Hi All,
Longtime member of HostPlus (generally very happy with them). As like most funds for any given investment a member might hold HostPlus will have the balance for any member measured by 'units' of the investment and then a 'price per unit' - think of it much the same way you would shares i.e BHP you have 100 shares at $100 each, therefore a balance of $10,000.
Hostplus will openly state your 'balance' value and the value of any investments held i.e you might hold several different investment options with a different $$$ in each. And you can go back and historically view what the unit prices were on a given date.
However and I find this very odd……they do not show the number/quantity of units in any given investment that a member holds. Which seems bizarre given they will say "You have $10000 of BHP shares (to use the above example)" and eventually you can deduce the price was $100 but they'll not tell you how many you held or presently hold.
Anyone have any ideas on why they might do this?
And is anyone aware of a Super fund that does openly show members how many 'units' of any given investment they have within their balance?
My personal theory is that if nothing else by not showing the member how many units they hold they make the entire process very opaque and open to lets just say interpretation - as these are not simple exchange traded 'units' but inhouse ones made up of a whole bunch of different investments - so essentially when they state the value, you have to take their word for it - as you cannnot check via a 3rd party.
I've asked them that given their entire 'valuation' of a member's balance rests on knowing how many units they hold, WHY they don't clearly show this at all times - I've not heard back on this and just wondered if I'm reading into this wrong or others see the quirk in this given it's standard in any financial brokerage etc to show units, price, balance etc even in the most entry level stuff.
Welcome thoughts as I'm sure other Super funds operate in the same way.
TL;DR so I'll guess what you are asking.
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Have you tried our members portal it may the details you are looking at as opposed to the mobile app.