The signup promo for Superloop $20 off for 6 months extends to the Superfast 250/25 unlimited and Ultrafast 500/50 3TB (capped to 100Mbps when the monthly limit is reached).
250/25 will be $99.95 for 6 months and 500/50 will be $119.95 for 6 months. After the 6 months it will return to full price.
To be eligible for this Offer, you must:
• be at least 18 years of age with a current Australian residential address;
• be a new customer of Superloop and sign up for a Superloop NBN 250/25 or 500/50 plan and
• provide Superloop with valid credit card details in your name for the duration of your plan
regardless of your preferred payment method.……
I swapped to ABB from superloop, will I ever be considered a new customer by superloop?