeit painful)

          • @pete8oes: Trainerroad is significantly better for workouts on the bike

            • @funk44: significantly is a strong word.

    • You could buy a pretty decent mountain bike for this money and actually enjoy yourself on it

  • +2

    This reminds me of Juicero. Charge a ridiculous amount for their premium machine plus ongoing charges for usage. Meanwhile there are much cheaper alternatives with similar experiences.

    • +2


      sadly its the way the market is headed with the Pay-2-play/paywall functions. HP with their printer cartridge lock outs as an example. There was talk of car manufactures proposing to put some premium features behind subscription paywalls. fkn disgusting

  • +2

    wtf how is this a deal

  • +5

    Lot's of people here think they're so witty negging on this bike. From my own experiences, the quality of the bike far surpases other spin bikes I've used (it better at this price).

    The $59/mth covers 20 profiles, so assuming 2 adults at home, its $30/mth, much lower if one of your older kids wants to use it. There is no gym (or spin class) for this price (e.g. plus fitness is ~$60/mth and you have to see other people). The classes are both live AND pre-recorded. I prefer the live ones as you can compete with others in your team.

    I've tried the "free options", be it youtube, screen recording Les Mills, free trials of Apple fitness. None of it compares to Peloton classes, not to mention the myriad of issues with a cheap bike.

    At the end of the day, the best fitness membership is the one you use. We know gym business models are based on luring people in that never use it.

    For full disclosure, we've recently cut up our fitness passports ($88/mth per couple) and took up Peloton bike, 120kg barbell weights, 5-35kg dumbells with squat rack and high / low pulleys. Planning on never going inside another filthy gym again. As i've lost my swimming access, I just purchase that in bulk / go oceans swims.

    • I guess people who haven’t experienced Peloton wouldn’t know….

      It’s like everyone should not buy an iPhone and just buy a crappy $300 Oppo phone as it does the same thing.

      $500 off is a big thing as this company never runs any sales ever, the only sales they’ve ran have been for Black Friday. They’re a bit like Apple in that respect.

      • +3

        As the OP, I couldn’t agree more with comments from bargain ben and nijatk.

        This bike changed my view of exercise. Much the same as a premium car driver probably enjoys driving a hell of a lot more than a cheaper car.

        Each to their own.

        For me I purchased for family at full price and am so happy with the purchase.

      • +1

        Don't you know about gift cards and vouchers which I guarantee I could easily get 20-30% off this double stacking somewhere .

        • Huh?

        • There’s no discounted Peloton gift cards.
          In the US there is an AMEX card which gives 10% cashback on purchase. Some health insurers in the US also subsidise Peloton and one major employer in healthcare are providing free Peloton’s to staff to attract and retain talent.

    • +2

      This. I bought a standard Bike when they dropped to $2,295. My wife and I use it every day and the content is the real reason to get one. A+++ would buy again.

      I thought I'd care about not having auto-follow on the standard bike. I don't. The only thing I wish the standard Bike had is forward facing speakers.

  • +6

    This company is dead. How can you charge a subscription on home gym equipment when it is already over priced?

    • +1

      Yep share price about a third of what is was a year ago, halved in the last month and still massively over valued.

      Same as that ridiculous valuation for p45 gyms started by that Australian and recently sold for $2 billion. There is one at each of the two suburban shops nearest to me. Complete over expansion pumping up the value. They will all close within a year as it is beyond saturation. Especially as there as about 6 other gyms within a couple of kilometres. There has been an explosion of them. Seems every suburban shopping strip has at least one if not two gyms now. Complete ridiculous.

      Anyway this lot won’t be around long either. It is a fad for most and expensive at that. and lockdown has ended.

  • just buy a cheap bike from and put it on some stools

  • +1

    I guess the cheapest option isn’t always best when it comes to fitness.

    I used to have a gym membership which cost me $15 per week ($60/mo) that I barely used. The gym was always crowded, stank of B.O. and I never got a great workout as I had to work around what equipment was available.

    I changed to a more expensive gym chain option which consisted of 45 minute classes and paid 4 times the price. However I got results!! Lost weight, made some friends and had a better routine and lifestyle. The gym was cleaner and obviously had trainers to help with form and motivation. Sadly that gym has now closed (partially due to COVID) but it’s taught me a valuable lesson.

    • Is it Virgin Fitness? I love the classes and will be starting from next week.

  • Note this deal doesn’t stack with the referral code offer.

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